the various types of snowboarding essay

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The english language 104-05

Feb. 11, 97


Just about every four years in the Winter Olympics, we see specialist athletes

compete in many areas ranging from downhill skiing to high-speed bobsledding.

We see the pros demonstrate their very own spectacular skills, and we make an effort to

emulate them in our own activities. Inside the Olympics, cross country and down hill

skiing will be two extremely popular sports, and nonprofessionals can get into all of them.

In this essay I will sort the various types of snowboarding into three categories

and inform you about each.

The first sort of skiing i will discuss is cross country skiing.

As the name implies, cross-country winter sports consists of horizontal travel across

flat land and fairly few hills. Cross-country skis are not improved for

speed, but instead for easier long distance travel. This type of skiing is additionally

the least expensive with the three types and has been increasing many new

enthusiasts. A decent quality cross-country ski package would cost around $150.

As for choosing tools, the skier should choose poles which might be as taller as

his shoulders. (For most people this may mean a 140 cm to 150 cm pole. ) Skis

come in three common sizes, 190 cm, 210, centimeter and 240 cm, and the proper length

depends on the level of the person. To determine the size needed, anybody

should keep his hands above his head and choose the snowboarding that most closely

approximates the distance from the bottom of his palm towards the floor. The

following table gives some guidelines as to which ski plans are right for

which usually heights.

Elevation: Proper Snowboarding Length ~53190 cm skiing ~

510210 cm snowboard ~66240 cm ski Table 1

The last thing the tomber will want to choose is whether or not this individual wants to

have wax or perhaps non-wax skis. Wax skis are classic and have the benefit for

being faster for the experienced skier. Non-wax skis are excellent for new skiers

and those whom do not desire to bother with waxing every time that they ski. General, I

will recommend non-wax skis to anyone engaging in skiing mainly due to their

ease-of-use and reduce maintenance requirements.

The second key category of this kind of sport is definitely downhill snowboarding. Downhill

snowboarding differs via cross-country snow skiing mostly in where it is performed in addition to

the equipment utilized. Downhill snowboarding is best suited to mountainous areas, but

snowboarding hills have been built in many states for those who live too far from the

mountains. Downhill skis are designed for acceleration, and their extra strength and

width offers skiers more control for these substantial speeds. Actually experienced

downhill skiers can reach velocities of 65 mph before coming to a rest at the

bottom of their slope. The equipment costs are larger for all downhill skis than

cross-country skis and a major step package does the skier again at least $300.

Presently, downhill snow skiing is the most popular form of the game, but as

hill ski resorts become more congested and over-used, more people have been

checking out cross-country snowboarding which can be done anywhere which the snow declines.

The last band of skiers comes with those who snowboarding freestyle and perform gets

flips, and other acrobatics. Freestyle skiers choose the bumpiest, steepest

and most difficult courses and mountains, and they constantly court danger and

injury. The device costs intended for freestyle snow skiing are more than the other two

areas mainly due to the specialized skis, poles, and clothes used. Since this

is considered the most dangerous sort of skiing, I actually do not recommend it to anyone who is not

experienced inside the other forms of skiing and has not been winter sports for several


In this dissertation I have informed you around the three major categories of

snow skiing: cross-country, downhill, and freestyle. You have already been given several

information on every single relating to price, equipment, and danger present. Overall

snowboarding has an exceptional safety record, and if you follow the procedure for learn to

snowboarding in the appropriate order, here is exactly the instructions to enjoy the sport as thousands of others perform.

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