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Alzheimers Disease

Katrina Lindsey

California Atlantic School

Advanced CPR

John Picarello

March 18, 2000


Alzheimers disease can be described as complex illness that affects the brain tissues directly and undergoes steady memory and behavioral changes which makes it difficult to diagnose. It can be known to be the most common form of dementia and is irreversible. Over 4 million more mature Americans have Alzheimers, and that number can be expected to triple in the next twenty years as more people live into their eighties and nineties. (Johnson, 1989). There is even now no get rid of for Alzheimers but through the past few years a lot of progress continues to be made.

Doctors need a sure way to diagnose the illness before treatment or research can be done. The diagnosis is definitely an autopsy of mind tissue evaluated under a microscope. In addition , health background, a physical test, and mental status checks are used for diagnosis (Posen, 1995). Often , assessments are done to rule out additional potential reasons behind the dementia. This allows the identity of various other causes of thinking and behavioral changes to come in before ending that the patient has Alzheimers or another type of dementia. The tests that are requested to get done consist of CT and MRI reads to rule out strokes or brain tumors which could are the cause of change in storage and habit, thyroid and psychological checks which can as well detect pondering and tendencies problems (Posen, 1995).

Alzheimers is a result from a combination of elements that trigger progressive brain deterioration that affects the memory and behavior of your individual. There are two known risk factors. The initially risk factor is grow older. Alzheimers generally affects persons older than sixty, and seldom affects individuals younger than 40. The regular age


of diagnosis is about 80 years old (Johnson, 1989). The incidence is about the same for all those races, but women are more likely than men to develop the illness, because that they live much longer. The second factor is genetics. Family history plays a role in about 40 percent of individuals with early onset of Alzheimers (Johnson, 1989). If your father and mother or a cousin developed the illness, you may, as well. Although there are situations of family members with a number of people who have experienced this disease and other members are not damaged. These two elements are the simply proven factors, but environmental research is made to help having a possible protecting effect for the disease. As of this moment, more studies needed to verify any gain.

The causes of Alzheimers follows precisely the same pattern because so many other dementias. Neurons degenerate and lose their capability to communicate and die. As a result of inability with the brain to switch nerve skin cells, some human brain function is definitely lost. The main element question in Alzheimers disease is, what is causing the neuron degeneration (Johnson, 1989)? The focus for finding the source is about abnormal buildings found in the brain of people with Alzheimers. However, the irregular structures the mind undergoes continues to have researchers unclear as to the way they are involved in Alzheimers and exactly the way the disease occurs.

Therefore , not knowing the exact reasons behind the disease, the signs and symptoms will assist with the diagnosis. The first sign can be mild forgetfulness that advances to have an effect on language, reasoning, understanding, examining and


writing. There is known circumstances of people with Alzheimers who become restless, aggressive and wander abroad (Wallace, 1998). These individuals possess a severe case with the disease and must be cared for on a daily basis. Alzheimers progresses and affects people differently. A large number of signs happen to be shown in the individual with the disease, which allows you to sort out which stage the individual is within. Some of the signs to look for happen to be, difficulty learning and keeping new details, reasoning and abstract thought, judgment and planning, poor language skills, inhibition and instinct control and short term storage loss (Wallace, 1998). In the event that any or all of those signs arise, the individual most likely has Alzheimers.

Unfortunately, there is no cure intended for Alzheimers yet there are remedies for the condition to help with reducing or perhaps retarding the mental and behavioral operations. The initially treatment can be described as drug named Tacrine

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