the effect of coca cola marketing essay

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Statistics reveal that unhealthy weight and other lifestyle diseases have grown to be a major matter in the Aussie community. The us government has discussed several actions to reduce these kinds of health issues as there could be many reasons for this happening. Nevertheless , television advertising and marketing of unhealthy foods has been referred to as a key factor to the elevating prevalence of such conditions and it is something that should be dealt with. Skol is a soft soft drink sold in many eating places, stores and vending equipment in more than 200 countries around the world.

The health implications are becoming greater as a higher sum of people ingest this product.

Section 1:

The objective of this statement is to examine and measure the impact of Coca-Cola promoting on the wellness of the community. This survey will identify and critically analyse the nutritional content of the Pepsi product produce recommendations towards the Minister of Health to reduce potential wellness consequences pertaining to the potential customers.

Section a couple of:

The nutritional value of this selected drink can be not very high.

This kind of report resolved the popular advertisement by the Skol Company, who also promoted all their original cocaína cola drink to adults and teens; encouraging them to drink all their beverage throughout summer. The nutritional value of this beverage is not so high. Using a total of 180KJ per 100ml, coke is exceedingly high in kilojoules. To simply demonstrate comparisons, the recommended daily KJ intake for the average teenager is around 8200 (K. Baker, 2010). Despite the fact that this kind of drink is fairly high in KJ, not surprisingly, it does not provide a long energy period for a consumer of any age. To put in to context, the average 340ml can easily of cocaína cola contains 145 calorie consumption and over 45g of glucose. Per 100ml, the drink contains 12. 6g of both All kinds of sugar and Sugars, and 10mg of sodium (Food Watchers, 2010). This nutritionalanalysis shows that audiences of this engaging advertisement will be manipulated to believe that the product is a healthy, healthy and lasting choice to drink in popular weathers, including the summer season.

Section 3:

Annually, the Pepsi Company commit a lot of money to advertising their particular product. A large number of strategies are used in order to encourage their product effectively and stimulate sales figures. The Coca-Cola Aussie Summer Commercial which shown in 2011 was targeted largely at teens and youngsters. The Pepsi Company deliberately air their commercials during, what is known because Prime Period Television (7pm ” 10pm). The industrial gives teenagers a sense that if they consume the merchandise, they will not only quench all their thirst, but feel the method the people in the industry are depicted to experience.

Section 4:

The product analysed in this statement has unrestricted negative health implications. The description says how consuming Coca-Cola provides hazardous outcomes. Most health professionals advise that Coca-Cola can be harmful if consumed excessively, particularly in young children. This is because their soda consumption must compete with, rather than complement a balanced diet. In addition, it is assumed that the romantic relationship between soft drink consumption and body weight is so high that researches conclude for each extra serving consumed, the risk of weight problems is elevated by 1 ) 6 instances. Sugared drinks alone, has seen the obesity rate rise since 1995.

Additionally , it is known that Pepsi contains great Phosphoric stomach acids and virtually no calcium. This could lead to bone tissue dissolving and weak bone tissues, which can result in easy bone fragments fractures later on, particularly in elderly people. This drink particularly is known to become caffeinated, that may lead to physical dependence and the need to ingest more. Last but not least, it is not just the obesity associated with this beverage that have a negative impact on their health. Coca-Cola is a very acid, carbonated, sweet drink. After some time the sugars and stomach acids in the drink can begin to break down the teeth enamel inteeth, resulting in tooth corrosion. These are just some of the health outcomes of consuming the Coca-Cola product.

Section 5:

After analysing the nutritional content material and methods by which the company market their very own product, a number of recommendations may be made to limit the health effect. The Skol company strategically air their product commercials multiple during prime period television. Any notion that this Coca-Cola Business could consider would be to reduce the number of instances they advertise the product. Reducing the amount of instances the business is aired, and the time slots that falls in could reduce the volume of intake by their targeted audience.

Another suggestion that could be produced is to this kind of organization could be to confine their particular timings, and make them avoid the prime instances for when ever young adults will be watching television. This may ultimately affect the obesity amounts in Australia, as not a lot of persons would not get addicted to this drink because the advertisements would be restricted to only a few times every day, and by certainly not airing all of them when the many the targeted audience is browsing television.


In conclusion, this report determined the risks of consuming cocaína cola, and evaluated the effectiveness of the strategies that businesses such as Pepsi use, in order to sell all their product for the targeted audience/s. The statement presented an explanation of the nutritional analysis of coke; demonstrating how it is extremely high in Sugars and Carbohydrates. It also confirmed that the targeted audiences were teenagers and young adults. It was evident by age, overall look, and behavior of the actors in the ad. This as well showed the techniques and marketing strategies employed by this large corporation, to be able to attract customers and get them addicted to their very own product.

One more aspect included in this survey was the potential negative overall health consequences of drinking an excessive amount of this product on a regular basis. These include obesity, bone weakening and dental decay, to call just a few. The last topic covered by this overallanalysis was making recommendations for the government, in order to in help in reducing the negative health impacts as listed above. The Skol Company needs to be restricted to shoqing their adverts to a limited amount of that time period per day, along with make the significant organization steer clear of prime time airing. The recommendation manufactured above would play a major role in reducing how much negative wellness implications.


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