When I Have Fears That I May Cease To Be by John Keats Essay

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This poem is catagorized into two major thought groups: *Keats expresses his fear of dying young inside the first believed unit, lines 1-12. He fears that he will not really fulfill himself as a copy writer (lines 1-8) and that he will suffer his beloved (lines 9-12). *Keats solves his anxieties by asserting the unimportance of love and fame in the concluding two and a half lines of this sonnet.

The initial quatrain (four lines) highlights both how fertile his imagination can be and how much he needs to express; therefore the imagery of the harvest, e. g., glean’d, garners, full ripen’d grain. Subtly rewarding this idea is the stabreim of the keywords and phrases glean’d, garners, and grain, as well as the repetition of r seems in charactery, rich, garners, ripen’d, and grain. . A harvest is, obviously, happiness in time, the culmination which yields a valued merchandise, as mirrored in the feed being full ripen’d. Abundance is also apparent inside the adjectives high-piled and rich.

The harvest metaphor contains a paradox (paradox is a feature of Keats’s poetry and thought): Keats is both the field of grain (his imagination is similar to the wheat to be harvested) and dr. murphy is the harvester (writer of poetry). In the next complainte (lines 5-8), he views the world while full of material he can transform in to poetry (his is the magic hand)the beauty of nature (night’s starr’d face) and the greater meanings he perceives underneath the appearance of nature or physical phenomena (Huge cloudy symbols). In the third quatrain (lines 9-12), this individual turns to love. As the fair creature of your hour, his beloved is unsuccsefflull just as, by implication, love is.

The quatrain itself parallels the concept of little time, in being just three . 5 lines, as opposed to the usual 4 lines of your Shakespearean sonnet; the effect in reading features a slight speeding-up of time. Can be love as critical as, less important than, or perhaps equally important as poetry to get Keats with this poem? Does the fact that he devotes fewer lines to love than to poetry suggest everything with their relative importance to him?

The poet’s anxiety about time (ofcourse not enough time to fulfill his graceful gift and love) is definitely supported by the repetition of when at the start of each complainte and by the shortening with the third complainte. Keats qualities two attributes to take pleasure in: (1) it has the ability to transform the world to get the fans (faery power), but of course tooth faries are not genuine, and their enchantments are an impression and (2) love involves us with emotion rather than thought (I feel and unreflecting love). Reflecting after his thoughts, which the work of producing this sonnet has included, Keats achieves some isolating from his own feelings and regular life, and so he is able to reach a resolution.

This individual thinks about a persons solitariness (I stand alone) and man insignificance (the implicit distinction betwen his lone self and the wide world). The coast is a point of speak to, the tolerance between two worlds or conditions, area and ocean; so Keats is bridging a threshold, from his desire for celebrity and like to accepting their very own unimportance and ceasing to show concern and desire.

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