The Usefulness of Self Assessment Tools for Personal Advancement

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Personal Assessment

Learning Stock portfolio


Personal and professional development is a procedure that requires one to reflect on their own strengths and weaknesses, meditate on their previous experiences, question their certainties and be available to new possibilities. The “Personal and Specialist Development” component covered a variety of topics, which includes self-management, resolve conflicts, communication and leadership, and involved different activities that have been clearly intended to stimulate our minds and senses. Throughout the module, we have been presented with ambiguous figures, writing exercises, assessments and group activities, some of which I found especially fascinating and instructive. Inspite of their noticeable simplicity, a lot of them turned out to be extremely challenging because their completion needed a sincere and honest assessment of my personality. Reading the activity reflection bedding I had accomplished at the end of each and every activity, it absolutely was interesting to grasp that a number of the things I really do automatically without even asking me why, may be explained through specific ideas. Stereotyping and assuming that there is only one method to look at certain situations are examples of this. This learning portfolio focuses exclusively within the activities that made me think about my own character in such a way to enhance my self-awareness, thus adding to my personal and professional development. Its primary purpose should be to briefly illustrate the activities that I found the majority of meaningful, placing special focus on the lessons i have learnt from each of them.

Entry one particular: Self-Management

Lecture 1 revolved around self-management, a very interesting topic i was wanting to explore?nternet site was looking to learn how to make better decisions and manage my own time better so as to enhance my employability. Contrary to my expectations, I was asked to perform a number of self-awareness activities that have been clearly designed to make me prefer the importance of more self examination and self-assessment. Despite my initial scepticism about the effectiveness of such activities, My spouse and i completed almost every exercise and asked me personally what lessons I could have possibly discovered from them. Among the perception physical exercises included an inside-out figure that may be perceived as either a young female or an old woman, based on one’s personal experiences and age. As people often interact with persons their own age group, I was quite surprised when I realised that I could see was a well used woman, actually it took us a few seconds to realise that the old woman’s nostril coincided together with the young women’s profile. That made me wonder what elements were affecting my eye-sight: perhaps my own thoughts, values, personal experiences or the approach I check out things on the whole. In an attempt to set up a connection involving the exercise I had fashioned just accomplished and the issues discussed inside the lecture, We came to the conclusion that anything in every area of your life can be seen via various views. All that it requires to start looking at the world in a different way is a unexpected change or even a minor change in your mind. As an international pupil who has been striving to develop strong cross-cultural communication expertise, the old female ” youthful woman determine made me consider the impact of one’s cultural history on how they express themselves and perceive what others say and do. Any effective innovator should be aware of the external impact on that cause individuals to find different things when ever facing similar situation, consequently, it is important to be flexible and maintain an open mind when coping with any arguments, challenges and conflicts. Address 1 encouraged me to improve my interaction skills by simply asking personally how my own interlocutors may possibly perceive my own words and actions anytime I get myself getting together with people from different ethnical backgrounds. It also made me appreciate the usefulness of self-assessment equipment, which I had been using to discover my primary weaknesses. By an examination of the results that I obtained after completing many self-assessment exercises online, We realised that my insufficient flexibility and fear of discouraging the ones around me are among the key obstacles hindering my personal and professional expansion.

Entry 2: Self-Development

Lecture a couple of covered a number of notions and topics including motivation, benefits, incentives, INTELLIGENT goals and self-reflection, to name but a couple of. As a company supporter of incentives and rewards, I was particularly enthusiastic about sharing my own views on motivation and figuring out whether my classmates agreed with me. We were also asked to perform a self-reflection physical exercise using Gibb’s model of expression as a application to review the various levels that characterised our 1st trip to the uk. While I was already familiar with Gibb’s reflective pattern, I have to declare I had never tried it to examine my own experiences, which explains why I saw this kind of activity as an opportunity to take a step new and test the model’s performance. I commenced my sharing with my classmates about the very first time I arrived at the United Kingdom, beginning with the moment I actually walked out from the airport. We described my own first taxi ride, colored a rather detailed picture of my accommodation and the points I saw at my stay. I then moved on towards the emotional period and noticed that anxiousness and stupor were being among the most intense emotions that I may remember. When the airplane arrived, I was both anxious and curious as I was not sure what to expect even though walking around London, I was amazed and overcome by the trees, the many dialects people spoke, the architecture and the total atmosphere. My overall analysis of the knowledge was certainly positive, for the extent it encouraged myself to improve my personal English and apply for a training course at a UK college or university. It was ahead of my departure that I provided myself a year to become fluent enough to be able to study in the uk. My classmates’ reaction to my own story helped me realise that they can knew exactly what I was discussing as they got probably skilled similar emotions in occasion of their visit to the United Kingdom. I came across this work out both helpful and effective as it made me aware of the fact that as informative and useful since books can be, my earlier experiences represent a valuable source of information which i have never actually exploited. Getting introspection an efficient way to measure one’s psychological processes and mental claims, I believe that we should take more time meditating on my past activities in order to expand both like a human being and a professional.

Entry several: Communication and Relationships

Spiel 3 revolved around interaction, conflict managing and work environment relationships. Clashes and arguments are sure to arise ultimately when working with others, I personally have been involved in a small conflict condition once, that we resolved simply by accommodating a colleague’s problems even though I used to be firmly certain that he was wrong. I found the “Managing Conflict” exercise particularly valuable as it allowed me to imagine what it may have been like if I had implemented a different conflict management strategy that time. The exercise shown five feasible conflict managing approaches, particularly forcing, covering, avoiding, reducing and collaborating. When I asked myself the way i would respond to a co-worker who will not compromise as she feels that her ideas are best, I all of a sudden pictured me personally avoiding any kind of form of direct confrontation, almost certainly because of my personal peaceful characteristics. However , you will discover situations wherever withdrawing via a conflict would carry out more harm than good, so I forced myself to consider alternate approaches too. After conceptualizing various scenarios, I come to the conclusion which the best way to reason using a person who considers she is constantly right would be to collaborate with her simply by discussing my personal concerns with her and encouraging her to find a solution that would suit both these styles us, alternatively, I believe a much more forceful way would be ideal, even though it is probably that my own opponent might react in a hostile method. At the end from the exercise, I certainly appreciated how tough it can be to get a leader to coordinate each person whose diverse ideas, sights, characters and backgrounds may well easily lead to unproductive, long-lasting conflicts. In my opinion that is why traits such as charm, self-confidence and emotional maturity are commonly linked to effective management, as a charming, confident and mature innovator would find it relatively easy to draw others to themselves, express all their views, deal with others and resolve disputes without letting their emotions interfere with their ability to make wise decisions. While I i am aware that my own reluctance to confront other folks stems from a lack of self-confidence, Read that certain abilities can be acquired and developed through the years, which is why My spouse and i intend to concern myself and push my personal limits in order to become a more efficient leader and mediator. Particularly, my goal is to learn when and exactly how each issue management procedure should be integrated, without allowing my insecurity prevent me personally from undertaking the right thing.

Admittance 4: Command

Leadership is a topic which includes always interested me. Within the centuries, background has been designed by numerous leaders who are all associated with certain features, regardless of the effects that their actions and decisions have had on mankind. Julius Caesar and Adolf Hitler, for example , have been two great leaders who have resorted to different methods and processes to achieve similar goals, my spouse and i. e. strengthening their respective peoples, overcoming new countries and pursuing glory, to call but a number of. A question that I always inquire myself anytime I think of a successful leader is whether these people were born with certain innate qualities or perhaps their accomplishment is as well as was the merchandise of intensive training, experience and practice. One of the first exercises we were asked to complete required us to write down five personality traits or qualities that people associate with good command. It didn’t take me personally long to spot the traits that, in my opinion, all good frontrunners possess: panache, self-confidence, brains, determination and creativity. Once i then mirrored on the characteristics I had just written straight down, I noticed that there were many more qualities that I desire I could add to the list, such as moral integrity, agreeableness, visibility, responsibility and an natural tendency to innovate. On the other hand, I chose never to edit my initial list and compared it with the one finished by my personal neighbour. Remarkably, my neighbour’s list was quite comparable to mine, even though it included a few of the qualities I had formed thought of devoid of actually adding them to my list. At that point, I recall wondering why people tend to affiliate leaders with certain attributes, when I am sure there are many good leaders out there who are not particularly comfortable, charismatic or intelligent. In the end, a non-intelligent people might find it simpler to make bold decisions, become successful and business lead others by simply relying on their instincts instead of overthinking anything. What I located interesting about Lecture four was the fact that it showed exactly how experts’ approach to leadership evolved between 1930s and the 2000s, with early researchers focussing generally on the innate traits which will make a leader and later researchers checking out external factors and situations.

Admittance 5: Proposal and Professionalism

Lecture five explored the ethical and diversity-related difficulties that one may encounter once engaging with others at work. As a person with good moral beliefs, I found Work out three amazing as it helped me question a few of my rules. To be exact, while I be aware that borrowing money from an organisation’s small cash with no permission is usually unethical, My spouse and i wondered if I would survey a friend to managing if I at any time caught all of them borrowing cash. The answer would possibly be simply no as long as the money is delivered within a fair period of time. However , reflecting within the questions “Is borrowing the money fair? inch and “Whom could it harm and why? inch, I realised that borrowing money is merely fair when one wants to lend their assets to another party. How would I feel if somebody borrowed my personal smartphone with out asking me personally first? I would personally certainly get upset as I would expect anyone who wishes to borrow my personal smartphone to first ask me whether I can give it to them for a while. As innocuous as taking money out of an organisation’s petty cash box might appear, it is possible the fact that organisation might need that money to pay for a thing important ahead of the borrower comes back it. That follows that the scenario portrayed in the exercise is a clear example of unethical conduct. Being peoples’ ethical concepts the product of both external and internal factors, it is crucial to keep in mind that what is moral to one person may be regarded as being underhanded by someone else. For example , in western organisations, exploiting your connections in order to obtain great treatment is often considered as a grave type of corruption, although in many east countries, creating strategic friendships to achieve their goals can be perfectly acceptable. It follows that there is also a strong relationship between lifestyle and integrity, which is probably why Address 5 covered not only integrity but as well various kinds of diversity, which includes cultural and ethnic range. Similarly to persons, business entities also have selected ethical beliefs that usually echo the environment by which they operate, as a result, ahead of accepting to work for an organization, one should initially investigate you’re able to send code of ethics and conduct to be able to ensure that it is compatible with their own personal values. Spiel 5 allowed me to see both ethics and diversity through the sight of a potential employer: while an employee, I would base my own decisions on my own values and find out any ethnical differences as a possible source of discord, however , organisations tend to discover diversity while an asset and expect all their employees to do something in accordance with their particular ethical concepts.


Before embarking on this component, I did not believe in the efficiency or performance of self-assessment tools, towards the extent which i saw them as a waste of resources. Having to full several self-assessment activities has made me realise that as easy as they might be, some exercises are actually quite challenging because they force members to evaluate themselves from alternative perspectives. I used to be surprised to find out that despite my evident rigidity, We am basically flexible enough to question some of my most deeply-rooted ideas and beliefs. This module features helped me determine a number of weaknesses that I know I will have to work on in order to grow equally personally and professionally. Such as my turmoil management abilities and my tendency to base my actions and decisions over a fixed pair of ideas and habits, thus failing to consider substitute paths. I have also learned to appreciate the value of my earlier experiences, that we believe I will analyse in greater interesting depth and share with others in order to achieve greater self-awareness. In view of the lessons discovered from Address 5, I also want to familiarise me with various organisations’ codes of conduct in order to gain a better comprehension of what companies expect from their employees, with regards to ethical behaviour.


Self Analysis


Personal and professional development is actually a process that will need one to think about their own pros and cons, meditate prove past experience, question their very own certainties and stay open to new possibilities. The “Personal and Professional Development” module protected a wide range of topics, including self-management, conflict resolution, connection and leadership, and involved various actions which were clearly meant to promote our thoughts and senses. Throughout the component, we have been presented with ambiguous numbers, writing physical exercises, tests and group activities, some of which I found particularly fascinating and instructive. Despite their particular apparent simplicity, some of them turned out to be very demanding as their finalization required a sincere and honest examination of my own character. Reading the activity reflection sheets I had developed completed at the end of each activity, it was interesting to realise that some of the issues I do automatically without even asking myself why, can be explained through particular theories. Stereotyping and assuming that there is merely one way to check out certain situations are excellent types of this. This learning portfolio focuses specifically on the actions that helped me reflect on my character in a way to increase my personal self-awareness, thus contributing to my personal and specialist growth. The main goal is to briefly describe those activities that I located most important, placing special emphasis on the teachings that I have got learnt from each one of these people.

Entrance 1: Self-Management

Lecture one particular revolved about self-management, an extremely interesting topic that I was eager to explore as I was hoping to learn how to make better decisions and manage my time more effectively to be able to enhance my personal employability. Contrary to my objectives, I was asked to perform several self-awareness activities that were clearly meant to cause me to feel appreciate the need for introspection and self-assessment. Despite my initial scepticism regarding the effectiveness of activities such as, I completed every single workout and asked myself what lessons I possibly could have probably learnt from. One of the understanding exercises included a reversible determine that could be perceived as either a youthful woman or an old female, depending on your personal experience and grow older. Since persons tend to connect to people their own age, I had been quite amazed when I noticed that all I possibly could see was an old female, in fact , it took me a couple of seconds to realise which the old female’s nose coincided with the small woman’s account. That helped me wonder what factors were influencing my own vision: perhaps my thoughts, beliefs, personal experiences or the way We look at items in general. In an attempt to establish a interconnection between the work out I had merely completed plus the topics discussed in the spiel, I deducted that whatever in life is seen from various perspectives. Everything that it takes to start out looking at the world in a different way is known as a sudden transform or even a small shift in one’s mind. As a global student who have been striving to develop strong cross-cultural communication skills, this woman ” young girl figure made me think about the impact of one’s ethnic background how they go to town and understand what others say and do. Any effective leader should know about the external influences that cause individuals to see different things when facing the same circumstance, as a result, it is necessary to be flexible and keep an open mind once dealing with any disagreements, problems and issues. Lecture 1 encouraged me to improve my personal communication skills by asking myself how my interlocutors may perceive my words and activities whenever My spouse and i find me interacting with persons from diverse cultural qualification. It also made me appreciate the usefulness of self-assessment tools, which I have been using to identify my own main weak points. From an analysis with the results i obtained after completing a number of self-assessment exercises on the web, I noticed that my lack of versatility and fear of disappointing those people around me personally are among the main road blocks hindering my personal and specialist development.

Entry a couple of: Self-Development

Spiel 2 covered a variety of notions and matters such as inspiration, rewards, incentives, SMART desired goals and self-reflection, to name yet a few. As being a firm supporter of bonuses and rewards, I was particularly interested in showing my views on motivation and finding out if my classmates agreed with me at night. We were also asked to do a self-reflection exercise employing Gibb’s model of reflection as a tool to analyse the various phases that characterised the first trip to the United Kingdom. When i was already familiar with Gibb’s reflective cycle, I can admit I had never used it to examine my own personal experiences, which is why I could see this activity as a way to do something new and test the model’s effectiveness. We began my personal telling my personal classmates about the first time We came to britain, starting from as soon as I wandered out of the airport terminal. I described my initially cab ride, painted a rather detailed photo of my hotel room plus the things I could see during my stay. I then advanced to the psychological phase and realised that anxiety and stupor had been among the most intense feelings which i could bear in mind. When the airplane landed, I was both stressed and wondering as I was not sure what to expect and while travelling London, I used to be amazed and overwhelmed by the greenery, the numerous languages people spoke, the architecture and the overall ambiance. My total evaluation with the experience was certainly great, to the degree that it motivated me to boost my The english language and make application for a course in a UK university. It was before my departure that we gave me personally a year for being fluent enough to be able to examine in the United Kingdom. My own classmates’ a reaction to my tale made me understand that they realized exactly what I used to be talking about because they had most likely experienced related emotions in occasion with their visit to the uk. I found this exercise both instructive and beneficial mainly because it made me conscious of the fact that as informative and beneficial as books may be, my past encounters represent a valuable source of details that I have never really used. Being more self examination a highly effective method to examine their emotional operations and mental states, In my opinion that I should certainly spend more time meditating on my past experiences in order to grow equally as a human being and a specialist.

Entrance 3: Conversation and Human relationships

Lecture several revolved around communication, conflict management and workplace human relationships. Conflicts and disagreements are bound to come up sooner or later whenever using others, I know have been linked to a minor conflict situation once, which I solved by taking a colleague’s concerns though I was strongly convinced that he was wrong. I found the “Managing Conflict” exercise particularly useful since it allowed me personally to imagine what would have recently been like if I had formed adopted a different conflict management approach that point. The physical exercise listed five possible discord management techniques, namely pushing, accommodating, keeping away from, compromising and collaborating. While i asked personally how I would respond to a co-worker who will not endanger as the girl believes that her way of doing something is always best, I suddenly pictured myself steering clear of any form of direct conflict, probably as a result of my relaxing nature. However , there are circumstances where withdrawing from a conflict would do even more harm than good, so I forced myself to consider alternative strategies as well. Following envisioning different scenarios, My spouse and i reached the final outcome that the best way to reason with a one who thinks she’s always right would be to collaborate with her by talking about my problems with her and encouraging her to find a option that would go well with both of us, alternatively, I really believe a more forceful approach can be appropriate, although it is likely that my adversary would react in a aggressive way. At the end of the exercise, I absolutely appreciated how challenging it can be for a leader to put together different people in whose different ideas, views, heroes and backgrounds may quickly result in unsuccessful, long-lasting issues. I believe that is why traits just like charisma, self-confidence and mental maturity are generally associated with effective leadership, like a charismatic, confident and mature leader might find it relatively easy to draw others to themselves, communicate their landscapes, manage others and solve conflicts with no letting all their feelings hinder their ability to make sensible decisions. When i am which my reluctance to are up against others stems from a lack of self-confidence, I am certain that particular skills can be had and developed over the years, this is why I plan to challenge myself and force my limitations so as to get a more effective head and vermittler. Specifically, my goal is to learn when ever and how each conflict management approach must be implemented, with no letting my own insecurity stop me by doing the ideal thing.

Entry some: Leadership

Leadership is a subject that has usually fascinated myself. Over the centuries, history has been shaped by simply numerous commanders who are typical associated with specific characteristics, regardless of the impact that their activities and decisions have had on mankind. Julius Caesar and Adolf Hitler, for example , have already been two great leaders who have resorted in order to methods and techniques to accomplish similar goals, i. e. empowering their very own respective peoples, conquering new lands and pursuing wonder, to name although a few. Something that I always ask me whenever I do think of a powerful leader is whether they were delivered with particular innate qualities or their particular success can be / was your product of intensive training, experience and practice. One of the initial exercises i was asked to complete necessary us to write down five nature and / or characteristics that we connect with good leadership. It didn’t take me long to identify the traits that, in my opinion, great leaders possess: charisma, self-esteem, intelligence, determination and creative imagination. When I then simply reflected for the traits I had just drafted down, We realised that there were a lot more qualities that I wish I could add to the list, such as meaning integrity, agreeableness, openness, responsibility and a great innate tendency to pioneer. Nevertheless, I chose not to edit my first list and compared it with the a single completed by my neighbour. Surprisingly, my personal neighbour’s list was quite similar to my own, although it included some of the attributes I had considered without basically adding them to my own list. At that time, I remember are you wondering why people usually associate frontrunners with selected traits, after i am sure there are plenty of good frontrunners out there whom are not especially confident, charismatic or smart. After all, a non-intelligent persons may find this easier to generate bold decisions, achieve success and lead other folks by depending upon their instincts rather than overthinking everything. The things i found interesting about Lecture 4 was your fact that it showed exactly how experts’ approach to leadership progressed between the thirties and the 2000s, with early on researchers directing primarily around the innate qualities that make a leader and later researchers exploring external factors and circumstances.

Entry a few: Engagement and Professionalism

Lecture 5 investigated the honest and diversity-related challenges that one is likely to come across when engaging with others in the workplace. As a person with strong meaning values, I found Exercise three fascinating since it made me question some of my personal principles. To get precise, when i know that credit money via an organisation’s petty cash without permission is underhanded, I considered whether I would report a colleague to management if I ever captured them asking for money. The answer would probably end up being no as long as the money is definitely returned in a reasonable time period. However , showing on the questions “Is funding the money reasonable? ” and “Whom could it injury and how come? “, My spouse and i realised that borrowing cash is only reasonable when one particular agrees to lend their assets to another party. How would I feel if perhaps someone borrowed my mobile phone without requesting me initially? I would absolutely get disappointed as I would expect anyone who would like to acquire my touch screen phone to 1st ask myself whether I am able to lend that to these people for some time. Since innocuous while taking cash out of your organisation’s small cash box may seem, it is possible that the business may need that money to purchase something essential before the lender returns it. It follows that the scenario depicted in the exercise is an obvious example of dishonest behaviour. Becoming people’s ethical principles the item of the two internal and external elements, it is important to remember that what is ethical to just one person might be perceived as becoming unethical simply by someone else. For example , in western organisations, exploiting one’s links in order to attain favourable treatment is commonly considered as a serious form of corruption, whereas in numerous eastern countries, forming ideal friendships to accomplish one’s goals is properly acceptable. That follows that there exists a strong correlation between culture and ethics, which can be probably why Lecture a few covered not merely ethics yet also different forms of selection, including ethnical and cultural diversity. Much like individuals, organization entities also have certain moral values that usually reflect the environment in which they will operate, therefore, before acknowledging to work for a company, you ought to first research the company’s code of values and carry out so as to ensure that it is compatible with their own personal values. Lecture 5 helped me find both integrity and diversity throughout the eyes of a potential workplace: as a worker, I would basic my decisions on my own ideals and see virtually any cultural dissimilarities as a possible method to obtain conflict, nevertheless , organisations usually see selection as an asset and anticipate their personnel to act according to their own ethical principles.


Prior to embarking on this module, I did not believe in the efficacy or usefulness of self-assessment equipment, to the level that I saw them as being a waste of time. Needing to complete many self-assessment activities has made me realise that as simple because they may be, a lot of exercises are in reality quite tough as they pressure participants to judge themselves from alternative perspectives. I was amazed to find out that despite my apparent rigidity, I are actually versatile enough to question some of my most deeply-rooted ideas and philosophy. This component has helped me identify numerous weaknesses i know Let me have to focus on in order to grow both personally and professionally. These include my personal conflict managing skills and my trend to base my activities and decisions on a fixed set of suggestions and habits, thus declining to consider alternative routes. I have also learnt to understand the value of my own past activities, which I believe that I should analyse in greater depth and promote with others in order to attain greater self-awareness. In view of the teachings learnt via Lecture five, I as well intend to familiarise myself with assorted organisations’ requirements of carry out in order to gain an improved understanding of what employers anticipate from their staff, in terms of honest behaviour.

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