persecution of christians in 1700 s by the english

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Henry Viii

Last Supper, Thanksgiving, Imprisonment, Christian

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persecution of Christians that took place throughout the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Decades in England.

The religious persecution that was inflicted in Christians by Church and State of England to extract conformity and faithfulness to the Cathedral of England and the power of the English language Crown. Right now there existed disputes between the Protestant and Catholic Religions during and was a time of turmoil and upheaval for the individuals of Great britain who did not hold the same religious values as that of the Chapel and English Crown.

Background Historical Summary:

The Chapel of England was totally committed to the Roman Catholic Church that ruled from a position of supremacy and was saved fully simply by King Henry VIII. In the past year of 1530 the King who considered himself to be a “Defender from the Faith” granted as a aveu that certain literature and materials which was incompatible against the Catholic Church and were considered to be heresies including the Old and New Legs of the Holy book. Interestingly, the King renounced papal power because he wanted to divorce his wife; Catherine of Aragon and the Cathedral refused documentation of the divorce. Henry required that the House of worship of Great britain declare and acknowledge his supremacy more than matters which were ecclesiastical in nature and he was declared by Parliament to be as “the only supreme mind in globe of the Cathedral of England” thereby granting him power of punishing for heresy as follows:

Any individual “indicted of heresy…. And convicted thereof will probably be committed to always be burned in open areas for example of other…. inches

The Parliament made approval of a “Statute of Proclamations” that manufactured as legislation the révélation of the ruler would be followed even those things that were “divers and sundry articles of Christ’s religion. ” Quite simply any declarations made by the king or perhaps queen and Parliament was considered rules that were punishable by law to get violating. That which supported this was what was called “divine right” that was considered vested in the benefits of the Overhead in issues both of worldly and spiritual matters to whoever dressed in the hereditarily crown and sat the throne in britain.

Control was further exerted over the concerns of state and religion through the verse of the 1549 “Act of Uniformity” This act was such that the “appointed Archbishop of Canterbury, ” simply by King Edward cullen VI was authorized to “draw and make 1 convenient and meet order, rite and fashion of common and open plea and operations of the sacraments, to be had and used in his Majesty’s dominion of England. ” The English throne was attempting to secure and solidify their power and position over the people of England which in turn propelled the non-conformity that was growing throughout Great britain and in a viscous routine propelled further the trying of the throne and further passage of works toward this implies. The Separatists, Mennonites and Baptists every rejected completely this type of electrical power being vested in the throne and kept that:

“apostolic precept and example necessary the formation of local churches absolutely 3rd party one of one more, and that each local body system should be a pure democracy, each member being a really regenerate believer and all having absolute similar rights and privileges, the sole headship belonging to the Lord Christ. “

The “Act of Supremacy” was passed in the past year of 1559. This take action made verification that the crown held jurisdiction over the condition as well as issue that were ecclesiastical or spiritual in nature. This take action made as a requirement the fact that archbishop, bishop as well as all other ecclesiastical people including officers and ministers of the house of worship to take a great oath around the Bible proclaiming that they:

“do utterly testify and state in my mind that the queen’s highness is a only best governor with this realm and of all other her highness’ dominions and countries, as well in every spiritual and ecclesiastical issues or causes as temporal, and that simply no foreign royal prince, person, prelate, state of potentate hath or need to have any jurisdiction…. inches

Further set by the oath was that should certainly anyone inside the lands governed by the top be found “writing, printing, teaching, preaching, share words, action or act” as though they had jurisdiction more than spiritual things that they would lose all their property and stay put in penitentiary as well as having to pay fines. Another commission of this offense will be considered to be those of “high treason” Following this act another action was approved that essentially stated that if anyone refused to say this common plea, or have sacraments in the prescribed method ordered by crown that they would be in violated and would be placed in prison to serve six months without accessibility to bail. The other offense required a year’s imprisonment. The unexcused absence from On the church and also speaking derogatorily of this act would become punishable simply by imprisonment. The passage of any “Uniformity Act” as well as a “Treason Act” adopted during the 1500’s with refuse only developing stronger combined with the strength and passage of laws in the uk.

II. Even more Dissent and More Statutes of Law:

The attempt of legislation of conformity in religion extended and so performed dissention plus the passage of laws. The “Corporation Act” as exceeded during the year of 1661 that required every officials in both towns and cities to take oaths swearing fidelity to Church and Condition and recognizing the supremacy of the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper in accordance with the rites of the House of worship of England. The year of 1662 found the passageway of the “Act of Uniformity” which necessary that the Book of Common Prayer take each chapel throughout England or lands under the crown’s rule. The “Five Mile Act” was passed in the past year of 1665 making it a criminal offense to preach something that violated the laws and statutes of England and was accompanied by the passageway of the “Conventicle Act” which in turn made it a violation of law to obtain any person breaking the “Five Mile Act” in their house or on their property.

Where individual was Catholic or Protestant the laws with regards to religion placed on them. Following passage from the “Act of Supremacy” California king Henry VIII is said to have tested the clergy in a deliberate way. John Houghton, Augustine Webster and Robert Lawrence were brought to trial in The spring of 1535 for having rejected that the ruler was the “supreme head with the English Cathedral. ” These were put to fatality as traitors on May some of that same year and were strung in their spiritual attire, which was to be a caution to different clerics that could be dissenters. Less than a month later three more men had been tried, locked up and convicted. Those guys were Humphrey Middlemore, Williams Exmew and Sebastian Newdigate. During their imprisonment which survived a total of seventeen days and nights it was written that they:

“Standing bolt upright, tied with iron training collars fast by necks to the posts of the prison, and great fetters fast rived upon their very own legs with great flat iron bolts; thus straightly tied that they can neither lie nor sit nor or else ease themselves but stand direct upright, and in all that space they were by no means loosed for just about any natural need. “

John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester was identified guilty of treason and was beheaded in June of 1535 on Tower Slope. Fisher’s previous words were said to be: “I am come hither to die for the beliefs of Christ’s holy Catholic Church. inch Many individuals chose to leave Great britain and indeed to die instead of to submit towards the “Act of Supremacy. ” One of those who left Great britain was Williams Tyndale who had been attempting to convert the scriptures and found it far to difficult under the oppressing English language rule. The kidnapping of William was ordered in the throne of Henry VIII. Tyndale was tracked to Belgium and was captured and put in prison and finally burned in 1536.. Tyndale’s last terms were said to be: “Lord, open the King of England’s eyes. “

The top had eyes everywhere in respect to traditional works on paper, which tells that ” non-conformists existed next door to each other, the walls had been often broken open and secret paragraphs made from residing to home. ” Protects were submitted in case a stranger took place by.

III. Results of Persecution:

Record tells other story while the separatists wishing the liberty to praise independently in the church remaining England and headed toward a new life in a new land and therefore are known today by the name of the Pilgrims. King Henry VIII in breaking ties with the Roman Catholic Church and forming the Church of England and also the Anglican Chapel set into motion various historical actions that changed the face of the world forever. The Pilgrims wished for the chance to practice faith based freedom and this would present in America. The Mayflower ended up with 102 living only off the coast of

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