Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods Essay

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There are several research strategies that have been led by diverse philosophy of science that had been developed by thinker, researcher and sociologist at their time of era. The well-known study methods are quantitative study methods. Quantitative are statistical methods linked to deductive approaches.

Quantitative analysis methods usually are guided by principles of positivism since it takes on goal reality and accepts single reality. Quantitative methods are generally used to assess size, observe numerical transform over time, market segmentation, testing hypothesis, and, quantifying perceptions, behaviors and opinions. The key importance of quantitative research is upon deductive reasoning which tends to move from the general towards the specific. The validity of conclusions can be shown to be dependent on one or more areas being valid. For example , Almost all students who have study MBA in Kathmandu University performs in a financial institution.

Seema studies in MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTATION in Kathmandu University. Based on the premises, we can say that Seema performs in a traditional bank. Premises used in deductive thinking are important since faulty building can lead to wrong conclusions. One more popular method is qualitative approach, which are generally associated with initiatory approaches. Qualitative research methods are used in subjective subject, as in-depth study to learn subject matter.

Qualitative research strategies are guided by philosophies as post-positivism, critical theory, and constructivism. Qualitative research methods give different kinds of approaches to investigate in research complications as interview methods, focused group talks, case research and many others to comprehend the selected circumstances or culture in the society. The approach implemented by qualitative researchers tends to be inductive meaning that they develop a theory or perhaps look for a pattern of that means on the basis of the data that they have collected.

This involves a move in the specific for the general which is sometimes called a bottom-up approach. However , many research projects also involve a certain degree of deductive reasoning (Trochim, 2005). Quantitative Research is more about collecting numerical data to study about certain phenomena. For example , what percentage of Nepalese college student who head to US pertaining to foreign level complete graduate student course in United States? Other examples could possibly be what percentage of Nepalese students who have are studying in TU have unfavorable attitude towards TU administrations.

One generally has to employ quantitative research when a single wants response in numbers. However , speculate if this trade to study about complex scenarios and go with in-depth studies then qualitative methods must be used. For instance , researcher desires to know how persons view national politics in Nepal? Similarly, a researcher desires to do ethnographic study of the culture of Tharus of Nepal and lives with Tharu for a few years, dip himself/herself because environment to discover the meanings, convention of behavior, and ways of thinking important in tharu cultures.

In the same way, even though the choice of research strategies are based upon the problem chosen, resource readily available, the skills of researcher and audience from the research, both the methodologies double together within a research which is known as merged methods. Mixed methods often combine nomothetic and idiographic approaches in an attempt to serve the dual uses of generalization and complex understandingto gain an overview of social regularities from a larger sample while understanding the additional through comprehensive study of the smaller test. Full the usage of these techniques is challenging, hence the predominance of component studies(Pat Bazeley, 2004)

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