the five stages of maslow s pecking order of

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The Outsiders

The Outsiders

“Psychology is the forever fascinating science of the individual mind and behavior” (Gillespie 1). Internal criticism is utilized to enhance the ability of literary works by studying the actions and motives of dynamic characters during several ideas. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is definitely one of many theories. This concept offers five periods: physiological requires, safety demands, belongingness and love demands, esteem demands, and self-actualization. The periods are arranged in a triangular, with the critical needs at the end. Maslow planned to understand what inspires people and their actions, which is demonstrated through his pyramid. 1st, people are encouraged to meet their very own basic survival needs which include food and water. When those are met, they move on to always be motivated by the next stage up, including esteem or perhaps belonging needs. Eventually, when ever all their requires are satisfied, they may will leave your site and go to the self-fulfillment stage. In S. Electronic. Hinton’s The Outsiders, Johnny Cade’s purposes and activities, over time, can be categorized in all the different phases of Maslow’s theory.

Safety and love needs happen to be closely related for Ashton. First, he reached his safety requires. “His daddy was always beating him up, great mother ignored him¦ He’d have try to escape a million moments if we we hadn’t been there”. Although he did not truly feel safe at home, he believed safe with all the gang. Also, he had his love and belonging demands met combined with physical requires. “If that hadn’t recently been for the gang, Johnny would never have known what love and affection are” (14). The other greasers gave him a sense of that belong, especially looking at his tough life at home. They liked and maintained him regardless if his parents did not. This kind of also triggered his self conscious and timid actions at that time since this individual struggled together with his safety, like, and that belong at home. He was motivated to succeed in a feeling of belongingness or protection, and once this individual got presently there his motives affected his further actions.

As Johnny started to move past the basic requirements, he eventually reached the stages of esteem demands and self-actualization. After he saved the kids from the losing church, he was praised and revered. “Their life is worth a lot more than mine, they may have more to live for. Some of their parents came up by to thank myself and I knew it was really worth it”. This individual knew that endangering his life for them was the proper choice to create, and having been content with this. He had attained the value of other folks, even though having been a greaser. After this individual satisfied the esteem needs, he reached the self-actualization stage prior to death. He told Horse, “Stay rare metal, Ponyboy. Stay gold¦”. This individual fulfilled his life, and knew that dying was worth it to save the children. This individual also understood the meaning from the poem, and how it linked to him and Pony’s lives. “You’re rare metal when you’re a kid, like green. When you’re a child everything’s new, dawn. Is actually just at the time you get used to anything that it’s day”. He planned to tell Ponyboy to stay young and innocent, and not to make the wrong choices in life. Johnny made his approach through each of the stages, since once he met his physical requirements, he shifted to satisfy his emotional and psychological demands.

In conclusion, Johnny’s actions as time passes can be classified into the five stages of Maslow’s Pecking order of Needs. He was encouraged to meet his safety and belongingness requirements, and just read was provided by the gang. Soon after, he kept the children and was recognized and respected, which fulfilled his self-esteem demands. Finally, at his loss of life, he reached the self-actualization stage if he realized most of his alternatives were worth the cost. He realized that everything he did was worth his life, and he suggested Ponyboy to remain young and innocent. Johnny implies that, even with rough conflicts and struggles in the life, he was able to move forward from them and was determined to reach self-actualization.

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