rogers example using person case study

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Carl Rogers, Person Centered, Person Centered Remedy, Rogerian

Excerpt from Example:

Because human beings we now have an “idea” or idea of who we are and what we should really should be, consequently we produce an Ideal Personal that we constantly strive for, frequently in vain. If the identified self, our personal self-image, is definitely not lined up with the real self, how we really are, there will always be personality complications and malfunction as one pertains to one’s home and the rest of the world. (Kail Wicks 1993) In Carl’s case this is certainly exacerbated simply by his TBI.

In some perception if a man grows in a very healthy and psychological and socially secure and protected environment, congruence should certainly naturally be achieved. If he or she offers felt the unconditional positive reinforcement that Rogers advocates, than convenance should be a great outcome of certainty. (Vander Zanden 2003) However , in spite of the best of growth comes change plus the self you are today could possibly be different that the self you’ll be tomorrow, with perhaps several plans and goals. A persons being’s capability to adapt and change is one of the varieties greatest power, but can also keep total congruence somewhat out of reach. In Carl’s circumstance achieving congruence will require a lot of adaptation to a new lifestyle with this TBI.

During the course of our therapy I realized that Carl got several organic and natural as well as mental issues that needed to be addressed. That i knew it was very important that I not simply address problems but as well find a way intended for Carl to embrace his new personal and, after having a mourning period, release his concept of his old great self in order that he may even more appropriately address his problems of justesse and self-actualization. Our 1st interviews gone slowly as we not only have got to know one another but this also allowed Carl to truly begin to bear in mind me since his initial memory was reinforced with repetition of my presence. Afterward all of us worked on addressing what his ideal personal had been and where his new great self might take shape from.

Our first exercises included lively creative relationship with basic Activites of Daily Life, going from his home to the next without assistance from his supports. He began to understand that this suitable self will no longer existed even as explored diverse avenues of limitation associated with new innovative avenues to learn. Creating various ways for Carl to remember and enhance his short-term memory space as well as slowly but surely becoming more impartial during the coure of his rehabilitation remedy as well. It was important for Carl to understand that he can have got congruence once he sees his fresh limitations plus the changes they may have made in his life. By utilizing his laptop as well as his ample spontaneity we were capable of make superb progress in this direction. When he is continue to under medical care and is choosing prescription medication pertaining to depression and schizophrenia, there may be hope that in conjuction with his main care medical doctor we will be capable of curtail his depression by simply addressing these kinds of root cause of incongruence and present Carl the ability to self-actualize.

Self-actualization is the Rogerian goal of finding your actual self and discovering no differences between that do it yourself and the identified self. This is congruence. It is difficult to believe that no incongruence can ever exist inside the human mind, but you will find certainly numbers of development which could lead one to a more congruent life.

Set of References

Demorest, Amy. june 2006. Psychology’s Grand Theorists: Just how Personal Experiences Shaped Professional Ideas. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Affiliates.

Kail, MOTORHOME, Wicks-Nelson, 3rd there’s r. 1993. Developing Psychology. sixth ed. Englewood Cliffs, Nj-new jersey: Prentice Area.

Vander Zanden, James T. 2003. Man Development. Crandell, L. Capital t. C. H. Crandell Thomas L.

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