advanced practice nurse the rn analysis paper

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Advanced Practice Nursing

Registered Nurse, Advanced Medical, Pharmacology, Best Practices

Excerpt via Research Conventional paper:

THREE: Integrity: This percentage of the learning knowledge for the RN planning to be a great APRN is very important because: a) ethical dilemmas and how they impact patient care must be part of the subjects; b) decision-making with ethics as a drivers for decisions must be learned; c) in what instances do personal conflict of interest arise? SEVERAL: Professional Role Development: the ability and skills to be effective happen to be taught: a) learn effort with other health-related professionals; b) an APRN must be a great advocate, a teacher, a researcher, a consultant, a clinician, and a director; c) changes must be monitored so finding out how to monitor alterations is important; d) graduates should have learned tips on how to recruit potential new pupils into the field. FIVE: Human being Diversity and Social Concerns: An APRN must not only be open-minded and comfortable with patients and nurses from other cultures, the APRN must: a) assess their community employing “appropriate epidemiological principles”; b) understand the ethnical norms and specific wellness practices of myriad social and ethnic groups, in order to make care suitable to any traditions; c) anticipate to practice within a “multicultural workforce”; SIX: Overall health Promotion and Disease Reduction: the classes for this subject should provide graduates sufficient skills to: a) use “epidemiological, cultural, and environmental data to draw inferences” with reference to the fitness of clients, households, communities and groups; b) monitor alternative and thorough strategies that point towards stopping disease; and c) incorporate theories and research t counseling and teaching approaches (AACN).

Key Curriculum intended for Advanced Practice Nursing

The core programs that should be found in all Master’s programs intended for RNs wanting to become Advance Practice Nursing staff will include: Advanced Health/Physical Assessment; Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology; and Advanced Pharmacology (AACN).

Role Advancement from a Theoretical Point of view

Theory is an important component of the advanced medical milieu; course work should offer graduates ample skills and knowledge to be able to evaluate and deeply evaluate many ideas (even via an historical perspective); applying those hypotheses to help give you the best possible healthcare is critical (AACN). Author Bea Barker examines the theoretical foundation to get advanced nursing jobs practice, and points to several types of theory that advanced nursing staff must be knowledgeable about. One, descriptive theories that spell out a certain discipline; two, explanatory hypotheses explain just how various principles interact; three, predictive theories predict the “relationships between the concepts of a phenomenon and under what conditions it can occur; and four, prescriptive theories actually bring about interventions and the consequences of interventions (Barker, 2009, s. 374). What is important to bear in mind is that “theory informs practice as practice informs theorywe must figure out and make use of theory and research to guide practice while at the same time analyzing and critiquing each of our practice” in order to create new and more relevant theories (Barker, p. 375).

Works Cited

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Practice Nursing jobs: Core Concepts for Specialist Role

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