wrong blood vessels in pipe wibit example

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Words: 472 | Published: 04.30.20 | Views: 640 | Download now


Hospital, Need for Education, Guidelines, Employee Proceeds

Excerpt from Case Study:

Wrong Blood vessels in Pipe

In a hospital environment, it can sometimes become difficult to look closely at detail with many tasks. Yet , it is often the case that paying close focus on detail conserve lives in many instances. Bloodstream in the wrong tube (WBIT) can occur if a blood example of beauty is obtained from a patient and labeled inaccurately for a variety of reasons. Blood can be obtained from the wrong individual and mislabel or the blood vessels from the correct patient could be also labeled with the incorrect patient information. When this happens an individual can be presented the wrong pathology results and may even receive the incorrect treatment which can significantly lessen health outcomes.

Within thirty-five days in the Orange County Hospital features experienced eleven WBIT specimens. The enclosed investigation of each WBIT features uncovered an extensive spread problem within the establishment. There was mostly likely user error during these processes even so the hospital as well blames the collection practice in its entirety. The method should be remodeled to address this problems:

Labels of specimens away from the patient’s bedside.

Failing to properly use affected person identifiers

Patients with similar, or similar names which may have not been flagged.

Use of pre-printed brands from earlier patients.


With the latest advances in technology, laboratories are becoming increasingly more automated to be able to increase reliability and reduce problems in all levels of example of beauty analysis; in spite of all these initiatives, most screening errors take place in the preanalytical stage, with specimen id and labelling being the largest culprits (Szallasi, 2011). One of the better practices is always to consider where the problems are more than likely to occur and institute educational programs to aid mitigate the occurrence of WBIT occasions. For example , in one study the researchers looked over a longitudinal occurrence of WBIT simply by specialties and found that pediatrics was the the majority of vulnerable (Tinegate, Robertson, Iqbal, 2013)

Number 1 – WBIT by Specialty (Tinegate, Robertson, Iqbal, 2013)

One study provided a great intervention between a considerable group of phlebotomists in Laxa, sweden; the intervention was composed of two lectures that addressed the reports of sub-standard VBSC criteria adherence (Bolenius, et approach., 2013). The intervention contained only two hours so that it did not eliminate too much time from the workers plans.

The main obtaining was that the research demonstrated many significant advancements on phlebotomists’ adherence to VBSC methods and in contrast

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