Youth Unemployment in Russia: Causes and Effects Essay

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Everyone should know that it is impossible to live a regular life with no employment and money. And no doubts that young adults are not an exception to the regulation, and they also cannot do with no means of subsistence.

But as for the children, so they actually can live within simply their parents’ means, they can cadge all of them pin funds to the end of time. I use heard much that this sort of a system does not work in the USA and Europe, while parents generally there do not want their precious offspring to get dependants and parasites all their life, that’s why that they turn all of them out with their home shortly after their coming of age. Therefore young people in the Western world start looking for a job, living from palm to oral cavity very often, as they cannot find an appropriate job. In Russia such something when the younger generation continue living within their parents’ expenses right up to the age of 25, 27 or something about that is popular enough.

You may fancy that is because of the Russians’ idleness. Very well, that is the case but simply in part. One way or another but both young people under western culture and Russia face often one and the same serious problem: they just cannot get a job.

According to the standard statistics junior unemployment in Russia is around 27%, it really is much higher compared to the average charge in the world, which is about 12%. On my article I would like to write about the present situation in Russia, to measure causes of children unemployment through this country, also to define any possible results it can lead to. There are a number of causes of youngsters unemployment, which in turn ultimately cause negative outcomes for Russia’s economy and social lifestyle.

In the first place, the economy in Russia is still very much weaker within developed European countries. Plus the recession of 2009 has not played in Russia’s favor. In fact the workplaces in the area are simply if she is not created. Inside the second place, there is a really weak hyperlink between educational institutes plus the real job market, hence a lot of teachers have skills incompatible to the requirements of employers.

Young people do not get virtually any practical skills during their education which business employers look for. And that practice that they can get is too insignificant to be enough pertaining to employers. Inside the third place, the problem from the growing junior unemployment turns into even more difficult by the reality Russian children has a extremely high level of education. Currently about 90% of school-leavers choose school education. Several youngsters obtain several university-level educations.

Nevertheless the whole point is that The ussr does not need so many lawyers, economic analysts, journalists with university diplomas.  Eventually this sort of people have no other choice but to be retrained intended for needed blue collar careers or to remain albatrosses around their parents’ necks. Nevertheless naturally nobody wants to perform manual labor, since it is not considered to be prestigious in Russia to become carpenters, turners, locksmiths, factory workers. Consequently one more source of youth joblessness follows: a number of Russian young adults are too choosy.

They do not demonstrate high activity and flexibility in job queries. They are not satisfied with suggested salaries, anticipating that their very own years of torments at educational institutions have to cost much more. They can be comprehended of course yet taking into account the simple fact that many competent specialists with years of knowledge get scanty earnings in Russia, such fastidious the younger generation could be thankful for small favors. At least pertaining to the first few years till that they get some hands on experience. Besides, there may be one more source of youth lack of employment which hits almost every graduate student looking for a job.

Most of employers do not want to take the risk and perhaps they are afraid to use inexperienced teenagers. Young people must be trained, and consequently it means only extra troubles and costs for employers. On the one hand it is not a problem to get employers’ misgivings: small employees terrify them with their particular labor patterns, ethics, lack of ability to speak, to write down, to operate.

That is why they will claim their applicants to obtain 2, 3 or even your five years of experience. But on the other hand just how is it possible to receive any reasonable work experience whilst you get your education? It is not enough that doing work will impact the quality of education, yet more often it really is impossible to mix work with study.

In addition because of the lack of sufficient work experience the young staff are often the first to be laid off during personnel cut. To sum up everything crafted above I will note that not any doubts you will discover much more reasons behind youth joblessness in The ussr, but We am of opinion that we have described the most significant kinds. It should be seen that the high rate of unemployment within our country contains a whole range of negative repercussions.

And only a few of them are hard drinking and drug habit (especially in rural areas because of shortcoming of jobs), not shedding brain drain, increasing offense rate. As well as the last but not the least level is that the whole generation, the so called future of Russia, locates itself overboard the world. And these individuals will not lead the normal your life till people not become an adequate education satisfying employers’ requirements, until blue collar jobs will not be paid as very well as light collar jobs, till employers will not reduce personnel trainings. All in all not necessarily so easy to have nowadays: we never will be able to get a condo for the superb work at our factory.

In our time everything depends on you, it is up to you to accomplish your best in order not to become unemployed. Merely follow the secret “it’s the squeaky tyre that gets the grease” and perfect yourself your life.

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