the pathophysiology of hypothyroidism essay

Category: Well being,
Words: 447 | Published: 04.16.20 | Views: 708 | Download now


Pathophysiology, Homeostasis, Endocrine System, Nonconventional medicine

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Pathophysiology of the disease development

A thyroid problem, a glandular located in the front of neck, plays a critical role in the human body’s endocrine program, specifically in terms of cellular metabolism-i. e. how cells use energy (NLM, 2015). In a normal, healthier person a thyroid problem is in a state of homeostasis with the remaining portion of the body; yet , in a number of instances the body will produce too much (hyperthyroidism) or too little (hypothyroidism) of thyroid hormone needed to keep the body within a state of health. Hypothyroidism can have a number of causes, a lot of which are badly understood. Immune system may harm the thyroid sweat gland, mistaking that for a international invader. According to the American Thyroid gland Association (ATA): “autoimmune thyroiditis can begin instantly or it can develop gradually over years. The most common forms are Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and atrophic thyroiditis” (ATA, 2014). A variety of additional conditions, including pregnancy and certain kinds of viruses may cause swelling and inflammation. Specific medications, radiation treatment, surgery of the thyroid gland, and even pregnancy (postpartum thyroiditis) may cause hypothyroidism (NLM, 2015). Surgery or light may be necessitated by tumor or because of hyperthyroidism. “Some people with graves’ disease, nodular goiter, or perhaps thyroid cancer are treated with radioactive iodine (i-131) for the purpose of doing damage to their thyroid gland” (ATA, 2014).

Unusual weight gain is often the 1st and most prevalent symptom that causes individuals with an underactive thyroid gland to go to the doctor. Constipation, a feeling of sluggishness, and, as symptoms advance, puffy hands and feet and brittle hair and nails may well manifest themselves. Some sufferers may show no symptoms, however. Prognosis is verified with a TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) test, which will “measures simply how much of the thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4) a thyroid problem gland has been asked to generate. An unusually high TSH means hypothyroidism: the thyroid sweat gland is being asked to make more T4 because there isn’t enough T4 in the blood” ATA, 2014).


The to start with objective of treatment is to restore thyroid levels to normalcy in a hypothyroid patient. This can be almost always achieved with medicine. “T4 substitute can regain your body’s thyroid hormone levels plus your body’s function. Synthetic thyroxine pills contain hormone just like the T4 that the thyroid gland alone makes” (ATA, 2014). Dosages must be carefully monitored – any changes in dosing must be verified between 6 to 10 several weeks. Too

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