thermal transfer rates for different materials

Category: Weather,
Words: 470 | Published: 04.08.20 | Views: 856 | Download now


Physical Geography, Geography, Temperature, Ambiance

Excerpt coming from Lab Survey:

Differential box Heating of Materials

Lab Report in Geography

The heating of materials varies considerable depending on material formula and atmospheric conditions. A lot of the sun’s energy may be reflected back to the atmosphere, in a procedure called albedo (Lutgens Tarbuck, 1998, p. 36). The standard albedo costs for yellow sand, mud, concrete, and normal water are approximately 20-30%, 10%, 5-10%, and 3-80%, respectively, depending on the placement of the sunlight relative to the top of water (p. 40).

The process of heat materials will vary as well. For instance , asphalt and dry sand would primarily use louage for thermal transfer, although bodies of water or air could use convection (p. 30). On the other hand, energy transfer to get wet soil or dirt has the added complexity of latent heating system (p. 76). Latent warming or evaporation has a strong cooling influence on the water moisture leftover, a lack of 600 calories from fat for every gram of water turned into vapour. Based on the above information, the materials that would heat the quickest once exposed to a heat supply would be asphalt >sand >drinking water >mud. This kind of hypothesis assumes that the air is not really saturated with water vapour.


Pots filled with crushed stone, water, asphalt, and wet garden ground (mud) had been placed in front fo the classroom (Jones, 2015, g. 35). Initial temperatures were recorded by 0 minutes, representing the ambient temperatures. The heat lamps were in that case turned on and a countdown timer collection for thirty minutes. Once the 30 minute period had finished the heat lamps were turned off. Air, surface area, and internal temperatures had been taken every 10 minutes for a total length of 50 a few minutes.


The temperature of asphalt (Fig. 1) improved the greatest of the four components analyzed. When exposed to the warmth source the temperature increased from 35 to 66 C. inside 50 mins, but the inside temperature with the asphalt continued to be relatively secure and improved by just 8 C. The surface of sand (Fig. 2) and water (Fig. 3) elevated at close to equivalent costs, reaching a last temperature of 30 and 31 C, respectively, inside the same time period. Sand appears to have began at a lesser temperature when compared to water, but based on following readings, sand and normal water probably started out at almost the same temp. The overall increase of the area of fine sand and water during the 40 minute period of heating was about 6-7 C, while the inner temperature increased by 5 C. For both materials. The air temp reading for sand in 20 mins appears to be

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