production and procedure management article

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Part One:

Multiple alternatives:

1 . Production and Operations Managing concerns by itself with the conversion of:

a. Results in to advices

m. Inputs directly into outputs

c. Results in to outputs

deb. None with the above

2 . Continuous Production is usually

a. The last procedure to the completed product

b. The first operation to the done product

c. The mid operation to the completed product

d. Probably none of the over

several. Independent demand is

a. Demand that is controlled by the company

b. Demand that is regulated by the customer

c. Demand that is not controlled by the company

d. Each of the above

4. Business Resource Organizing (ERP) have been defined as a

a. Complete Organization wide organization solution

b. Total Enterprise narrow business answer

c. a & b

d. Not one of the above

your five. CAD stands for

a. Computer Structure Design

b. Computer system Aided Style

c. Computer Aided Drafting

d. All of the above

6. Delphi method is the most widely used and accurate approach to

a. Demand forecasts

w. Exponential forecasts


IIBM Institute of Business Management

Exam Paper of Production and Operations Management

c. Technological predictions

g. All of the previously mentioned

six. JIT/Kanban devices help remove

a. Increase the range of products

b. Raise the amount of raw materials

c. Improve the amount of one’s

m. All of the previously mentioned

almost 8. PPSCS stands for

a. Project Preparing Scheduling & Control Program

n. Project Preparing Sequencing & Control Program

c. Production Preparing Scheduling & Control Program

deb. None of them of the above

9. Process layout is also known as.

a. Group layout

b. Collection layout

c. Item layout

d. Efficient layout

10. Time study is a technique for recording the times and rate ofworking

a. Standard times

w. Work dimension

c. Allowances

d. None of them of the over

Part Two:

1 ) Define Work Shop Creation.

installment payments on your What do you realize by žQuality ControlŸ?

3. So what do you imply by materiel handling?

4. Specify ABC examination.


Section W: Caselets (40 marks)

It consists of Caselets.

Response all the questions.

Each Caselet carries twenty marks.

Detailed information should constitute the part of the answer (Word limit a hundred and fifty to two hundred words). 2

IIBM Start of Business Management

Examination Daily news of Production and Functions Management

Caselet 1

Company Qualifications

The Bronson Insurance Group was originally founded in early 1900s in Auxvasse, Missouri, simply by James Bronson. The Bronson Group owns a variety of companies that underwrite personal and commercial coverage. Annual product sales of the Bronson Group are $100 , 000, 000. In recent years, the company hassuffered working losses. In 1990, the organization was seriously invested in computer systems and software program. One of the problems the Bronson Group experienced (as very well as many insurance companies) was obviously a conflict between established manual procedures and the relatively recent (within the past 20 years) advantages ofcomputer tools. This turmoil was illustrated by the fact that much details was captured on laptop but paper files were still retained for useful and legal reasons.

File ClerksThe file department applied 20 document clerks whom pulled files from piles, refilled used files, and delivered files to various departments including business lines, personal lines, and claims. Every file clerk received the file. Sales person delivered documents to underwriters on an on an hourly basis basis throughout the day. The average document clerk was paid $8, 300 annually. One special data file clerk was used full time to search for requested data that one other file attendant had not been capable of finding in the predicted place. It was estimated that 40 percent of the requested files were these “no hit data files requiring a search. Often these “no hit files were eventually located stacked in the requesterŸs office. The primary “customers of the document clerks were underwriters and claims legal professionals.


Company supervision and operations analysts were consistently told that the greatest problem in the business was the incapability of record clerks to provide files in a speedy fashion. The entire business from top to bottom seen the output and performance of the office as unacceptable. An underwriter used 20-50 files per day. Because of their mistrust of the files department, underwriters tended to hoard often used files. A count by simply operations analysts found that each underwriter held from 100-200 files in his or her office any kind of time one time. An underwriter might request folders by pc and work on other business until the document was received. Benson utilized 25 underwriters.

Management Data System

Upper management was deeply concerned about this matter. The MIS departmenthad suggested using online video disks as a possible solution. A disk program was discovered that would be sufficient for the businesses needs for a cost of around $12 mil. It was believed that the system would take two years to install and generate compatible with existing information systems. Another, fewer attractive was using microfilm. A microfilm system could require underwriters to go to an individual keyboard to request paper copies of files. The price of a microfilm system was $5 million. Questions:

1 ) What do you recommend? If the company apply one of the new technologies, if yes, why?

IIBM Institute of Business Administration

Evaluation Paper of Production and Operations Supervision

2 . An procedures analyst advised that business employees distributed a “dump on the clerks mentality. Describe.

Caselet a couple of

Harrison T. Wenk III is usually 43, wedded, and provides two children, ages 10 and 14. He has a masterŸs degree in education and teachers jr high school music in a small area in Ohio. HarrisonŸs daddy passed away 8 weeks ago, leaving his simply child a peculiar business opportunity. In accordance to his fatherŸs is going to, Harrison features 12 months to get active in the family members food-catering organization, KareFull Katering, Inc., or it will be purcahased by two essential employees for the reasonable and fair cost. If Harrison becomes involved, the two employees have the option to purchase a significant, nevertheless less than vast majority, interest in the firm. HarrisonŸs only involvement with this business, which in turn his grand daddy established, was as a great hourly staff during senior high school and college or university summers. He could be confident that he may learn and possibly enjoy the advertising side of the business, and could retain the longtime head of accounting/finance. But he would never really get pleasure from day-to-day functions.

In fact , he doesnŸt determine what operations supervision really consists of. In 1991 Kare-Full Katering, Inc. had $3. 75 mil in revenue in central Ohio. Net profit following taxes was $ one zero five, 000, the eleventh consecutiveyear of successful operations and the seventeenth in the last 20 years. You will discover 210 workers in this labor-intense business. Institutional contracts be the cause of over 70 percent of revenue and include partial food services for three educational institutions, six business establishments) generally manufacturing plants and banks), two long -term care facilities, and five grade educational institutions. Some client location employs a permanent operations manager; other folks are dished up from the primary kitchens of Kare-Full Katering.

Harrison is convinced that if perhaps he turns into active in the business, one of the two key personnel, the vp of operations, will leave the organization. Harrison features decided to finish the final two months of this school year and after that spend the summer time around Kare-Full Katering ” as well as institutions with their individual food solutions ” to evaluate whether this individual wants to become involved in the business. He is particularly enthusiastic about finding out as much as possible about functions. Harrison thinks he is in debt for it to his better half and children to fairly evaluate this kind of opportunity. Questions:

1 . Make a worksheet of operations actions that Harrison should inquire about this summertime. 2 . In the event that you where Harrison, what would you carry out? Why?


Section C: Utilized Theory (30 marks)

It Consists of Applied Theory Questions.

Answer all the questions.

Each problem carries 12-15 marks.

Detailed details should make up the part of your answer (Word limit two hundred to 250 words).

IIBM Institute of Business Supervision

Evaluation Paper of Production and Operations Supervision

1 . What do you suggest by Tactical Preparing? What are the mathematical methods to aggregate planning?

installment payments on your What is the idea of forecasting in operation? List the various types of forecasting strategies.


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