deaths of journalists in india gauri lankesh

Category: Overall health,
Words: 531 | Published: 01.09.20 | Views: 488 | Download now

Illness, Asia, Communication

Death, India, Journalism

In 2017 well known bustler and correspondent Gauri Lankesh was wiped out in front of her house when she was returning from her business office on 5th of September, Lankesh was the editor of her own magazine Lankesh Patrike, the industry weekly publication. On the night of 5 September when she was returning via office, two gunmen on a motorbike came and taken 7 photos on her, out of 7 Lankesh got wounds with 3 gun photos two on chest and one about head along with that the lady was dead. After her death Bengaluru police came a investigate the whole scene and after her death there was clearly a unheard of rage in every single city almost every press club or social group were doing candle light march within the roads and the protest was started. Around the every social media sites the invective was noticeable some of them had been sad for the death of a well understand journalist and more were criticizing her death, that yes she received what the lady deserved. With this social war some twitter handlers started abusing the Gauri Lankesh and the fact is that these twitteratis were then our Prime Minister Modi on myspace and when this kind of thing came out the battle become more severe now.

After the fatality of Lankesh now the family was surrounded by the media, plus the questions had been asked within a political strengthen then Indrajit Lankesh the brother of Gauri declared that please don’t offer this a political color, we only want justice now all of us don’t know that who murdered Gauri through whom she was killed, and they could possibly be the right-wing extremists and the naxalites because the lady was aiming to rehabilitate these people and there were no personal enmity of Gauri, the only thing with which she stands out her whole life was her ideology, and this individual also obtain to the press that do not add virtually any political term in this case. This individual said we all only desire justice at this point if they get this from local law enforcement officials, the SIT DOWN or by court the justice was their main concern.

In this case a 21 member Special Analysis Team (SIT) was formed to look into this. The TAKE A SEAT releases the sketches of murders based on the Security camera footage on 12 March 2017, and arrested someone named Naveen Kumar about 3rd 03 2018 which guy Naveen Kumar can be described as founder of an organization called as ‘Hindu Yuva Sena’ and he is influenced by the right-wing extremist ideology, in the 12 web page long declaration Naveen stated that Gauri was murdered as a result of her anti-Hindu views, and this make Naveen’s followers angry.

Gauri Lankesh’s mag Lankesh Patrike mostly strike on the right-wing or Hindu cultural ideology, and may become because of this issue, her journal doesn’t acquire any advertising campaign.

But till today Gauri Lankesh murder case is still pending and there is no judgment with this case none from TAKE A SEAT nor via any government body.

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