technology into early on childhood education essay

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Earlier research was more concerned with weather conditions or certainly not technology; including computers had been, in fact , beneficial to children’s learning. Current studies concerned with how technology may be used to support children’s learning and development (Morrison, 2009). Acronyms like PERSONAL COMPUTER, CD, DVD MOVIE, PDA, DSL, eBay, and. com, are part of our skilled personnel vocabulary right alongside ECE¦ technology has evolved the way we all teach kids (Donohue, 2003). This creator takes the positioning that technology is beneficial to early childhood education.

This kind of paper will certainly outline how technology is beneficial to early on childhood education through an analysis of contemporary literary works.

The daily news has been set out in portions addressing another type of aspect of technology and things to consider as it effects early childhood education. This paper will start by defining technology. It will discuss the latest trends in technology plus the importance of educators and the benefits for children. It is going to discuss software in the classroom as well as the use of multimedia in education. It will determine with a debate on the associated with television superheros on kids behaviour in an educational setting.

This paper will show by presenting different aspects of technology and fighting different viewpoints from analysis; technology is helpful to early childhood education. Defining Technology in Early Child years Education Just before a discussion on technology at the begining of childhood education can continue, there must be an understanding of what technology is made up of. Depending on which will author a single reads or what the purpose of the research is perfect for, the definition of technology varies to include or exclude various forms of artefacts.

Dockett & Fleer (1999) explain technology to be inclusive of high technology such as tv set, fax machines and pcs as well as look-alike objects of television heroes (p. 150). Dockett & Fleer make use of a very general definition of technology. Looking vitally at this example leads this author to appreciate the information the following is too limited in content. In addition , different ‘high technology’ items incorporate cell phones, mobile phones, PDA’s, personal computers, the internet, email-based, and digicams (Donohue, 2003), and electronic teaching elements such as SmartBoards (Flynn ain, al., 2010).

Donohue (2003) and Flynn et, ‘s. (2010) make clear that we consistently use these tools in our classes, as well as the residence and operate. Both Dockett & Fleer (1999), and Donohue (2003) use the term ‘high technology’. The purpose is that there are various other categories which may be viewed as pluie of technology such as blocks, sandpit toys, play group equipment or infant toys (Dockett & Fleer, 1999). While this kind of author appreciates the shown ‘low tech’ items because developments of technology, this paper will not be discussing this kind of items.

Technology as listed above (Dockett & Fleer 1999; Donohue 2003) lists goods that could be viewed as hardware. Although technology is usually not restricted to hardware by itself. Other forms of technology which this daily news holds curiosity include media. Weddell (2001, p. 4) describes media as being¦all forms of broadcasts, advertising, television set, computer games, film, video, fun online press (email, internet), recorded music, print material (newspapers, mags, cards, stickers), toys and merchandising linked to media-related products.

This conventional paper will consider technology while including the two technical equipment and digital media. Scientific Trends at the begining of Childhood Education In this section, the author is going to address issues that need to be deemed about developments in early child years education. Although differing opinions are offered, the favoured position is definitely overwhelmingly intended for the inclusion of technology into the early childhood subjects as shown in the research. The question of technology in the early the child years classroom can be not if perhaps, but how and how come we make use of it (Donohue, 2003).

The use of personal computers and technology in early childhood education is growing each year, plus the ways in which technical tools are accustomed to manage and improve courses and improve children’s learning have widened dramatically (Donohue, 2003). It takes to be acknowledged that technology and press are interpersonal icons, and, most importantly, youngsters are active consumers of these goods (Weddell, 2001). There is no surprise why technology is being seen as becoming, in the event that not previously, common place inside the educational establishing.

Zevenbergen (2010, p. 1) states, “This generation has been immersed in technology as their emergence into the community. Their homes have software in all areas of gadgetry-the remote device for the tv, the pré-réglable microwave, the mobile phone personal computers, digital game titles (such while Xbox, and those within the computer). Early childhood is known as a period of growth and quick development. During this time, many kids attend preschool, where they have access to technology as a learning tool (Chen & Couse, 2010).

There is certainly increasing fascination and belief in the ought to start this education [technology] at an before age, quite possibly as soon as kids begin formal schooling or maybe nursery school or pre-school (Stables, 1997). In a survey conducted by Flynn ain, al. (2010), the benefits showed more than half of the teachers surveyed think that children must be introduced to technology between age range 3 and 4. Maybe one cause the results would show this is due to the motivational interest technology hold pertaining to young children.

Supporting this, Chen & Couse (2010) state, “Encouragement inside the learning procedure is straight linked to determination, as illustrated in Haugland’s study (1999), which discovered the determination of pre-school and primary-aged children elevated when academics instruction was paired with the use of technology (p. 77). Today, educators are using technology in lots of creative techniques (Donohue, 2003). In a examine conducted by simply Jarvis and Rennie (1994) (cited in Fleer & Jane, 1999), young children had been asked about their views on technology by using a picture quiz to identify their perception of the term ‘technology’.

Of the 28 products shown that had something to do with technology, one of the most frequently shown item was the computer (p. 7). This author paperwork this exploration was performed in 1994. The effects of a identical study staying carried out today could probably reveal a unique result. Unfortunately this writer was struggling to locate this sort of a study. In any event, in early years as a child classrooms, personal computers have become an increasingly accepted tool for learning and when employed in a pedagogically appropriate method, they provide valuable educational experience for children (Edwards, 2005).

Since children the natural way explore and learn about their surroundings through inquiry, computer technology provides proven an effective means of cognitive and conceptual development while children develop literacy and numeracy abilities and competence (Edwards, 2005). Educators identify ever producing potential of technologies to improve the ability of youngsters to learn, issue solve, and convey their particular ideas (Chen & Couse, 2010). Fashionable will continue for the foreseeable future; nevertheless equity problems of get, affordability, and the need for pc literacy pertaining to early years as a child teachers and school will remain since significant boundaries formany early childhood applications and specialists (Donohue, 2003).

The trend of introducing technology into the sessions appears to have got gained inspiration to the point where it really is accepted by students, teachers and parents (Dockett & Fleer, 1999; Edwards, 2005), the reason for this developing is largely because of children becoming so acquainted with technology as a result of this ages lifestyle (Zevenbergen, 2010), we should also consider another aspect for introducing technology into the classrooms as it has become pointed out simply by O’Shanesy (2013, MOCR), only some children have got computers within their homes.

This is one extremely important reason why educators need to expose technology and computers to children at the earliest possible time so that they may also develop the pc literacy expertise that their very own peers may take for granted (p. 3). Early Childhood Teachers in an Regarding Technology In this section, the author will talk about matters that want be considered regarding early years as a child educators employed in this associated with technology. When differing views are shown about the educator’s degree of training and confidence, it is without question that educators will be the key to effective integration of technology in the school program.

Digital solutions and computers have become an important part of many little one’s daily lives. For this reason, it is vital that early childhood educators are familiar with the application of computer technology, but are capable of guide kids understanding of, and ability to make use of them (Morrison, 2009). In agreement with Morrison, Weddell (2001) also insists that professors need to guidebook children’s finding out how to better figure out and understand technology (p. 5). Haugland & Wright (1997) advise, without training it is very difficult for instructors to obtain the required expertise to successfully incorporate computers to their curriculum.

Only if teachers feel comfortable with technology will computers play a significant position in early years as a child education (p. 17). Apparently researchers concur that the key to successfully implement technology into the classroom rests with the early child years educator. According to Filipenko and Rolfsen (1999, as cited in Edwards, 2005), the integration of computers in the early childhood classroom to support children’s learning and expansion is affected by the educators’ level of processing knowledge (Edwards, 2005).

The question is raised, happen to be teachers supplied with the appropriate standard of training to successfully apply technology in the classroom? Stalls (1997) suggests, some professors have warmly welcomed the battle of launching technology education to children at an early age. They may have found that it has allowed these to develop new dimensions to work previously underway (p. 50). This is not the case however all educators as the investigation shows.

Burnett (2010, p. 1) claims, “Studies possess highlighted too little of confidence and competence amongst early childhood educators with regards to new systems.  In support of this declaration, Stables (1997, p. 50) argues, “Some [educators] happen to be confused by what technology education would mean for young children¦ There are also people who believe that technology education is simply inappropriate which has a younger age group. “

Mcdougal questions so why there are such differing thoughts amongst early childhood educators. Perhaps Zevenbergen (2010, l. 1) provides an answer to this matter as he says, “We contend that young children coming into early childhood options may be different from other ages because of the social and technical conditions inside which they happen to be developing. inches

In support to this assertion, Donohue (2003), argues that many early years as a child educators, as opposed to the young kids in their class room, have come to personal computers as mature learners and can be resistant to employing technology (p. 17). If this is the case, after that how does a single bring these types of generations deeper together?

How has it turn out to be that the early childhood scholars, know more about technology, and are more at ease using it than many of the educators? There are noted benefits of early on childhood educators using pcs in classes as Morrison (2009) says, when teachers support kids to use computer technology in their classrooms; it helps them to develop abilities such as the utilization of a key pad and fundamental computer software. In addition, it assists children to build learning concepts around computer work with and digital media with time (p. 16).

A point being addressed right here by Morrison is not really regarding the benefits that computer systems offer to children but rather what benefits the educators off to children in developing their particular computer abilities. Consistent with this kind of research, it has also been bought to the experts attention by simply O’Shanesy (2013, MOCR) that educators need to be trained appropriately to scaffold learning and use the appropriate computer vocabulary when working with children (p. 3). Early Child years Learners and Computer Technology Through this section, mcdougal will talk about matters that require be considered around computers in the classroom.

While different views happen to be presented, the position is overwhelmingly in favour for the instruction and use of computers in the classroom while shown in the research. Computers are all around us. It has become virtually difficult to function each and every day without using or perhaps benefiting from software (Haugland & Wright, 1997). It is inevitable in this technical age that children will be exposed to computers and this these pcs will be instrumental in their daily lives (Haugland & Wright, 1997). Personal computers have been been shown to be beneficial to children’s cognitive development (Dockett & Fleer, 1999).

With the use of your computer, children can develop their skills in locations where they would normally be limited. For example (Clements, 1992), a young child can even more develop all their composition talents using a basic word digesting program. It truly is argued that children will never be limited by their handwriting capacity as it is much easier to press the keys around the keyboard (Cited in Dockett & Fleer 1999). Stalls (2007, l. 51) states, “Curiosity as to how points work, leads to a dedication to make issues work. Consequently, opportunities to develop problem solving abilities are provided [through the application of computers].

 Used in developmentally appropriate ways, the computer is known as a resource which in turn fits kids learning style (Haugland & Wright, 1997). Introducing technology into the curriculum of children is important as a result of propensity on this age group to interact in technological activity with an eagerness, curiosity and lack of inhibited that makes an optimum chance for development (Stables, 2007). Haugland & Wright (1997) make clear learning consists of children definitely exploring their world and then, through a procedure for assimilation and accommodation, attaining and building knowledge.

Piaget (1971 offered in Haugland & Wright, 1997) states, “If we all desire to type individuals capable of original thought along with helping the society of tomorrow to attain progress, it is clear that the education which is an active breakthrough discovery of reality is superior to one which consists simply in rendering the small with¦ready-made truths to know with.  This kind of author appreciates how relevant is this affirmation by Piaget of year 1971 is to modern day education.

When based on the investigation indicating the various developmental advantages ofcomputers in early childhood educational settings while presented with this paper, there exists still a lot of doubts for the benefits that will come from computers. Haugland & Wright (1997, p. 6) state, “Opponents believe computers should not be placed in early years as a child classrooms. They fear computer systems will exchange other activities, is going to rob children of their the child years, are too fuzy, provide kids an impractical image of the earth, lead to sociable isolation, reduce feeling consciousness and creativity.  But based on study findings (Lipinski, et. Ing, 1986, NAEYC in Press) this is not the situation.

It needs to get stated that the computer would not replace traditional resources for educating in the classroom. Rather usual or traditional actions that occur in the classroom are as important as they often were. While suggested simply by Haugland & Wright (1997), computers ought to be used to health supplement or go along with the kids normal learning experiences (p. 7). Classroom activities support children place computer activities in context and enhance the competencies and skills children gain from technology (Haugland & Wright, 1997).

Early Years as a child Education and Media TechnologyIn this section, the author will talk about changing opinions towards press technology. Whilst differing landscapes are provided, the disagreement for launching media in to the classroom is favoured since shown in the research. Television set programs, whether positive or negative, do form a big part of little one’s life encounter (Dockett & Fleer, 1999). In support of this research, Flynn et. ing. (2010, s. 3) says, “It is difficult to find a national study of children’s usage of media during the past 20 years that will not demonstrate that media, and especially television, can be a dominant process of childhood.

 Flynn ou. al. (2010) claims that young children include incorporated multimedia technologies to their out-of-school lives in unprecedented techniques in recent years. Early on media 2 now typical, with baby videos and 24/7 cable tv for children used by even infants and little ones (p. 3). Weddell (2001) presents a situation (but will not advocate to) that parents do not desire media studies in their children’s curriculum. Waddell argues in most cases, parents and teachers survey that children are exposed to enough [media] at home and in the city without that becoming a part of their education (p. 4). Weddell (2001) comments that children older three to five happen to be watching approximately 17 hours of television set a week (p. 4).

While the argument that parents usually do not want mass media studies in their children’s class room is not really further supported by the research this author provides located, there is supporting study (Dockett & Fleer, 1999; Flynn ainsi que, al., 2010) that youngsters are exposed to significant amounts of media inside their lives. There may be research that indicates that parents are in preference of media staying integrated into their very own children’s subjects.

Rideout & Hamel (2006, cited in Flynn ainsi que. al., 2010) state, “We have a generation of fogeys who will be more accepting of not merely television yet also personal computers and other systems and who view this kind of technologies since more likely to help than injure their children’s development (p. 3). Perhaps this enhancements made on opinion might be a result of changing attitudes by 2001 to 2006. Dockett & Fleer (1999) claim there is a range of children’s programs in Australia designed by educators to enhance children’s cognitive, social and emotional expansion.

There is a immense amount of community support for these sorts of programs. Therefore, these television programs are part of many children’s educational experience. The Effects of Television Superheros on Early Childhood Scholars In this section, the author can address issues of the media that affect the behaviour of youngsters. The research offered shows conflicting views. Yet again, it is shown the educator is vital to effectively integrating media technology in the school subjects.

A significant sum of analysis into superhero play offers suggested that teachers should work with the widely used children’s traditions initiated and developed through television and video (Cupit 1989 offered in Dockett & Fleer 1999). This would be interesting and therefore motivating pertaining to the children. Yet , research indicates this even offers negative effects in children’s behavior due to tv set superheros usually being linked to violent acts. According into a study by Lisosky (1991; cited in Levin and Carlsson-Paige, 1995); there are above 200 serves of physical violence per hour in a popular little one’s show of that time (Dockett & Fleer 1999).

In addition , a similar television program used video of real-life actors and settings with special effects and animation. As a result, children find real people involved in realistic acts of assault (Dockett & Fleer 1999). According to Levin and Carlsson-Paige (1995, p. 70, cited in Dockett & Fleer 1999), teachers selected on the effects of the said television program on kids play think that the use of real persons in the system increased the negative effect on children. It was argued ‘at 4 and 5 years old, children don’t have the cognitive skills to split up the fantasy from the truth of the show’ (p. 153).

In contradiction to this survey finding, Weddell (2001, l. 4) says, “Very handful of children will be influenced by antisocial photos or physical violence they discover on the display screen, nor is going to they become obese, unimaginative, poor communicators.  Weddell (2001) does not deny that several children may possibly behave strongly during perform after observing their television superheros in violent works, however Weddell (2001) claims that a lot of children act violently mainly because they have a predisposition to violent acts and are also in need of oversight.

Dockett & Fleer (1999) suggest that kids act out their superheros chaotic actions as they are unable to imagine another storyline to go with their very own superhero character, as a result, kids should be safeguarded from physical violence in media (p. 153). In disagreement, Weddell (2001, p. 5) states, “The notion that children are unavoidably ‘at risk’ from the mass media and therefore should be ‘protected’ from it is a unbalanced perspective. Encouragement-rather than protection-is needed to guideline children’s viewing and to instruct the art of observing and interpretation the mass media.

 Weddell (2001, s. 4) states, “Most importantly we need to trust that kids can figure out how to discern the media text messages they obtain. We manage to forget that children on this century know more about the media than their very own parents or teachers.  It is not likely that educators will be able to affect what kids choose to observe at home. Like a compromise with the research presented, perhaps while at school, this kind of author suggests teachers should certainly choose press programs which in turn not entail violence but rather appeal to the children through other means.

In support of the writer, Dockett & Fleer (1999) suggest professors use top quality television programs to induce positive little one’s play. Applications such as ‘Playschool’ actively inspire children to construct the same or perhaps similar things as those shown on the program. The construction operate (e. g., building a doll’s house, making name tags, or producing hats) might stimulate further play (p. 158). This suggestion (Dockett & Fleer 1999) can be consistent with the exploration presented by both positions.

Children do, to different degrees, imitate what they see on television. So rather than show them to violent acts, in an educational placing, children needs to be exposed to ‘quality’ television press that activate their wish to learn. Conclusion The future looks bright pertaining to technology at the begining of childhood classes (Donohue, 2003). The effects of technology in educational settings within the development of young kids have been generally documented and strongly confident (Chen & Couse, 2010). Technology has changed the way all of us teach children (Donohue, 2003).

This publisher has used the position that technology is beneficial to early childhood education and shown this position with supporting analysis through an analysis of contemporary books. This conventional paper addressed different factors of technology and reviewed matters to consider as it effected early childhood education. This paper began simply by defining technology to include technical hardware (Dockett & Fleer, 1999) and digital mass media (Weddell, 2001). It mentioned recent styles in technology arguing technology is present in all of the areas of kids lives (Zevenbergen, 2010).

This argued the value of instructor training and experience being key factor to successful execution of technology into the curriculum (Haugland & Wright, 1997). It also argued the learning rewards technology provides for children (Dockett & Fleer, 1999) in early childhood education. It discussed benefits of computer technology in the classroom (Clements, 1992) as well as the benefits of using media in education (Flynn et. approach., 2010) including a discussion around the benefits of tv set in education (Dockett & Fleer 1999).

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