training demands analysis thesis
Excerpt coming from Thesis:
Training Demands Analysis (TNA)
Significance of TNA
Gaps in the current TNA models
It does not discuss anything about challenges. It simply notifies the reader regarding the study as well as its possible contribution.
I will edit this section and talk about spaces in the literary works and how no study has done a case study approach in Saudi Arabia
Let me rewrite this section and speak about our case study approach.
It informs someone about particular issues this study hopes to investigate. I do not see anything incorrect with it.
Here I possess converted the issues discussed above into particular research questions.
The outline provided here does not take into account your remarks and the changes that are being manufactured in the thesis. I will edit this section as well keeping in mind the aforementioned facts.
Value and contribution of the examine
I have not really done it. As per your suggestions, I will be providing the theoretical and practical ramifications of this study.
Limitations in the Study
This section is fine. I am unable to think of any other limitations at the moment.
Below I sum up what the target audience will come throughout in this section.
Human Resource Management
From this section we all discuss the subsequent three aspects on HRM;
History of HRM;
Definition and scope of HRM;
Limitations and great things about HRM
Models of HRM
Here I warrant the introduction of this section, its link to my analyze and the importance HRM designs. Furthermore, I provide meanings and ramifications of using the hard and soft HRM models.
I actually fail to connect this section while using objectives of my study (research questions). I will rewrite this section and can include a considerable hypothesis and just how this information can assist me achieve the goals (research questions) of this research.
Strategic Hrm
Here We make the link between initial section and this section.
Again, I fail to connect it with the targets of my own study (research questions). I will rewrite this section and include its relevance to this study
Types of SHRM
Below I provide an overview of a couple of HRM models
Furthermore, in this section, I actually critically analyze the 3 General HRM versions, namely, Universalistic or best-practice, Contingency or perhaps best-fit and Configuration way.
Subsequently, I critically assess the Top-end Working Version and the High-commitment Management Style.
However , again, I neglect to connect it with the objectives of my study (research questions). I will rewrite it and include a measurable speculation and how these details can help myself achieve