beyond facts reading a single william thesis

Category: Theories,
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Excerpt from Thesis:

Clifford supports his thesis by telling two stories. In the first, this individual discusses a male who has uncertainties that his ships is definitely sea worthy, but presumes that it will associated with journey as it has done so many times in the past. Following the men perish at sea because of the poor construction of the ship, Clifford argues the ship owner is to to take responsiblity for their fatalities. If the ship does not kitchen sink and no males die, nevertheless , Clifford’s situation is that the owner is no less guilty. Rather, a wrong have been committed in simply believing that the deliver will be appear with no proof. In the second story, Clifford suggests that a lot of people of electrical power sincerely believe that others will be abusing their power in a horrendous way. Because of this, these individuals make a large number of publications and accusations regarding those who are considered to be abusing their particular power. Whether these people are found guilty or perhaps innocent, although, is not really the matter. Since the people who falsely accused them did so before an official investigation was had, and before proof was acquired, they are incorrect, whether they have done a community service or not. As a result, Clifford’s thesis is that it will always be wrong for anyone to believe with no evidence. This individual supports this kind of thesis by two clear to understand stories or parables.

Studying Three

In his essay, “The Will to Believe, ” Bill James casts some judgment on William Clifford’s epistemological view. James suggests that Clifford is encouraged by his fear of mistake. James creates that Clifford instructs other folks to “keep your mind in suspense permanently, rather than by closing that on inadequate evidence incur the terrible risk of trusting lies” (282). On the other hand, James, who says he finds it difficult to adhere to Clifford’s tenants, says that some find the possibility of erring less critical than others. Some, states, “are prepared to be duped many times… instead of postpone indefinitely the chance of guessing true” (282). The truth that Adam accuses Clifford of being encouraged by a prefer to avoid nasty coincides with Clifford’s worldview. Clifford states that trusting something with out evidence is known as a moral concern, an issue of right or wrong. Faced with the black and white values of this, you can easily see why Clifford would fear making a decision which is not based on facts. James, on the other hand, does not talk about the issue in terms of morality. Rather, he does not see trusting in an untruth as the monumental incorrect that Clifford does. As a result, Clifford is usually motivated by a desire to prevent wrongdoing and James is usually motivated by having “the blessings

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