wireless transfer layer protection and term paper

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Wireless, Wireless Network, Wireless Technology, Ericsson

Excerpt from Term Paper:

The wi-fi application versions closely stick to the internet unit. “WAP identifies two necessary elements of wi-fi communication: a great end-to-end software protocol and an application environment based on a browser. The application form protocol can be described as layered conversation protocol that is certainly embedded in each WAP user agent. The network side features a server aspect implementing the other end in the protocol that is certainly capable of communicating with any kind of WAP user agents. The role with the server component is also to behave as a gateway to path the obtain of a consumer agent to a application storage space. ” (Paukkunen, 1999) the server builds a connection between the networks. This normal defines a browser, and an interpreter. It knows the WML Script. The WML or perhaps wireless indicate up dialect is designed to be employed in the wireless network and many protocols utilize the WML server scripting procedures. (Paukkunen, 1999)


Wireless band use to get communication features revolutionized the internet, interaction, and ecommerce and features enhanced ease of access. Following this the need arose to keep intrusion out of these devices and it absolutely was proved that internet and LANS had been vulnerable to thieves. The wireless systems had been found to be more vulnerable to attacks. Because of this many security features of WAP servers, browsers, internet hosts and web commerce follow protection protocols designed for wireless applications. The wi-fi LAN technology is varied with the form of need. Today the 802. 11 pair of standards and protocols like the Wireless Transport Layer protection – WTLS is frequent.


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