the tour to the national science park essay

Category: Business and professional,
Words: 407 | Published: 04.20.20 | Views: 570 | Download now

Business operations

Today, we go to the USST national science park. Throughout the presentation of the staff, we know the science area basically. Nationwide Science Area is founded by USST, Yangpu district government and Shanghai Affiliation for Science&Technology. The science park’s purpose should be to develop contemporary servicing organization and advanced manufacture sector. It has three core features: technology copy, entrepreneur incubator, and assistance platform. Its industry bunch mainly comes with machinery, tool, medical appliances.

The technology transfer center mainly motivate students who would like to create their own company to cooperate while using enterprise.

The entrepreneur incubator mainly provides students suggestions and guidelines. After the tour, I deduce four factors that I discovered today:

1 . After we visit 3 small corporations, I learned that it is not easy to open a company. Particularly for fund and market. For a company that has just set up, it is difficult to get the funding. So the business owner needs to obtain the financing with the help of social program such as investment capital fund.

2 . This point is pertinent to the promoting. Because were the British and international trade major, we have the benefit of language skill and basic business understanding. We can expand our market share by speak with foreign-invested companies and try to business with them. The language skill and business knowledge makes it easier for all of us to discuss with them and generate a deal.

a few. In fact , I want to be a business person in several years. After visiting the National Technology Park, I find that this can be a perfect place for me to know the growth of the organization. I can see the whole creation process of a business from its business, growth, maturity. I can acquire experience kind its success and pay attention to a lessons from its failure. Then, I will know what I will do or perhaps not inside my future profession.

4. This time is relevant to the marketing. When the company is growing mature to some degree, it can increase its market share by merge. We can restore the products in the company that is certainly on the edge of individual bankruptcy, making many become each of our new manufacturer. we can exploration it lifestyle cycle and innovate and improve the product. then our business will be bigger than before.


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