the causes of late marriage in hong kong essay

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Social organization

Later marriage is known as a serious problem, it may well pose a health risk to the two mother and children, may develop a era gap and cause the situation of the aging process. There is an arising trend of late marriage for both equally male and feminine in Hong Kong. The typical age in the beginning marriage pertaining to males was 31. two and that for women was twenty-eight. 9 (Census and Statistics Department, 2012). They were more than the seite an seite data more than 30 years ago. Both causes of the rise of late marital life are the growth of liberalism and lack of confidence about marriage.

In the first place, the growth of liberalism is one of the reason triggering late marriage. The Trend of 1911 ended the dynastic system, liberal constitutionalism rose to political ascendency for the first and what was to be the last time on the Chinese language mainland. (Chinese liberalism, 2010). In the past, parents utilized to plan the marriage for their kids when they reach suitable age group to marry. Children were forced to get married although they have not seen all their consort before.

Yet , the popular of liberalism changes the problem. These days, persons think they may have freedom to decide on when and who to marry, or maybe not to marry. Their matrimony are no longer made the decision by others. Liberalism modify peoples’ head thus leading to late matrimony.

Besides, people lack of confidence about marriage due to excessive rate of divorce in Hong Kong causes late marriiage. The number of divorce decrees awarded of Hk in 2006 had been more than 8-10 times that in 1981. The primitive divorce rate, which corelates the number ofdivorce decrees naturally to the mid-year population, improved rapidly in the same period. In 2006, the crude divorce rate was 2 . a few per 1 000 population as compared with 0. 4 in 1981. ( Census and Statistics Department, 2007) High charge of divorce cause individuals to contemplate ahead of getting married. Women and men think they want more time to understand each other better. They also consider people with more mature age are definitely more sophisticated and still have a more mature mind. For that reason lack of self-confidence about marital life as the divorce rate is excessive is the reason for the rise of age of marriage.

By and large, both reasons cause late marital life are the growth of liberalism and inadequate self-confidence about marital life.


1 . Why relationship late?, (3, 2015), recovered from 2 . Jenco, Leigh E. (2010)v In: Bevir, Draw, (ed. ) Encyclopedia of political theory. SAGE Guides, London, UK, pp. 164-166. ISBN 9781412958653 3.


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