Poetry – Pablo Neruda Essay

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Words: 310 | Published: 01.15.20 | Views: 511 | Download now

1 ) The audio in this composition is the personality, because first person is used (“I”). 2 . The smoothness of the presenter changes from the beginning of the poem to the end. At the beginning the character is not sure in his words and actions, can’t find an answer to his questions: “I don’t know, I don’t know in which it originated from, from winter or a riv.

I don’t know how or when”, “I did not know very well what to say”. The character has additionally lost his identity: “there I was with no face”, “my eyes had been blind”. At the conclusion of the poem, the presenter ‘finds himself’ as part of some thing, part of the “void”, “mystery”, “part of the abyss”. He discovers himself choosing the circulation, wheeling “with the stars”, “my cardiovascular system broke loose on the wind”. 3. a) The kind of photos used most often after the collection, “and all of a sudden I saw” in stanza two happen to be connected with the nature and its movement: “palpitating plantations”, “shadow perforated”.

They are also linked to how the world opens pertaining to the speaker: “the heavens unfastened and open”. b) This symbolism contributes to the understanding of the speaker’s thoughts and feelings when he initial encounters beautifully constructed wording, because the mention of the nature assists the reader to comprehend the idea of the poem. Nature is a thing everybody knows regardless of region or education. 4. The speaker’s first lines of poetry could possibly be “pure non-sense, / pure wisdom”.

They could be non-sense as they is not guided simply by his thoughts, but the beautifully constructed wording simply runs in him and this individual writes it. The lines can be intelligence as well as a result of way the poet gets his suggestions and sets them into words.

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