georges braque and pablo picasso essay

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The Frenchman Georges Braque (1882-1963) and the Spaniard Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) are seen as the most influential artists from the twentieth hundred years and the creative geniuses who have created and developed the cubist motion, undoubtedly the most revolutionary one in Western art. During a selected period of time, both artists worked together in the same studio breaking down topics they coated into a lot of facets and presenting their various aspects simultaneously, experimenting with geometrical forms, and exploring unconventional techniques in painting all of which either shocked or impressed and interested the group.

Though Braque and Picasso’s alliance did not last for long and their imaginative careers later on went their particular ways, the cubist activity they developed and created while functioning side by side in their Paris studio has affected the whole decades of performers around the world (Mataev). Georges Braque Born in the year of 1882 in Argenteuil-sur-Seine, France, Georges Braque attended the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Le Havre during 1897-1899 after which moved to Paris, france where he received his craftsman certificate.

During 1902-1904, the young specialist studied art work and worked at the Academie Humbert. Thankful for Matisse and Derain’s fauvist ideas, this individual produced after which presented his first fauve paintings in Paris’ Salon des Independants in 1907. By 1908, however , Braque lost involvement in fauvism and adopted the artistic style that would be afterwards called cubism (Georges Braque). In 1909, Braque started to work with Pablo Picasso and their fruitful partnership resulted in the introduction of the revolutionary cubist movement in painting.

The styles that both of them used were quite similar for approximately two years during which they launched collage components into their performs and experimented a lot with all the pasted daily news technique. In “Page # 2 his paintings, Braque explored the effects of light and perspective and challenged traditional artistic conferences of that time. His works of this period were characterized by neutral color and advanced patterns of form as it can be seen, for instance , in his “Violin and Pitcher (Georges Braque).

The agricultural partnership with Picasso resulted in 1914 the moment Braque signed up for the French armed service and gone off to war. In 1915, he got greatly wounded with the battles and after recovering in 1917 Braque resumed piece of art and started out an imaginative collaboration with Juan Gris (Georges Braque). After World War I, Braque’s style was seen as a more flexibility, a richer color range, and the presence of human being figures. He produced a number of still lifes and went up to popularity particularly in 1922 after showing his paintings in the Salon d’Automne in Paris.

By 1930, Braque construed nature more realistically although some aspects of the cubist design were still present in his paintings. From then on, the artist produced many works which includes sculptures and graphics that became particularly somber during World War II (Georges Braque). Throughout the 1950s, Braque depicted numerous themes which includes seascapes, landscapes, birds, and in addition made lithographs and designed jewelry. The truly amazing French specialist died in August, 1963, in Paris following several years of suffering from overall health deterioration.

Braque’s most noted paintings consist of “Violin and Palette, “Piano and Guitar, “Guitar and Clarinet, “The Table, “The Round Table, “The Day, the “Studio series, and many other works (Russell, 1982). Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso was developed in 1881 in Malaga, Spain, in which he lived until the age of ten. In 1892, Picasso started to attend the School of Good Arts in La Coruna and then in 1895 this individual “Page # 3 joined the School of Fine Disciplines in Barcelona where he confirmed his 1st academic work “The First Communion in a local exhibition.

Picasso attacked his research at the Hoheitsvoll Academy of San Fernando in Madrid, dropped out after a couple of weeks, and began to visit the Prado where he copied the functions of the aged artists trying to imitate their styles. In 1900, Picasso opened a studio in Paris plus the first painting he produced there was “Le Moulin entre ma Galette (Mataev). Suicide determined by his friend and poet Casagemas in 1901 arrived as a superb shock to Picasso affecting him to paint initially the “Death of Casagemas in color and then the “Death of Casagemas in blue, and in addition “Evocation ” the Funeral of Casagemas.

At that period, the musician used mostly green and blue and depicted lose hope, poverty, and unhappiness displaying his restlessness and loneliness. The artwork that Picasso produced during 1901-1904 will be known as the Green Period works. The Rose Period, which has been the next stage in his artistic career, began around 1905 when Picasso’s palette became lighter, and pink, rose, yellow, and beige had been pervasive in his paintings through which he mainly portrayed graceful acrobats, festival performers, and harlequins. (Mataev; Pablo Picasso)

Impressed with African ethnic art, Picasso began to combine its angular structures and his modern tips about geometrical forms which usually, in 1907, resulted in the creation of “Les demoiselles d’Avignon, his first cubist painting. Picasso and his fresh friend Braque explored the options of the fresh artistic design and in the start their art could not be easily distinguished. 1909 saw the beginning of the painter’s analytical cubism whose key characteristics, faceted stereo-metric forms, can be seen in his “Bread and Fruit Dish on a Table or “Woman with Pears.

After the tiredness of conditional cubism, Picasso experimented with influences which bring about the appearance of man-made cubism: works together with large, schematic patterns as they can be seen in “The Guitar (Mataev; Hughes, 1998). “Page # 4 After the cubist period in Picasso’ artistic job came the Classicist period with rather traditional patterns such as in “The Lovers. But during this period he occasionally returned to cubism and in 1921 made “Three Musicians, one of his most important works of art.

Picasso’s classicist paintings include “The Plumbing of Pan, “Women Jogging on the Beach, and “The Seated Harlequin. After that, Picasso was significantly influenced by surrealist movement and made “His Girl with Flower and several additional interesting artwork. In 1937, he indicated his personal view of the tragic events in the Basque region that was bombed by simply Germans in his huge mural work “Guernica and in “Weeping Woman. When living in his villa near Cannes, in 1956 Picasso painted his “Studio “La Californie by Cannes and “Jackeline inside the Studio.

Then he moved to the Enclos Vauvenargues in which he lived and painted until his loss of life in 1973 (Mataev). “Still Life which has a Guitar and “Mandolin, Fruits Bowl, Bottle, and Cake Both Pablo Picasso’s painting “Mandolin, Fresh fruit Bowl, Jar, and Cake and Georges Braque’s piece of art “Still Life with a Guitar were produced in 1924 in France and are also now situated in the Western Modern Artwork section of the Metropolitan Museum of Skill in Ny.

Both performs are still lifes with the existence of cubist elements, will be painted in oils in canvas, every of them signifies a certain level in Picasso and Braque’s artistic occupations. If during 1909-1914 both equally artists proved helpful side by side to create cubism and their styles and paintings were mostly no difference, in the year of 1924, however , when the above mentioned performs were developed, the divergence in Picasso and Braque’s cubist tips could be conveniently seen in their very own paintings (Mataev).

While Picasso’s still existence “Mandolin, Fruits Bowl, Jar, and Cake is composed of just man-made objects (a pastry, a fruit bowl, a bottle, and a mandolin), Braque’s piece of art “Still Existence with a Guitar depicts the two man-made (a pipe, a jug, printable music sheets, a glass, a fruits bowl, and a guitar) and natural (pears put next to sheet music and the fruit bowl) “Page # 5 objects. The presence of musical instruments and fruit dishes in both paintings invokes some prevalent themes at least it the actual viewers think about them when they look at these people for the first time.

The main objects in both paintings are placed on tablecloths pass on in a diverse manner in what seems to be tables. The objects in Braque’s photo are much less space-consuming than those in Picasso’s work in which the size of some of them can be somewhat disproportionate when compared to various other objects. Braque and Picasso use space in their works of art in an entirely different method. There is a large amount of space between objects found in the downroad of Picasso’s still existence and the audience can easily see their whole varieties.

By contrast, in Braque’s artwork the objects in the foreground seem to be targeted closely to one another in one place and areas of some of them will be hidden by simply other objects. The use of space by Picasso gives the audience the impression of more freedom and ease whilst Braque generally seems to impose particular limits in movement and space. In Picasso’s painting, the audience’s attention will be attracted by main several objects inside the foreground, after which by the objects and forms located in the backdrop, particularly by what appears to be a wall and part of a window.

In comparison, it seems that Braque’s intention is usually to concentrate the viewer’s attention only for the objects that could be seen in the foreground. This individual does not offer any details as to what is in the background as though he does not want to divert the audience’s focus from the center of interest from the painting. Another important difference between paintings in terms of the things and their forms are concerned is the fact Braque’s work is much more genuine than Picasso’s.

Except for the window in the background, Picasso seems to depict in his picture not the things such as the cake or fruits bowl but instead the forms that invoke those objects. What attracts the “Page # 6 viewer’s focus in particular is the flatness with the forms of Picasso’s objects which have been defined by simply lines. Even though some parts and forms of his objects are disproportionate, Braque’s objects, nevertheless , are unambiguous and nearer to reality. The usage of color is yet another important characteristic that distinguishes Picasso’s portrait from Braque’s work.

In Picasso’s “Mandolin, Fruit Bowl, Bottle, and Cake dazzling and vivid colors happen to be predominant and much brighter and richer than patients in Braque’s “Still Existence with a Guitar conveying to the viewer a light and nice mood. In comparison, the sorrowful aspect of Braque’s painting in whose color range varies from darkish to dark beige makes the viewer impressed with its gloom and misery. In Picasso’s picture, the typical color array of objects in the foreground is slightly more sorrowful compared to the color range without your knowledge.

By contrast, in Braque’s function, the comparatively somber objects in the downroad are placed against an even more dark background. The sole bright-colored items in this picture seem to be printable music sheets and a pipe appearing incongruous to a certain extent up against the backdrop of its standard color range. Another special characteristic is the color of the objects themselves. Except for the window in the back, the color of most objects in Picasso’s portrait is basic, for example , an ordinary dark red bottle, a plain shiny yellow fresh fruit bowl, etc.

Braque, in comparison, adds to the color of every subject thick brush-strokes of black as if to emphasize the sorrowful mood of the painting. There is also some big difference in how a artists paint the things in the images with their tooth brushes. In Picasso’s “Mandolin, Fruit Bowl, Bottle of wine, and Cake the fresh paint is used thinly for most areas, even though in some places it is very thick. In “Still Your life with a Guitar Braque’s bold brushwork is usually pervasive.

REFERENCES: 1 . Georges Braque. Gathered May 12, 2008 from your World Wide Web: http://www. mcs. csuhayward. edu/~malek/Braque. html code 2 . Barnes, R. (1998, June 8). Pablo Picasso. Time magazine.

Retrieved Might 10, 08 from the Internet: http://www. time. com/time/time100/artists/profile/picasso. html code 3. Mataev, Y. Pablo Picasso. Gathered May 15, 2008 from the World Wide Web: http://www. abcgallery. com/P/picasso/picassobio. html#Between 5. Pablo Picasso. Retrieved May 10, 08 from the World-wide-web: http://www. artchive. com/artchive/P/picasso. code 5. Russell, J. (1982, January 17). Rediscovering Georges Braque in his Centenary 12 months. New York Moments on the Web. Gathered May 10, 2008 from your World Wide Web: http://query. nytimes. com/gst/fullpage. html? res=990DE5DB1138F934A25752C0A964948260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all

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