white internet pages hydrogen gas term paper

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Fossil Gasoline

Wind Electrical power, Alternative Strength, Electric Automobile, Renewable Energy

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The study advocated a broader energy coverage for autos, specifically one that allocated additional money to the advancement gas-electric hybrids. Hydrogen could be the fuel for the future, but it is a distant foreseeable future, at least fifty years away (Stauffer par. 8-9). In the meantime, the development of proven technology will be of more gain than hydrogen.

The Myriad Issues with Hydrogen: Availability, Extraction, and Storage space Are Just the Beginnings

An additional study – this time by simply 18 experts and engineers from educational institutions, the government, and private laboratories – concluded that zero known option energy source, hydrogen included, is able to take the place of non-renewable fuels (“Fossil Fuels” par. 1-2). Regarding hydrogen, the study had very particular points. One, hydrogen would not exist within a natural real form. Two, hydrogen must be extracted from either gas or normal water. Three, more carbon dioxide and fewer energy can be produced with hydrogen can be extracted than if natural gas is just burnt directly. Four, using solar or breeze for extraction energy is actually not cost effective with current technology (“Fossil Fuels” par. 12). A study completed by the National Academies echoed this sentiment. That statement concluded that the most cost effective means of removing hydrogen intended for fuel is from gas, meaning employing hydrogen does not reduce reliance on fossil fuels or maybe the negative environmental impact. In addition , the high cost of fuel skin cells, the lack of a distribution network, and the volatile nature of pure hydrogen were every point against it is use (“Hydrogen Economy Offers” par. 4-7).

Because hydrogen is a gas, an volatile one at that, it requires particular storage. Storage containers either have to be exceptionally significant to accommodate enough hydrogen to get fuel otherwise have to be pressurised to risky levels (“Is Hydrogen” similar. 1). That may be only a problem after the hydrogen has been extracted from another source. The environmental and personal benefits of hydrogen are only understood when it is extracted from drinking water with renewable energy (Lynn par. 3). The Bush supervision is quietly making moves to insure hydrogen will be taken out from non-renewable fuels using non-renewable fuels to extract upwards of 90% of all hydrogen produced (Lynn par. 2). This is a part of a reasoning that ignores how hydrogen is manufactured in order to quickly replace gasoline. Assessments in the value of hydrogen that do not take into consideration how the hydrogen was extracted are eventually flawed (Stuaffer par. 6). If hydrogen is extracted from non-renewable fuels using non-renewable fuels as the primary extraction power source, then zero environmental rewards will be noticed, energy freedom will be absent, and it will all happen in a net energy reduction.

Conclusion: Hydrogen Simply Not a Feasible Fossil Fuel Replacement unit report in the National Academies indicates which the best-case scenario for the hydrogen overall economy would find development spread over many many years. Reductions in carbon dioxide exhausts and fossil fuel use would not end up being significant for at least another 25 years (“Hydrogen Economic system Offers” doble. 1). In a nutshell, the specialized obstacles associated with the proposed hydrogen economy are significant. Even worse, current ways of extraction count on fossil fuels in each and every aspect of the procedure. This means that no environmental or perhaps political gain is attained by developing hydrogen as a gasoline. Hydrogen does have the potential to get an important gas in the far away future; however , currently it is not necessarily a possible replacement for non-renewable fuels.

Works Mentioned

Crabtree, George W., Mildred S. Dresselhaus, and Michelle V. Buchanan. “The Hydrogen Economy. inches Physics Today Online. December. 2004. twenty-five Oct. 2006 http://www.physicstoday.org/vol-57/iss-12/p39.html.

Non-renewable fuels Still Terribly lack a Possible Replacement. inch The Times by way of Associated Press. 1 November. 2002. twenty-five Oct. june 2006 http://www.rff.org/rff/News/Coverage/2002/November/Fossil-Fuels-Still-Dont-Have-Feasible-Replacement.cfm.

Hydrogen Economy Gives Major Possibilities but Encounters Considerable Difficulties. ” The National Academies: Advisers towards the Nation about Science, Executive, and Medication. 4 February. 2004. twenty-five Oct. 2006 http://www4.nationalacademies.org/news.nsf/isbn/0309091632?OpenDocument.

Is Hydrogen an affordable Fuel Substitute? ” Physorg. com. doze Oct. june 2006. 25 Oct. 2005 http://www.physorg.com/news7198.html.

Lynn, Craig C. “Hydrogen’s Dirty Magic formula. ” Mom Jones. May/June 2003. twenty-five Oct. 2006 http://www.motherjones.com/news/outfront/2003/05/ma_375_01.html.

Stauffer, Nancy. “Hydrogen Vehicle Will not be Viable Shortly, Study Says. ” MIT News Business office. 2 Marly. 2003. 25 Oct. 2006 http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2003/hydrogen-0305.html.

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