investor joe essay

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Marketing and advertising

Issue #1

Trader Joe’s first issue is that information is from time to time leaked regarding the identity of their private label suppliers. Trader Joe’s thrives away keeping the id of their suppliers a top secret to all customers and press in order to take care of the integrity with their products. As 80 percent of the products bought at Trader Joe’s are private label, the identity of the dealer is unfamiliar because the method sold beneath the Trader Joe’s brand name. Information leaks concerning Trader Joe’s suppliers may damage all their brand image because it may cause Trader Joe’s to lose its charm to customers and because it could make other companies wary of delivering their goods.

First, information leaking could cause Speculator Joe’s to reduce its charm in the eyes from the consumer. There were news reports spread within the past few years saying that Stonyfield Farm building supplied Trader Joe’s yogurt and Frito-Lay supplied the retailer’s pita chips.

Although these kinds of reports might have been fabricated, the concept Trader Joe’s products are no different from thatof other grocers would cause their unique brand image to weaken. Consumers might set out to think that Trader Joe’s supplies the same items as all others, so they can shop at an additional grocery merchant to get the same product for less money or for a more convenient location. If these types of reports carry on and circulate, Trader Joe’s could lose the competitive benefit, its unique and “cool brand image.

Second, information leaking could make others wary of providing goods to Trader Joe’s. The relationship of secrecy goes both techniques between Investor Joe’s and their suppliers: not only does Trader Joe’s not want the public or their rivals to know their suppliers because it boosts the charm and wonder from the products, nevertheless the suppliers may want the general public to know all their dealings with Trader Joe’s because several goods can be purchased at lower prices than the brand name products. Customer knowledge of the supplier’s snack to Dealer Joe’s could decrease the success of the supplier’s branded goods.

These data leaks with regards to Trader Joe’s suppliers is usually not good for either company and Trader Joe’s needs to research this issue and evaluate how it can be resolved. Even though these kinds of leaks are not happening often, even a small number of them could cause major harm to Trader Joe’s and their suppliers.

Issue #2

The second issue facing Dealer Joe’s is that their ever-quickening expansion in new states could cause their particular authentic area feel and exclusive appeal to fade. One among Trader Joe’s core competencies throughout the history of the company can be they have been seen as a market unique to a certain neighborhood, with very few other residential areas being dished up in the same manner and with every single store being organized a little in different ways according to the preferences of the retail store manager. But with the continual expansion in the company, this kind of customer perspective could damage. Increased development could lead to too little of rareness for each and every store and can lead to elevated standardization and bureaucracy across the company.

First, Trader Joe’s could shed its uniqueness if even more stores keep on being opened across the country. Their rareness (only 414 stores inside the U. S. ) is usually one of all their strengths as it creates a greater desire simply by consumers. In the event that Trader Joe’s was commoditized, with as much locations while Wal-Mart, Kroger, or another major grocery store, the company would lose a lot of its brand image and consumers could shop less often and fewer loyally. Dealer Joe’s chief executives have been careful within their expanding of the brand to even more geographic places, and they need to continue to find their target market of “intelligent, educated, curious individuals and settle surrounding them.

Second, higher expansion could lead to increased standardization and paperwork across the organization. Trader Joe’s thrives from the creativity with their employees, also to the magnitude that each retail store is liberal to organize products however they decide and each retail outlet has exclusive signs developed by workers. Trader Joe’s trusts their very own employees and share them very much freedom in how they interact with customers and conduct themselves during function, but this kind of creativity and freedom could possibly be crippled due to expansion. Also, bureaucracy could increase because the company increases because it becomes harder from your executives to manage the path of the organization with these kinds of a loose grip on each store.

Concern #3

The 3rd issue intended for Trader Joe’s is their very own lack of social networking presence. Investor Joe’s from their beginning has used a customer publication and periodic radio advertisements in order to enhance their manufacturer, and these advertising strategies have not altered with the introduction and frequency of social media. Many brands nowadays are seeking to gain a competitive advantage over the competition through usage of social media marketing, but Trader Joe’s has not came into this struggle. This lack of social media occurrence could turn out to be a manifest weakness since social media continually increase.

Social networking has snapped up the attention and affection of numerous people in the us, and applying social media as a way to promote your company has become a aggressive market. An effective use of social media canprovide firms with that extra punch in reaching the buyer. Trader Joe’s, however , have not reached out to the market, but has continuing steadily with the newsletter and radio advertisings. According to the case, many promoting experts think that this lack of social media 2 a manifest weakness pertaining to Trader Joe’s. Many of all their consumers are raving about the business via social media, praising the grocery store for their retailers, but Investor Joe’s can be not becoming a member of the conversation.

Trader Joe’s has always maintained a deep degree of secrecy, from not launching financial numbers to having a vague site for much of their existence, and they include continued that trend of secrecy by simply not participating in social media. But also in order to match this digital age and an ever more digital marketplace, they need to enter in social media to be able to interact with consumers. For a manufacturer like Trader Joe’s that may be beloved simply by so many buyers across the United states of america, entering the social media dominion would help them immensely to share with and record consumers.


I recommend that Trader Joe’s enters social websites by building a Facebook site or by creating a Twitter account. Promoting through social websites will become increasingly important as period goes by, and Trader Joe’s does not need to receive left behind from this market. The quirkiness in the Trader Joe’s brand plus the frequent using social media by their customers will be two main reasons why they should employ social media.

Initial, Trader Joe’s has flourished off a unusual, unique brand image since their creation as a business. Today, they certainly so many things that set these people apart from typical supermarkets: tiny stores having a low volume of SKU’s; aisles that are inclined slightly to the left instead of being perpendicular to the store access; 80 percent of goods that are plr; employees putting on Hawaiian t-shirts. All of these eccentricities make social media an attractive market for Dealer Joe’s; they will could quickly hire anyone to manage one or more social media programs, using funny and brilliant remarks to market the brand. This quirkiness works extremely well with social media becoming comprised of succinct, clever, remarkable blurbs that portray a person or firm’s thoughts.

Second, Trader Joe’s should certainly use social media because buyers and enthusiasts use it. A large number of consumers have formulated Facebook pages, Myspace accounts, and YouTube channels in order to discuss or show Trader Joe’s. Consumers visit a Trader Joe’s store and then look for Dealer Joe’s upon Twitter to discuss the great items they found in the store, nonetheless they cannot immediately speak of Speculator Joe’s since they do not have got a Facebook account.

Speculator Joe’s is definitely missing out on a huge amount of exposure and customer connection by not really using social networking. Thus, I recommend that Investor Joe’s makes a Twitter account to post smart remarks relating to their brand and a Facebook page where buyers can find more details about the grocery merchant.

Dominant Economical Characteristics

Investor Joe’s with the broad market of grocery store retailers, a market where the top ten revenue-generating companies accounted for above $360 billion dollars in revenue in 2011. The foreign exchange market is condensed with supermarkets (Publix and Kroger), large discount retailers (Wal-Mart and Target), superior retailers (Whole Foods and Fresh Market), warehouse night clubs (Costco and Sam’s Club), and “hard discount merchants (Dollar General). With this kind of large variant in grocer strategies, the industry is heavily penetrated and competition is fierce. Grocery stores are continually losing business in grocery store sales (51 percent in 2011 as opposed to sixty six percent in 2001) as players just like Wal-Mart and Costco always generate more revenue. Although the supermarket discuss is reducing, the overall food market is progressively increasing since the population states increases. Persons always ought to eat, therefore there will always be a substantial market intended for grocery sales.

The opportunity of competitive rivalry is extremely wide and there is so many unique players in the grocery industry. Whether a customer likes to get organic and natural food at reduced store just like Whole Food or they can be searching for the highest bargain simply by shopping at Wal-Mart, it truly is clearly viewed that there is great diversity inside the grocery retail market. Additionally , even more players have entered the grocery industry in recent years including warehouse night clubs and drug-store chains, and their addition is only aiding in competition becomeincreasingly steep.

Merchandise innovation is a crucial factor to a grocery retailer’s success: people are often in search of new, thrilling food and beverage items, and up-to-date packaging also plays a significant part in the buying of grocery store goods. Although there is not a large amount of new foodstuff entering industry, there are many fresh brands and creative the labels constantly staying introduced in the grocery marketplace, and meals companies are continuously competing intended for slots in grocery stores. For these reasons, product development is key for the grocery industry.

Economies of scale perform a major component in food sales. Since many food and beverage goods are commodities, there exists a fairly foreseeable demand for each product, and so companies seek to gain a competitive benefit through financial systems of level. Wal-Mart may be the poster kid for economies of range because they are continuously seeking to lower costs for their supply chain to allow them to continue to supply the lowest price amongst grocery suppliers. Also, because so many products are non-perishable products they can be purchased at huge quantities for really low prices.

Learning/experience curve effects are fairly low in this market for established grocery suppliers. Since most foods include relatively estimated demand, companies are able to calculate shipments and demand numbers accurately. Businesses can constantly improve their source chain effectiveness and search for lower costs, nevertheless most areas of the market happen to be fairly steady. As the grocery marketplace continues to progress through new entries into the market, there may be an increased chance for learning because customers produce decisions by what to buy and from to whom to buy.

PESTEL Analysis

The truth did not particularly describe political factors that influence the grocery marketplace, so I i am not aware of any factors affecting grocery retailers or perhaps consumers. Economic conditions regarding the grocery marketplace were not especially mentioned in the case, but since the case occurs in 2011 in theaftermath in the economic recession of 2008, I would personally guess that consumers have fewer discretionary income than they were doing prior to the economic downturn. Because of this recession, discount grocery store retailers have grown to be very popular for the majority of buyers.

One sociocultural factor that greatly influences the food market is the health and organic and natural food market. Many consumers are seeking and buying even more organic and health food than ever before, and this trend is causing superior grocers such as Whole Foods to gain significant market share. In line with the article, this year Whole Food achieved almost eight. 4 percent same store sales development. Many individuals are buying much less fatty, sugary unhealthy foods and therefore are looking for even more natural or healthy products in grocery stores.

Technological elements were not intensely mentioned in the article, however it was mentioned that Dealer Joe’s provides throughout their history they have utilized tiny technology inside their stores. They just do not offer self-checkout lines nor do they have television screens with the registers because they desire to produce more connections between clients and employees. Most food retailers, alternatively, offer these types of amenities along with other folks.

Environmental factors play a moderate role in the grocery store market. Because so many food and beverage items come from natural ingredients, sometimes weather conditions can damage source. However , usually only significant weather will greatly influence grocery stores, because a tiny disturbance in the weather will only push suppliers to seek new suppliers because of their products. Climate can also impact the efficiency of transportation inside the food sector because many products need to travel through the ocean or perhaps across very much land to be able to reach their final destination.

A large couple legal and regulatory factors influencing the food market: import/export regulations and FDA regulations are some of difficulties factors. Transfer and foreign trade laws affect the grocery market because many food and beverage items are manufactured beyond the United States and imported in the country. In the event that countries prevent commerce of some food items through governmental regulations, this might have a varying impact on theU. S. grocery market.

Five Pushes Analysis

The force of competition via new entrants is poor for Trader Joe’s. Mainly because most urban centers where Speculator Joe’s is situated are much larger, the grocery market is usually dominated by simply large firms such as Wal-Mart, Kroger, Focus on, and Publix instead of small , independently-owned corner shop. Because of this domination by huge companies, it could be difficult for any small company to come in and take away significant market share. Also, because a large number of food and beverage products are commoditized and companies seek to contend through efficient supply restaurants and cost-saving techniques, it could be very difficult for an independent grocer to steal very much market share.

The force of competition by substitutes is usually moderate pertaining to Trader Joe’s. Since 80% of the products offered at Speculator Joe’s will be private label products, customers have become loyal to the Trader Joe’s brands and discover great benefit in individuals brands. Because of that, they will not very easily switch to an additional grocery retailer for those goods. However , the grocery market is widely substitutable because there are multiple brands and multiple grocers that offer similar foods and beverages, besides sometimes they may be labeled in another way.

The power of buyer bargaining electrical power is poor for Dealer Joe’s. Since Trader Joe’s is a company which has a fair quantity of locations across the United States, the prices are primarily standardized by simply geographic site and the consumer does not have a say in the value they spend; if they just do not like the cost, they can go to another grocer who provides the same item for less.

The force of supplier negotiating power is definitely weak. Mainly because most of the items sold at Investor Joe’s happen to be commoditized, there are numerous companies which exist who can supply those merchandise for Investor Joe’s. Also, since Trader Joe’s presents most of goods as plr, the provider is unfamiliar to the customer and may easily get replaced by Trader Joe’s in the event that they offer poor service or perhaps quality. Trader Joe’s is known as a major grocery store retailer and has muchcontrol over suppliers.

The push of competition from competitor sellers is strong intended for Trader Joe’s. Their market strategy of small stores with limited SKU’s within a neighborhood placing is being duplicated by many additional retailers. The most significant rival intended for Trader Joe’s is Wal-Mart, who has commenced diligently pursuing the neighborhood market approach. In 2013 the firm indicated that forty percent of recent store availabilities would be inside the small format category, which usually directly competes with Dealer Joe’s. Although Wal-Mart is definitely their principal competitor pertaining to small formats, companies such as Kroger, Publix, and Concentrate on are also tinkering with the small formatting. There is also a competitive force coming from other-format corner shop such as chemist chains and premium retailers.

Drivers of Change in the Industry

You will discover three principal drivers of change in the grocery dealer industry: effective supply stores, organic and health food craze, and small area stores. You will find others which can be stated, nevertheless I think these three items have the greatest influence for the future of the grocery industry.

First, the quest for a more fluid source chain is a driver of change. Food retailers will be constantly seeking to meet client needs by a greater level while likewise reducing the expenses of actions. This can be completed through bettering a industry’s supply chain. Because the majority of food items will be commoditized, the net income margins are very low, so companies must compete upon creating a even more cost-efficient and lean source chain. This emphasis on source chain improvement will make competition more fierce, but will likewise help consumers because rates can be reduced for products because it less expensive to put the things on the shelves.

Second, the organic and natural and health food fad is a driver of enhancements made on the food retail market. This trend offers caused brands like Whole Foods to boost significantly in popularity and market share, and i believe this pattern will only get stronger while the next years pass. Organic and natural and healthfoods are more expensive to manufacture, procedure and send, which makes clients pay more pertaining to the items. My spouse and i am not sure whether this kind of craze is usually increasing market profitability or perhaps not, nevertheless I know that craze is usually significantly changing the products offered by grocers, and i also believe this trend only will increase in intensity and effect.

Finally, the retailer structure of small neighborhood shops is a drivers for transform. Before firms like Investor Joe’s stepped onto the scene, the main grocery suppliers in the U. S. (supermarkets) operated enormous stores with a magnificent range of SKU’s. Nevertheless Trader Joe’s strategy was to have small stores with much fewer, more specific product offerings. The Speculator Joe’s small format began to gain acceptance among buyers, and other companies such as Wal-Mart, Kroger, and Publix opened up their own neighborhood stores. These kinds of small platforms attract clients because there is an even more intimate think to the grocery experience than at an enormous store like a Wal-Mart Supercenter, and because buyers can complete their grocery store trips in much less period than at large supermarkets. I really believe that the little format will only become more well-known as time progresses, and that large format food markets will land significantly out from the grocery industry.

Current Technique

Trader Joe’s current overall strategy is extremely unique, in fact it is a major component to them being a market innovator of grocery store retailers. They may have determined to adopt a different strategy than the average supermarket on hand layout, promoting, promotion, and work force. This one-of-a-kind strategy has provided them a competitive advantage in the grocery retailer industry.

First, all their store structure and design and style is a key component to all their strategy. Rather than creating a space like Wal-Mart with 185, 000 square feet and over 90, 000 SKUs or like Whole Foods with 32, 000 sq ft and 21 years old, 000 SKUs, the typical Investor Joe’s area is under 15, 500 square feet and carries regarding 4, 000 SKUs. In addition they align their very own store aisles slanting some instead of being perpendicular for the entrance; the reason for this decision is because it provides customer a simpler understanding of goods offered asthey look straight down each section.

Merchandising to get Trader Joe’s is another way to obtain competitive advantage in their technique. They seek to introduce 10 to 15 new items each week, meaning they stop 10-15 items each week as well. Trader Joe’s has made that a common incident that they would be out of a specific product due to their frequent share changes. This approach of on a regular basis eliminating products is vastly different from one more grocery dealer, such as Wal-Mart, whose work constantly to prevent have an item out of stock. Speculator Joe’s also gives every single store administrator the freedom to prepare products looking to their preference according with their customers.

Promo is another vital part of Investor Joe’s current strategy. During their record they have conveyed to customers using a customer newsletter and occasional car radio ads. They may have also affected much person to person promotion between consumers. They don’t offer any kind of coupons or perhaps sales since they employ an “everyday low price strategy. Speculator Joe’s will not use social media to promote many or connect to customers, however they may need to become a member of social media soon if they want to stay ahead of the curve.

Previous, the work push at Speculator Joe’s can be described as distinct element of their current strategy. Foundationally, Trader Joe’s pays all their employees larger salaries than other grocery stores, even providing baseline staff the median income for every state. They also receive solid additional rewards such as very good retirement planning, medical health insurance, and other issues. Employees by Trader Joe’s wear Hawaii shirts at the office, and each retail outlet is quite nautically themed. Dealer Joe’s likewise rotates their employees through multiple jobs during each workday. That they don’t simply desire their employees to be specific, but they teach them to be generalists; and so a worker may work the cash register for two hours, after that restock pertaining to an hour, then greet at the door for 2 hours, etc.

Competitor Evaluation

One main competitor pertaining to Trader Joe’s is Wal-Mart. In 2011 that they generatedthe many grocery sales with $118 billion, and their market share continually increase every year. Their main strategy has been using supercenters that offer groceries, garments, electronics, car and sports equipment, medication, and many other things; however , now Wal-Mart has begun to remain competitive more directly with Investor Joe’s by focusing on Area Markets, that are similar in dimensions and layout to Investor Joe’s retailers. In 2013 Wal-Mart features indicated that 40 percent of new shop openings will probably be Neighborhood Marketplace stores, which will shows that Wal-Mart is targeting this grocery store segment diligently.

Another competition for Trader Joe’s is definitely Whole Food. They focus on organic and health-related food in smaller stores than Wal-Mart’s supercenters. Because of the recent organic and health food craze capturing across the Usa, Whole Food is in an attractive spot to reach these health-conscious consumers. Goods are much more expensive than Investor Joe’s, most consumers get their products to get of greatest value of retailers.

Another competitor pertaining to Trader Joe’s is Buck General. They may be a “hard discounter merchant who own small stores with essential SKUs. Dollar Basic is also very inexpensive, with even the name brand drawing buyer attention to the bargain price. Dollar General wants to generate the fastest grocery shopping experience for its customers, even if variety of goods offered suffers.

Key achievement factors to get the grocery store retailer industry are ease of access of goods, variety of goods, store presentation, selling price, and customer care. Accessibility of goods is important because customers have to know they can trust you to have products they need to buy in stock. Wal-Mart is the innovator in product availability because they believe that out of stock means out of business. Number of goods concerns because customers are often seeking a wide variety of drink and food products when each goes grocery shopping.

Dollars General is definitely the worst in regards to variety because they just offer essential household goods. Store presentation is important as the presentation and feel of your store can turn off a buyer or attract them toyour store. Cost is key mainly because consumers are typically looking for the best deal in terms of buying groceries. Wal-Mart offers the least expensive prices because of its products, thus it has the very best score pertaining to price. Finally, customer service is important because it possibly builds trust or doubt in consumers. If you are capable to treat customers well through responding properly to inquiries, making retribution for problems, and having friendly and energetic personnel, consumers will be likely to come back to your grocery store.

SWOT Analysis

The strengths of Trader Joe’s are the good brand image, their committed fan base, plus the frequent item introductions inside their stores. Trader Joe’s company image may be their strongest asset, as they are set apart from your competition through their brand. Whether it be from the employees’ Hawaii shirts, a bottle of Trader Joe’s wine, and also the quirky layout of the shop, their brand image makes them stand out from competition. Trader Joe’s also has an ardent fan base, despite people creating social media sites and writing letters begging Speculator Joe’s to spread out a location close to them. Finally, their repeated product introductions are a power because it promotes consumers to check out very often and buy the euphoric pleasures.

Trader Joe’s weaknesses are the lack of social media involvement, repeated lack of availableness, and the reality they have such a specific and small target market. With the exploding market of social websites, the fact that Trader Joe’s does not participate in social media marketing makes them behind the changing times, and they need to make sure they do not get left behind by their competitors. The frequent insufficient availability for products is also a weakness because it disappoints consumers and motivates these to visit additional grocers since they can’t discover what you need where you are. Last, their small target audience is a some weakness because they only appeal to a certain, small crowd. In the event they appealed to a larger base of men and women it would most likely increase their revenue.

Trader Joe’s threats will be Wal-Mart’s Area Markets, the possibility that they would lose their company charm with further development, and thatsupplier identities can be revealed. Wal-Mart focusing on increasing their Neighborhood Market section is a key threat to Trader Joe’s because these markets, lead by the world’s largest dealer, is now going to compete inside your small marketplace model immediately. It is also a threat that their business charm could possibly be lost as they grow mainly because their retailers no longer will be special to consumers. Finally, their dealer identities staying supplied is actually a threat because could destruction both the associations with customers and the human relationships with their suppliers.

Trader Joe’s opportunities are that more individuals are becoming educated and moving to metropolitan areas to live. As Trader Joe’s reaches out primarily to educated, inquisitive consumers whom live in or near a major city, it is an excellent issue that more people are becoming well-informed and going to urban centers because it enhances the size of all their market share considerably.

Financial Examination

Specific economical numbers pertaining to Trader Joe’s are not set by the case since it is a for yourself owned company. Experts estimated in the case that Trader Joe’s generated earnings of above $10 billion dollars in 2011. Analysts also believed that even though Whole Food was proven to have the greatest sales per square foot of any publicly traded grocer, Trader Joe’s doubled all their sales per square ft ..

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