robbery of convenience stores

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Robbery of Convenience Stores Grocery stores are “retail businesses with primary emphasis placed on rendering the public a convenient location to quickly invest in a wide array of eatable products (predominantly food and gasoline) and services” (pg. 2). In the United States, there are above 135, 500 convenience stores functioning. known to the authorities, convenience retail store robberies account for about six percent of all robberies. There is little to no in order to fix the problem during the last thirty years. “Convenience stores in particular locations may be vulnerable to repeat victimization, in particular those with large amounts of cash, low security, and few staff and clients likely to resist” (pg. 3).

Some convenience stores are frequently victimized for a few different causes. If a thief was powerful, he may return and steal the same store or he might tell additional robbers about that certain ease store. Multimedia may make the convenience store weaker by revealing successful robberies and could glamorize the crime. There are a few different types of convenience shop robberies, which will depends on the offender’s method of procedure: The 1st type of comfort store theft is directly. Straight thievery is when the offender “demands money instantly upon entering the store” (pg. 4). The second form of convenience retail outlet robberies is customer. Consumer robbery is definitely when the culprit “demands cash sometime after entering your local store and engaging in the act of producing a purchase” (pg. 4). The third kind of convenience store robbery is usually merchandise. Goods robbery is usually when the offender “involves the forcible taking of goods through the store” (pg. 4). Items robbery is much less common, and a higher range of employee traumas are reported as resisting and confrontation are more prevalent in these types of scenarios (pg. 4). There are causes harm to that result from convenience store robberies: The first sort of harm is physical injury. Workplace murder is larger with convenience store staff. Customers may also get hurt from the offender’s assaults. Injuries occur from an employee’s active level of resistance or in the offender’s misreading the employee’s nervousness or perhaps hesitation because resistance (pg. 4). The 2nd type of injury is monetary harm. Comfort store robberies are costly to the workers made their victim and the retail store itself.

Costs include fewer customers coming into the store to shop because they will no longer want to shop by a store that is robbed, which will lead to a loss of cash flow from lowered customer revenue. Due to the thievery, stores may experience an increase in workers’ reimbursement and insurance costs. Some retailers never recover and are required to close. The 3rd type of injury is psychological. Victim staff can undergo psychological injury. “Secondary victimization occurs when ever employers, managers, employees, or perhaps those answering the robbery fail to acknowledge the victim’s trauma” (pg. 6). This might be “not trusting the victim’s description from the attack, discounting the episode, and blaming or criticizing the victim” (pg. 6). There are many factors that contribute to convenience shop robberies: The first element that plays a part in store robberies is operation hours. Later evening to early morning several hours carry a larger risk of staying targeted because not many people are shopping around that point. The second factor that leads to store robberies is the home store layout.

Employees are able to see all their surroundings, and people outside the store. People on the outside should be able to observe into the store, like law enforcement on patrol. Robbers are less likely to deceive a store that is brightly lit and if the store’s cash registers are seen in the street (pg. 7). The 3rd factor that contributes to retail store robberies is definitely the exterior store environment. “Poorly lit gas islands and parking lots increase the chance of a robber choosing that particular store” (pg. 7). Your fourth factor that contributes to shop robberies is usually location. A report found that stores located in shopping complexes or deprive malls acquired fewer robberies (pg. 8). The 5th factor that contributes to retail outlet robberies is definitely ownership. The type of security and crime prevention measurements a convenience retail outlet goes to and uses can easily decreases the likelihood of the store getting victimized. The sixth element that plays a role in store robberies is staff number. Many studies have stated that to minimize the risk of thievery, a store must have two or more man or women working at any given time. The seventh factor that contributes to store robberies is definitely cash-control types of procedures. “The controlling and storage area of cash has a significant influence on the targeting of retailers for robberies” (pg. 10).

Robbers generally in most convenience retail store robberies happen to be male and two-thirds are under the associated with 25. They are usually impulsive and opportunistic, and do little to no organizing before the robbery occurs. The majority of robbers are seeking quick cash, usually to obtain drugs. Dramón robbers will be more professional and determined. “They are more likely to take a gun, to obtain been in jail before, to put on a cover, and to pick a specific coming back the robbery” (pg. 12). There are many responses to the trouble of theft of grocery stores. Stores can easily collaborate with private secureness, use even more natural surveillance, having a large number of employees on duty during times where a robbery will probably occur, managing access to your local store, training workers, keeping up with store appearance, applying cash-control types of procedures, installing cameras and security alarms, and raising police patrols (pgs. 22-32).

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