globalization lifestyle and national politics in

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Hats and The positive effect

The hat wait in South Korea is visible in the picture global in a social sense because it is reflective with the cultural improvements swirling all around the South Korean language market. That sits, firstly, in front of a Western bakery shop – a Dunkin Donuts – which is in and of itself an symbol of a foreign culture inside the Asian culture of South Korea. The hat stand benefits from the sign dangling over the stand, like a ethnical guardian angel, pointing towards the hats to demonstrate how Traditional western culture is available for sale towards the south Koreans not merely in the form of foodstuff but likewise in the form of dress. Secondly, the hats themselves are a Western fashion statement. They will stand out being a cultural declaration of globalism. As Hansen points out, in the era of globalization, dress has been assessed, by and large, while representing something more important rather than some thing in its very own right[footnoteRef: 1] – meaning the hats in the photo are not simply hats but rather a symbol of just how South Korea is now integrated into the fabric from the whole universe and is not anymore a small unnoticed, out of the way part of a peninsula in Asia. The hats signal that South Korea is now element of it all, broadly speaking. [1: E. Hansen, The world in outfit: Anthropological views on apparel, fashion and culture, Total annual Review of Anthropology, vol. thirty-three (2004), 369. ]


The hat stand stands out in a legal perception in two ways: first, the simple fact that the goods are not being bought from a store but rather on the street is definitely significant, as it gives the vendor the impression to be one whose legal ranking is tenuous. Secondly, there is not any guarantee of authenticity, if the hats are indeed meant to be company items. As Chaudhry and Zimmerman have pointed out, the positive effect has empowered consumer complicity in the sale and purchase of counterfeit items,[footnoteRef: 2] specially in Asia, in which Western tourists are happy to purchase authentic seeking products just like brand name hats at an ultra-cheap price, because there is no means of knowing that the merchandise is a counterfeit. This gives certain legal problems, since Chaudhry and Zimmerman be aware, especially when considering stealing company images and intellectual home rights. Were globalization certainly not in effect, the probability of a counterfeit market overflowing as it features in recent years would be far less. [2: P. Chaudhry, A. Zimmerman, The necessity for fake trade: Buyer complicity, Safeguarding Your Intellectual Property Privileges (NY: Springer, 2012), seventy two. ]


The hat stand is visible inside the picture in a political perception for two reasons. First, this highlights the political tendencies that have arrive to South Korea considering that the Korean Battle and the U. S. s i9000 presence there. The head wear stand represents the extent to which the U. S. has inspired events in South Korea on a politics level

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