ulysses h grant argumentative essay

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Ulysses S. Grant flower to control all the Federal armies inside the Civil Warfare and lead

them to win. He was respectable so much that he continued to be president of the Usa

States for 2 terms. His time of beauty didnt endure forever though, this individual developed cancers and

perished bankrupt.

Ulysses Hiram Give was born Apr 27, 1822, in a two room frame house

at Point Pleasurable, Ohio(Ulysses S i9000. Grant 1). His daddy, Jesse Main Grant, was foreman in

a tannery and a farmer. His mother, Hannah Simpson Grant, was a hard working frontier

woman. The moment Ulysses was obviously a year old, the family moved to Georgetown. Right now there his daddy

bought a farm, built a house, and set up his personal tannery. Jesse and Hannah had five more

children there, two boys and three girls(Ulysses S. Grant 1).

Give love horses and discovered to manage all of them at an early age. When he was several

or ten he may drive a team and began hauling all the solid wood used in your house and retailers.

In the future until this individual reached 17, Grant did all the work carried out with horses

including breaking up the land, furrowing, plowing corn, bringing in the crops when

harvested, and hauling wood(Ulysses S. Offer 1). Three months each winter months when job

was reduced Grant attended a one area schoolhouse, and thats just how he was informed

until this individual went to West Point at seventeen.

When Grant switched seventeen, his father got him a meeting to the Usa

States Military Academy in West Point. The congressman who built the scheduled appointment did

not really know Grants or loans full name, therefore he ignored Hiram and added Simpson. Simpson, was

Grants, mothers maiden name(Ulysses S. Give 1). Having been pleased with his new term

because he disliked his older initials They would. U. G.

Cadet Give did not maintain military existence and never anticipated to stay in the army.

He was good in mathematics and hoped sometime to teach that. In other themes he was

about average. He was, however , the best horseman with the academy. Quiet and timid, he

produced few friends(The Civil War).

When he was commissioned, Ulysses was purchased to Jefferson Barracks, around St .

John, Missouri. When stationed presently there he achieved Julia Dent, daughter of the slave buying

Southern family(Ulysses S. Scholarhip 2). Within three months he proposed with her and was

accepted. Seeing that he had simply his spend as lieutenant, the wedding was postponed(Ulysses H.

Grant 2).

Grant was in almost every fight of the Mexican War. This individual fought by walking

observing various commanders and how they business lead their soldiers. This experience, he

said, was of great value to him, as they became acquainted with nearly all the officers

of the regular army. Some of them such as great jewellry Robert E. Lee may be on

the Confederate part in the Civil War(Krick 15).

Grant went back from South america a captain, with good mention. This individual at once

committed Julia and took her to his new stop, Sacketts Harbor, New York. Through the

Mexican Warfare Grant shaped the habit of consuming. At Sacketts Harbor this individual joined a

temperance contemporary society, but this individual forgot the pledge another year if he was delivered to

Detroit(Ulysses S i9000. Grant 1).

In 1852 Grants routine was ordered to the Pacific coast by way of the Isthmus of

Panama. Mrs. Grant stayed with her father and mother because your woman didnt want to take their two year

older child on a trip like that. Cholera attacked the regiment in Panama. Grant showed superb

leadership and resourcefulness when you get the pantoufle to carry the delirious men across the

isthmus(Krick 16). He kept his cool and showed how he may lead males when occasions got


Grant put in two years on the Pacific shoreline. He missed Julia and wasnt right now there when

his second child was born. He turned once again to drink and wore slovenly uniforms. His

colonel called for his resignation, and Scholarhip borrowed funds to return home(Ulysses S.


Julias father provided Grant 80 acres to farm, around St . John. Grant called the place

Hardscrabble(Ulysses S. Grant2). He cleaned the land, built a log cabin, and worked hard

but cannot make farming pay. Two more children were delivered and Grant couldnt

support his relatives. Grant sold his stock and tools and turned to selling property in

St . Louis. This individual failed again and wandered the pavements looking for a thing to do. Finally his

daddy persuaded his younger sons to take Offer into their leather business for Galena

Illinois. Grant proved helpful as a clerk, selling conceals to saddle makers and cobbles. If the

Civil War broke away he was 39 years old and was generally regarded as a failure(Ulysses T.

Grant 1).

After Fortification Sumter was fired upon April 12, 1861, Chief executive Lincoln given a call up to

arms(The Civil War). Within fourteen days Grant was drilling volunteers in Galena, because

as he said, there is no one else to do the task. He went with the volunteers to Springfield

Illinois, putting on his threadbare citizens clothes(The Civil War).

At Springfield, the chief excutive made him first a clerk, then the mustering police officer. When

the gathering was completed Give left. A few weeks later the governor telegraphed him to

come back and accept the rank of colonel for the reason that men he had recruited experienced asked for

him. Officers were expected to supply their own uniform and horse, but Grant didnt include

either one. Still, he unplaned discipline for the rough farm building youths in addition to a month a new

trained regiment(The Civil War). He marched his men into Missouri, and in St Louis this individual

read within a newspaper that he had been made a général general of volunteers.

Scholarhip reached his headquarters for Cairo, Illinois, September 4, 1861(Ulysses T.

Grant 1). Two days after, without firing a shot, he occupied Paducah, Kentucky. In

November his raw recruits made a great unsuccessful strike on a Confederate camp for

Belmont, Missouri. Grant then simply set to operate to prepare his men for a long, hard struggle.

Volunteers poured in until he previously nearly twenty, 000 men(The Civil War).

In March 1862 Scholarhip advanced into Tennessee. With the aid of Commodore

Footes gunboats, this individual captured Fortification Henry around the Tennessee River(The Civil War). Then he

moved resistant to the more formidable Fort Donelson, on the Cumberland River. When he

was invading this kind of fort, the Confederate general, Simon W. Buckner requested a torbido. This

was the same officer who in had loaned Grant money to rejoin his family in 1858(Ulysses

H. Grant 2). Grants response became famous in American history: Simply no terms other than an

unconditional and instant surrender could be accepted. I propose to move right away

upon your works(The Civil War). Buckner surrendered the fortification with 16, 000 criminals.

Newspapers inside the North had been filled with compliment of Unconditional Surrender(Ulysses S

Grant 2). Lincoln named him an important general.

The purpose of the plan in the West was going to cut the Confederacy in two by

winning the Mississippi Valley. The first major success came during1862 in the challenge of

Shiloh in the southern area of Tennessee. In two days of desperate struggling with, Grant forced the

Confederate forces back in Corinth in Mississippi(The Detrimental War).

Deficits on both equally sides were large. Grant was severely belittled for his conduct in

this challenge because he acquired failed to assume an harm by the enemy, but Director Lincoln

stated, I cannot spare this manhe fights(The Civil War). Grant built no standard excuses but put in

the rest of 1862 making plans to take Vicksburg, the castle on the Mississippi River

that served as a major transportation point pertaining to the Confederacy.

Vicksburg was a brilliant procedure and demonstrated Grant in his ideal. The ft

surrendered unconditionally on September 4, 1863, a day following the battle of Gettysburg(The Municipal

War). Days later Dock Hudson fell. Grants son Frederick, 13 years old, was with him

in the Vicksburg campaign. Fredrick said, He looked to himself in every

battle(Ulysses T. Grant 1).

As a reward for his victory by Vicksburg, Grant was given supreme command of

the soldires in the West(The Civil War). When he went back to Tennessee, he attempt to

relieve analysis army penned up in Chattanooga. The Confederates occupied Lookout

Mountain and Missionary Ridge, those two locations had been the only things in the way

getting close the city. Upon November twenty four and twenty-five, the Government troops stormed the levels, and

the Confederates fled into Georgia(Ulysses S. Scholarhip 2). Almost all Tennessee was now captured

and the benefits of the Confederacy was properly broken.

In the final struggle of the City War, Give found himself up against Robert E. Shelter.

Lee was the just general remaining in the southern who had an opportunity of beating Grant plus the

North. With troops outnumbering Lees two to one, Give sought out to destroy the

Southern military services. Grants approach was in order to send all his males into battle at once, never

letting them relax until success prevailed. Shelter saw that Grant wouldnt back down, and so he

surrendered in order to save lives of the ready bloodthirsty war(Krick 26).

Grant went to Washington to disband the military. In 04 1866 our elected representatives revived intended for

him the rank of full general, a subject not used since George Washington had held it(The Civil

War). The spend gave Scholarhip financial reliability, and this individual became a well-known figure in the streets

in his light push chair, driving a spirited horses. Gifts were showered in him. Galena and

Phila. both offered houses to him. New York City gave him $100, 000(Ulysses S.

Give 1).

Offer had hardly ever been considering politics and belonged to simply no political get together.

President Johnson hoped to set through Lincolns mild plan of reconstructing the

seceded states(Ulysses S i9000. Grant 1). The Radical Republicans in Congress required a

harsh policy. Meeks hoped to obtain Grants support, but Give quarreled with him and

was earned over by the Radicals.

While the United states senate was impeaching Johnson, the Republican meeting in Chicago, il

unanimously nominated Grant pertaining to president, with Schuyler Colfax of Indianapolis for vice-

president. Grant received 214 electoral ballots as against 80 pertaining to the Democratic candidate

Horatio Seymour(Ulysses T. Grant 1). Grant received great support from the dark-colored people

in the Southern declares.

Grant joined the Light House with Julia great beautiful little girl Nellie. His

sons were there from time to time, and his outdated father, right now a postmaster in Covington

Kentucky, made brief visits. Grants friends stayed with their business and were too busy

to go to him(Ulysses S i9000. Grant 2).

Serious complications confronted the country. The conflict had helped bring poverty and

desolation towards the south, but it helped bring the North prosperity. There was widespread

data corruption in both political and business life. Grants presidency contributed to data corruption

in politics.

In 1869 two speculators, Jay Gould and Adam Fisk, attemptedto corner rare metal and

helped bring pressure on Grant to hold the United States treasury from selling it(Ulysses T.

Grant 1). Foreign transact was almost stopped. Upon Black Friday, September. 24, 1869, the

Usa treasury, with Grants approval, suddenly place 4 , 000, 000 dollars in gold up for

sale(Ulysses T. Grant 2). The price stepped, causing the ruin of many speculators.

In 1870, the Radical Republicans hoped to gain Black votes in the Southern by adding

the 15th Variation to the Constitution, which states that the correct of individuals of the

Usa to political election shall not always be denied or abridged because of race, color, or

previous condition of servitude(Ulysses S. Grant). The immediate result of the

amendment was an increase of terroristic acts against Blacks to avoid their voting.

Led simply by Carl Schurz and other reformers, a group inside the Republican party set out to

defeat Grant pertaining to reelection. They organized the Liberal Republican party, which usually called for

civil service change, an end to corruption in government, plus the withdrawal of troops

from your South(The Detrimental War). The Democratic party joined with all of them in helping

Horace Greeley, founder in the New York Podium, for the presidency. The totally normal

Republicans, renominated Grant. Give received 286 electoral votes(Ulysses S. Grant 2).

Greeley died shortly after the political election, and his 63 electoral ballots were divided among other

candidates(Ulysses T. Grant 1).

Grants acceptance declined since evidence of serious political data corruption came to lumination.

The government had given funds and area grants for the new railways in the West. In 1873

it had been found that particular members of Congress was bribed to vote in the interests of

the Union Pacific Railroad(Krick 32). The bribes were in the form of inventory in a railway

construction company, the Credit Salon. In 1874 the Whiskey Ring scandal was

revealed. The diamond ring was a combination of distillers and tax officials who defrauded the

treasury of the revenue tax upon whiskey(Ulysses S. Grant 2). Grant has not been personally

suggested as a factor in the scams, but this individual gave sessions to unfit people and stood simply by them

after they had been been shown to be dishonest.

The wartime increase ended together with the great worry of 1873. Five a lot of hard times

used. Businessmen urged the government to come back to a sound currency and give us a call at in the

greenbackspaper money issued during the Civil War. The greenbacks were not based

upon gold or perhaps silver in the treasury together therefore declined in benefit, causing a steep within

prices(The Civil War). Scholarhip vetoed legislation calling for more paper money. In 1875 he

agreed upon the Soprattutto Resumption Take action, which built greenbacks redeemable in rare metal or silver precious metal

coin(Ulysses T Grant 1).

Grant reluctantly announced that he would not be considered a candidate to get a third term

because he knew that the scandals of his administration had turned the voters against him.

Both the Republicans and the Democrats nominated reform candidates(Ulysses S. Scholarhip

2). The election was so close that the outcome was disputed till March a couple of, when a

Congressional committee made a decision in favor of Rutherford B. Hayes.

For the next two years Grant, with his wife and son Jesse, toured Europe and Asia.

He returned home numerous gifts, although his funds was practically gone. In 1880 the

Republicans attempted to have him nominated for any third term, but the Democrats prevailed and

nominated Wayne A. Garfield(Ulysses S. Scholarhip 2). Offer, however , was still being the individuals

hero, great friends raised a large fund for him by well-known subscription. Give went to

Nyc and purchased a house together with the money.

Scholarships children had become adults and been successful in living their lives. Nellie

had been hitched at the White colored House to a wealthy Brit. Frederick was obviously a lieutenant

colonel in the military, Jesse was obviously a lawyer, and Ulysses, Jr., was in a Wall Street broker

firm, Give and Ward(Ulysses S. Offer 2).

Grant unwisely put in all his money in Offer and Ward. He paid out no focus on

its operations, and his son apparently realized little regarding the business. Ferdinand Ward was

a dishonest speculator. The firm damaged in 1884 and left Grant broke and

humiliated(Ulysses S. Give 1). Keep was sent to the state penitentiary.

To build an income, Grant considered writing. Samuel L. Clemens, better called

Mark Twain, was then a subscription publication publisher. He offered Scholarhip a high royals for

his memoirs, and in 1885 Give began to dictate them(Ulysses S i9000. Grant 1). A pain in his

throat was finally clinically diagnosed as malignancy, but Give went on, composing with a coop, to provide

to get his better half after having been gone.

Throughout summer of 1885 Mrs. Grant took her husband towards the Adirondacks near

Saratoga. Generally there he completed his `Personal Memoirs in regards to a week ahead of he passed away on This summer

23(Krick 12). Written truthfully, the work rates high high between military biographies. It was and so

popular that Mrs. Scholarhip received almost $450, 000 from its sale(Krick 12). A granite tomb

to Scholarships memory was built in Riverside Travel in Nyc, in 1959 it probably is a

national memorial(Krick 45).

Grants your life was like a roller coster, in the beginning he started low and was

considered to be a failure. He worked his way to the top, started to be the most privileged general in

the U. S., and was elected President of the United States. Then simply suddenly his life travelled

downhill, his firm crashed, he designed cancer and died insolvent.

Works Reported

The Civil War. Videocassettes. PBS. PBS Documentary, date unknown. 6 hours

Krick, Robert. Detrimental War Chronicles. 1994, 64 pages

Ulysses S. Give. Comptons Multimedia Encyclopedia. Comptons. Newsmedia, Inc.

1994 (1)

Ulysses T. Grant. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Grolier Digital Publishing Inc.

1994 (2)

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