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Compare and Contrast the articles of Confucius, Hammurabi, as well as the book of the dead

Three of the most well-known writings from ancient civilizations are the writings of Confucius

Hammurabis code of laws, and Egypts Book of the Dead. At first, they seem different, theyre via

diverse times, locations, and made use of, but they all provide a peek into what values ancient persons considered


One of the values that every three civilizations is rights and justness. I feel that this can be best looked at

in Hammurabis regulations. All of the fees and penalties for the crimes are incredibly stiff, although fair. I feel that it is fair that In the event that

he has busted the limb of a patrician, his arm or leg shall be cracked Its like in the Bible An vision for a great eye

and a tooth to get a tooth. In Egypt, in the Book of the Useless, a man couldnt proceed in to the after your life

except if he was located innocent of any wrong doing on the planet. In Confucius writings, this individual never basically says

the word proper rights, but he does claim Great Gentleman cherishes superiority, Petty Person, his individual comfort. Wonderful

Guy cherishes the principles and polices, Petty Person special party favors. To me, that mean Great Person is good

Petty man is usually unfair.

The second of such three principles is responsibility and admiration to ones family and parents, and

responsibility and respect in front of large audiences families and elders. This can be most evident in Confucius writings. He can

continuously stressing family values and responsibility. One particular quote that shows this can be Let the sole sorry of

your mother and father be which you may become unwell.

This challenges personal responsibility and esteem to your parents. Hammurabi demonstrated responsibility by simply

stating If a designer has built a family house for a guy, and have not made his work sound, and the residence he developed

offers fallen, and caused the death of the mans kid, the constructors son will probably be put to death. That estimate

displays a mans responsibility for himself and his family. In Egypt, during the routine of the useless, it is said

that the dead man, in order to pass in to the afterlife, need to profess that he has not done anything to hurt

anyone. This shows responsibility because in case the man would not tell the truth, he was in charge of not

entering the afterlife. Realizing that they would produce their activities, the Egyptians tried never to

damage people in their mortal lives.

The ultimate value that all three ethnicities had in keeping was being sincere. All three nationalities

relied heavily on the truth. In Hammurabis laws and regulations, it says If a man provides borne false witness within a trial, or perhaps

hasn’t established the statement that he made, if that case certainly be a capital trial, that man shall be put to

death. In other words In case you lie, you die. When ever Confucius reviewed himself each day, he asked the

question have I recently been false with my friends? In Egypt, it had been important that a male be genuine when

brought ahead of Osiris, because if that they didnt tell the truth, they will be banned from the remainder. One

of the lines of the Publication of the Deceased reads I possess not fully commited sin of truth, that i read while

I have not humiliated.

Each one of these 3 civilizations used different strategies to enforce these people. In Sumer

Hammurabis strict punishments kept people from disobeying them. On the other hand, Egypt didnt use

any kind of physical punishment, but they used risks. The people thought that all if that they went resistant to the

ideals, Osiris, god of the remainder, would discipline them after their perished. In China and tiawan, the ideals werent

enforced, however they were safeguarded by the govt. In the second century N. C., Confucianism became

the official beliefs of China and tiawan, thus preserving it for future years.

I i am greatly amazed at Hammurabis ideas. His regulations may sound harsh, but they had to be. In

historical Sumer, could onlu be severe or people wouldnt possibly listen. We dont concur, however , along with his double

standards. I feel that a a lot more worth as much whether its a patrician or a plebeian. I think that

Confucius ideas are the ones that come the closest

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