detailed words composition

Category: Essay topics for students,
Words: 887 | Published: 01.15.20 | Views: 788 | Download now

Words Smile, grin, beam, smirk… Frown, scowl, excessive luminance, glower, grimace… Stare, gaze, gape, observe, gawk, ogle, look, take a look at, leer… Flinch, recoil, balk, cringe, run away, pull back again, wince, cower, shrink, move… Incredulous, disbelieving, skeptical, doubtful, dubious, unclear, suspicious, wondering, vague… Ludicrous, questioning, puzzled, surprised, perplexed, inquiring Interested, curious, involved, attentive, worried, attracted, fascinated, engrossed…

Unfortunate, gloomy, cheerless, depressing, darker, dull, thicker, dreary.. Cheerful, content, delighted, glad, joyful, cheerful, happy, exultant, delighted, delighted, fun, jovial… Frightened, frightened, terrified, petrified, frightened, fearful, worried, anxious, bothered, timid, timid.

.. Strong, burly, brawny, taping, muscular, beefy, tough, eager, intense, fervent, avid, excited… Coy, bashful, timid, moderate, reserved, demure… Indifferent, apathetic, unresponsive… Remote control, aloof, unattached, distant.. Vulnerable, intimidated, concerned, worried, anxious, troubled, annoyed, distressed, amazed, startled… Crash, thud, obstruct, thump, boom, thunder, break, explode, roar, shout, shout, screech, scream, whistle, whine, squawk, blare, slam, stomp, stamp, sound, clap, start barking, meow, moo, boom, yell, whisper, hum, snap, hiss, crackle… Tight, uptight, immobilized, paralyzed, tense, stretched, hollow, alarmed, strong, weak, exhausted, breathless, nauseated, sluggish, careful, tired, in, feisty.


Angry, exacerbated, irritated, angered, furious, irritated, inflamed, triggered, infuriated, genuinely offended, sullen, indignant, irate, wrathful, cross, sulky, bitter, frustrated, grumpy, boiling, fuming, stubborn, belligerent, confused, awkward, bewildered, empty… Angrily, anxiously, brightly, cheerfully, easily, curiously, delightfully, eagerly, significantly, excitedly, faintly, falsely, fearfully, foolishly, frightfully, gently, beautifully, gratefully, greedily, grumpily, helplessly, heroically, hungrily, impatiently, joyfully, kindly, the good news is, magically, majestically, merrily, amazingly, splendidly, curiously, swiftly, unusually

Afraid, anxious, frightened, shy, wishy-washy, shaky, apprehensive, jumpy, terrified, panicky, tragic, hysterical, cautious, amazed, horrified, unconfident, impatient, anxious, dependent, stressed, pressured, concerned, doubtful, shady, hesitant, impressed, dismayed, worried, petrified, gutless… Bad, more serious, poor, terrible, horrible, wicked, wicked, corrupt, heinous, poor, inept, sick, unfortunate, stressing…

Big, big, giant, enormous, monstrous, huge, gargantuan, significant, wide, significant, influential, enormous, massive, large, heavy, large… Eager, enthusiastic, earnest, intent, zealous, hardcore, avid, troubled, enthusiastic, very pleased… Fearless, prompted, courageous, confident, secure, self-employed, reassured, bold, brave, adventurous, heroic, sturdy, determined, faithful, proud, energetic… Good, superb, fine, acceptable, kind, good, worthy, humane, pure, not cancerous, benevolent, appropriate, valid, favored.. Happy, fast, buoyant, peaceful, carefree, content, cheery, cozy, complacent, comfortable, ecstatic, excited, enthusiastic, fired up, exhilarated, good, glad, pleased, hilarious, inspired, jolly, wondrous, lighthearted, cheerful, optimistic, calm, playful, happy, relaxed, restive, satisfied, serene, sparkling, enthusiastic, surprised, vivacious.. Hurt, injured, isolated, upset, distressed, pained, suffering, impacted, worried, tormented.. Little, small , and tiny, incredibly tiny, miniscule, day, inconsequential, Lilliputian, insignificant, filter, thin, paltry, modest, slender, slight… Looked, gazed, peered, starched, looked, glanced, sighted, regarded, joined, viewed, inspected, directed, followed.. Nice, friendly, helpful, soft, warm, motivating, good-natured, kind, generous, content, loving, content, funny, peppy, relaxed, thoughtful, cooperative…

Went, trotted, skipped, hurried, transferred, sped, controlled, progressed, glided, flowed, followed, pursued, galloped, loped, fled… Sad, sorrowful, unhappy, stressed out, melancholy, depressing, somber, disappointing, heavy-hearted, mournful, dreadful, dreary, flat, blah, dull, inside the dumps, sullen, moody, sulky, out of sorts, low, discontented, disappointed, disappointed, worried, sympathetic, caring, choked up, embarrassed, shameful, ashamed, ineffective, worthless, sick at ease…

Explained, acknowledged, acquiesced, added, tackled, admitted, admonished, advised, strongly suggested, affirmed, arranged, alleged, allowed, announced, solved, approved, asserted, asked, assented, asserted, presumed, assured, attested, avowed, babbled, bantered, bargained, barked, started, begged, bellowed, beseeched, boasted, bragged, brought, called, informed, charged, chided, cited, claimed, commanded, brief review, commented, complained, conceded, determined, condescended, confessed, confided, agreed, contended, contested, continued, contradicted, counseled, countered, cracked, cried, debated, decided, declared, decreed, demanded, demurred, denied, denounced, described, dictated, directed, disclosed, disrupted, divulged, drawled, droned, elaborated, emphasized, enjoined, entreated, enunciated, approximated, exclaimed, explained, exposed, indicated, faltered, terrifying, foretold, fumed, giggled, naturally, granted, grinned, groaned, growled, grumbled, haggled, hedged, kept, hesitated, hinted, howled, imparted, implied, implored, indicated, inferred, informed, asked, insinuated, insisted, instructed, nterjected, interrogated, intimated, intimidated, itemized, jested, judged, lamented, laughed, lectured, humiliated, lisped, shown, made, taken care of, mentioned, mimicked, moaned, mumbled, murmured, mused, muttered, nagged, narrated, noted, notified, objected, observed, opined, orated, bought, petitioned, pleaded, pled, aimed, prayed, expected, proclaimed, professed, prompted, obvious, proposed, propounded, protested, turned out, publicized, queried, questioned, quibbled, quipped, quoted, rambled, ranted, reaffirmed, reasoned, reassured, reciprocated, recited, advised, recounted, called, refuted, regretted, reiterated, rejoiced, rejoined, related, relented, said, reminded, remonstrated, repeated, replied, reported, penalized, requested, responded, restated, resumed, retorted, returned, revealed, roared, ruled, endorsed, scoffed, scolded, screamed, shouted, shrieked, snapped, sneered, sobbed, solicited, particular, spoke, sputtered, stammered, stated, stipulated, stormed, stressed, stuttered, suggested, teased and taunted, testified, thought, threatened, advised, twitted, unbridled, urged, enunciated, vowed, wailed, warned, proceeded to go, wept, whispered, whistled, whooped, wrangled, yawned, yelled… Amazing, Attractive, Genuine, Beautiful, Better, Big, Vibrant, Colossal, Complete, Confidential, Enormous, Excellent, Thrilling, Exclusive, Expert, Famous, Interesting, Free, Total, Genuine, Enormous, Huge, Helpful, Instructive, Interesting, Lavishly, Liberally, Mammoth, Specialist, Startling, Unusual, Strong, Sturdy, Successful, Remarkable, Surprise…

Packed, Delivered, Directed… Brave, Irritated, Bright, Busy, Clever, Cool, Cozy, Profound, Flat, Foggish, Free, Fresh, Frozen, Gentle, Giant, Glad, Grand, Hollow, Hungry, Damage, Lucky, Cool, New, Older, Polite, Proud, Rough, Critical, Shiny, Brief, Shy, Easy, Spotted, Solid, Tall, Tough, Weak, Large, Wild, Wise, Bumpy, Careful, Cheerful, Wintry, Clean, Gloomy, Crisp, Humid, Enormous, Fancy, Flashy, Opulent, Frosty, Unclear, Huge, Frigid, Kind, Great, Merry, Messy, Mighty, Misty, Moldy, Scialle, Plain, Peaceful, Scented, Self-centered, Sharp, Sleek, Slippery, Bad, Sly, Saturated, Spicy, Stormy, Striped, Nice, Tasty, Thinly, Tiny, Velvety, Twinkling, Poor, Worn, Small…


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