bantu education and source examination essay

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1 . The main aims of the Bantu Education Act were mainly (at least according to Dr. Verwoerd) to transform education for natives in to Bantu education, which will teach them items they will want to know in their lives. This kind of is stated clearly in Source A, wherever Dr . Verwoerd is quoted stating “Education must train and teach persons in accordance using their opportunities in life, according to the sphere in which they live. ” Studying between the lines, Dr . Verwoerd is saying which the Bantu will be an inferior contest that will never be equal to the whites, and that it would be a waste of resources and effort to try and teach them things they are going to never need to know.

By saying the he almost straight suggests that the blacks will need to be kept down, as it would be absolutely ridiculous to try and train him mathematics, for example , when ever all he will ever quantity to is a farmer or a tailor.


In Source C it is directly stated that, as most blacks will become agriculturists, the most beneficial things which could be taught to them are growing plants and needlework.

He doesn’t even supply the blacks a chance, immediately disregarding them as complete idiots to whom wouldn’t even want the same type of education as the whites. Therefore , preparing the different syllabuses for all education, the black systems should be limited to very simple abilities such as reading, writing, farming and perhaps quite easy mathematics. We wouldn’t want to overload the blacks with data that will just confuse all of them and get them to unhappy, right now would we? In accordance to the Commission payment on Native Education the blacks; knowledge of anything requiring brains should be barred.

In another presentation by Dr. Verwoerd (Source B) he states that “The Bantu must be guided to serve his personal community in all respects” and: “Until right now he has recently been subjected to a school system which usually drew him away from his own community and misinformed him by showing him the green pastures of European society in which he was prohibited to graze”. Basically, these two estimates state that Verwoerd doesn’t desire any hopeful Europeans around. He defends his arguments by saying that it would also be unfair to continue teaching the Bantu like the Europeans, as it is only exhibiting them fresh horizons they will never be allowed to explore.

Teaching them like this would as a result create Bantu that experienced the skills of Europeans, and not all their people. As whites into would never hire all of them the administrative positions all their education amounts demand, they can be forced to go back to their persons and farming, in which they can have no skills. This would trigger discontent in everyone, so it is better certainly not to educate the Bantu at all. Apparently it would also be very uneconomic to spend money on education without a specific aim, and disrupt the city life of the Bantu. His main level behind the arguments says this: We don’t want to have the blacks interfering in our lives.

Origin E further helps these disputes. In this image four dark schoolboys want very happy strolling down a road. This photograph seems extremely arranged to make the outside world think the Southern region African authorities is doing almost all they can to bring light into the darkness that is the existence of the Bantu.

2 . Assessment of source W

Source B is an excerpt from a speech made by Dr Verwoerd to the united states senate of South The african continent on the 7th of June 1954. I think this source is very valuable, as it is a primary source from your time period. It gives us direct information about what Verwoerd said in his speech. It also tells us a bit about what kind of government was in power at the time. This could be seen through the fact that he can give this kind of a racist conversation. If someone offered this talk today, he would be severely criticized and bullied and teased. At the period the presentation was given it would appear that the senate might be expecting to hear something like this, and be satisfied by it. This again proves what a racist federal government was in power at the period of the talk. It does certainly not leave much room to get bias, apart from by censorship, or having some parts of the speech left out.

This kind of source is also very limited in many ways. It doesn’t tell us many things, as it is only a part of a speech. As an example, it doesn’t tell us who recorded this conversation, and hand picked the parts to be included. We don’t understand either what Verwoerd explained in the parts that are not included. It would likewise give a clearer image of the government in power if we were advised about the senate’s effect to the conversation. If they cheered madly, this would prove what a racist program was in power at the period. A tremendous support would be if we found out so what happened after the talk. Were every his recommendations made fact, or were they will regarded as a failed idea. I would also be very interested in finding out what inspired him to give this speech. Was he requested to give a speech on the topic, or did he himself think the time was appropriate for such an exclamation.

Analysis of Source Elizabeth

This source is a photograph of four black schoolboys stating how happy they may be, and what a good task the government performing at getting every one of the Bantu in to school. This photo is very valuable especially because it is so obviously staged. This is a good example of a heavily manipulated propaganda photography. It is meant to give us the idea that most is well with blacks, and they are the happiest of all. If you dig more deeply, though, you may deduce several things. Obviously the photographer offers told the youngsters where to stand and to apply a huge laugh to their encounters. This tells us that the South African government was concerned with their picture with the outside the house world and human legal rights activists. This kind of photo was obviously considered to soothe the minds of anyone worrying about the ill treatment of the blacks.

The main restriction of this photo is we don’t recognize how much the photo was manipulated. Maybe the young boys were walking down the street, and were informed to smile when a photo was taken. Maybe the several boys had been rounded up, place in school uniforms and made to walk down the street in exchange for a small payment. We don’t know.

three or more. In my opinion, Origin B is absolutely the most useful. It really captures the mentality of the current authorities and the persons. It tells us Doctor Verwoerd’s opnion about the blacks and their treatment. Although he doesn’t directly announce his hatred pertaining to blacks and how he wants to shoot them all, we can see he is more concerned with the wellbeing of the European community than that of the Bantu. It is also a primary source, so chances are it has not recently been subject to too much manipulation. It gives us a good understanding of the government, Dr Verwoerd and how the blacks are being treated. It is a bit sugarcoated, but once you get deeper it is obvious what they really think. I think this source is the most useful since it captures the attitudes on the Bantu at the time.


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