poems and strong human spirit essay

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Success is the quest not the destination. “A strong human being spirit necessary for an imaginative journey. ” Imaginative trips take all of us from the actuality now to not real existences that could exist within our minds. A powerful human soul is essential for an innovative journey to flow through our brain. The achievement is the quest that is getting taken certainly not the destination. This can be stated through the poems “Frost at Midnight and Kubla Khan, ” by Sammuel Taylor Coleridge and “Still I Rise” by Cyber Angelou that see the voyage as the success not the outcome which their solid human soul allowed them to go on the journey.

In the composition “Still I Rise” by simply Maya Angelou the poet person expresses her journey through being discriminated in America due to her competition. Her voyage is much more successful then the destination because since she proceeded the trip and experienced heartfelt moments, along the way she taught the discriminators the girl can still settle up even if they hurt her frequently.

The poet uses repetition to do this. “Still Items Rise.

She also uses similes to convey her connection with nature along this kind of journey because she uses the concept of organic resources and by using oil, gold and diamond showing contradictions that people think she’s wealthy yet really these are the spoilt kinds. “Cause My spouse and i walk just like I’ve got oil wells pumping in our living room. ” Your woman uses questions the teacher asks the class to heighten the composition and to touch the responders. This shows how she is successful in trying to share what your woman believes in in front of large audiences while on the journey. Inside the poem “still I’ll rise” the poet person has a solid human nature that is essential for her journey.

For her to create this composition as a form of protest this needed a very good human spirit. Her entire poem is dependent on freedom which is expressed each time she gets hurt then rises once again. Her use of metaphors empathise how good her heart is the moment she gets discriminated however has wish to keep going. “Just like desires springing high” and “you may blast me along with your words. ” Her utilization of rhetorical questions and repetition allow people to think it over and understand it effectively through her words and her solid spirit.

“Does my sassiness upset you?  Why will you be beset with gloom? ” Her good human spirit allowed her to achieve the independence that she wanted. In the poem “Kubla Khan” simply by Samuel Taylor swift Coleridge the poet will take us through his mind on an imaginative journey. His journey acquired no destination at all but the success was there most along through his connection and take pleasure in with character. The poet uses a large amount of alliteration to spell out this place and assonance to describe just how beautiful this image of nature is and just how the success of the journey is established through the magnificence of mother nature. Measureless to man” and “twice five miles of fertile floor. “

Conditions simile identifies the place as being old however in good condition ‘Forests as ancient as hills’ and the riv as being terrifying and ay. He performs this through the use of a great oxymoron when he puts a pair of these words and phrases together and they contradict “A savage place? As ay and enchanted”. This is the success of the journey as it is even now alive although really outdated. He explains a could music with alliteration “A Damsel with a dulcimer” “Loud and Long” “Deep Joy. By including this this individual has achieved success through the journey as he celebrates.

In the poem “Kubla khan” simply by Samuel Taylor swift Coleridge a powerful human soul was necessary for this inventive journey. His use of assonance and stabreim to describe how beautiful the of mother nature is and how the solid human nature can take all of us on an innovative journey. “Sunless Sea. ” By the poet person using his imagination he has made this kind of place that feels like paradisepoker with his strong spirit. He needed a solid human spirit to imagine an area that is like paradise.

During the journey this individual describes his strong connections with the natural environment and because of his solid human nature he was capable to imagine the characteristics and environment using metaphors as incredible with the lake springing up viciously to become fountain. “As if this kind of earth in fast thicker pants were breathing. ” The composition “Frost in midnight” by Samuel Taylor swift Coleridge his imaginative journey is the success not the destination. Because the poet goes on this kind of journey in his earlier and then this individual goes into another dream too this expresses that imaginative journey is known as a success because his certainly not reaching not any destination.

The poet begins with a metaphor which links with nature and Our god, “The frost performs it is secret ministry, ” hence the success with the journey has started with all the nature and God. Idea relates to the journey from the poet back in his the child years as he inside the quiet holiday cottage and looks with the film in the blue fire which fluttered on the grate is in comparison with him in the past looking at the bars at institution to watch a fluttering new person. This is the success of the begin of his imaginative quest and that you cannot find any destination.

He then while sitting down at college goes into one other dream about his birth place and the chapel tower where the bell could ring thus sweetly communicates the success of his journey if he was youthful in the country area he was more connected to nature where inside the city the sole connection was the “lovely celebrity and sky”. The poem “Frost in midnight” simply by Samuel The singer Coleridge communicates a strong human being spirit that is certainly essential for a great imaginative trip. The use of the simile “inaudible as dreams” which in turn describes the quietness which gives him the strong human spirit for the imaginative voyage.

He also uses assonance to describe how the solitude or perhaps quietness his inmates have left him can be disturbing him. “Have left me to solitude to suit abtruser musings”. The looking at the blue flame gave him the solid human spirit to begin his imaginative journey. The relationship among father and son is usually giving the poet the strong man spirit as they doesn’t want his child to expand up just like him inside the city but for be increased in the country therefore his much more connected to mother nature.


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