literary works review upon autism range disorders

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Autism has become an increasing subject of interest, especially to researchers and medical professionals. This increase in curiosity is most likely because autism is starting to become an increasing injury in children, with all the number of diagnostic category doubling in just a four 12 months period. In order to discover what may cause this disorder as well as finding effective ways to treat that, people should be informed and knowledgeable about autism. The current analyze discusses what ASD is, symptoms of this kind of disorder, conceivable causes and risk elements, and techniques of treatments and therapy, such as early treatment and sensory integration remedy.

This study hypothesizes that sensory integration therapy will significantly improve grades and school performance in children with autism.

Recently, it seems as if autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been receiving a great deal of attention by those who work in the medical field, researchers, education providers, and parents as well. This is due to the fact that the number of diagnoses has increased significantly.

In just a four year period, the number of recorded diagnoses for these types of disorders has doubled (Keen & Ward, 2004). This substantial increase in the diagnoses of ASDs could be due to the fact that doctors and other health professionals are becoming more aware of the criteria for these disorders, and are beginning to have greater recognition of ASD in more able, high functioning children. In the past, there have been several cases where high functioning children were first diagnosed with ADHD, and later received an ASD diagnoses (Keen & Ward, 2004). With the recent awareness of autism spectrum disorders, a more clear criteria has developed for the diagnoses of these disorders.

In broad terms, autism spectrum disorders is a group of developmental brain disorders, collectively called ASD. It is called autism spectrum disorder because the symptoms and levels of impairment for these disorders rangeswidely in each individual with an ASD. (National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 2011). In fact, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH, 2011), some higher functioning children may only be mildly impaired by his or hers symptoms, while other children who are low functioning may have more severely impaired by his or hers symptoms, causing them to be severely disabled.

To diagnose an individual with ASD, one must meet the criteria listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition ” Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR). Currently, there are five defined disorders that fall under the category of ASD. These disorders include autistic disorder (classic autism), Asperger’s disorder (Asperger’s syndrome), pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), Rett’s disorder (Rett’s syndrome), and childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD) (NIMH, 2011). However, this review will focus mostly on the more common disorders, classic autism and Asperger’s syndrome. The NIMH (2011) has identified some key symptoms seen in individuals with ASD. While symptoms do vary from one child to the next, the symptoms tend to fall into three main areas. These three areas include social impairment, communication difficulties, and repetitive and stereotyped behaviors.

Children with autism have trouble with social interactions and find it difficult to engage in everyday social interactions. Some of these problems with social interactions may include having trouble with making eye contact, have trouble listening to and responding to other people in their environment, and having trouble picking up on social cues and reading peoples emotions. Children with ASD may respond unusually or inappropriately when others show feelings of anger, sadness, distress, or affection (Kamps, Leonard, Vernon, Dugan, & Delquadri, 1992). Children with autism also suffer from several communication issues, such as failing or being slow to respond to verbal attempts to get their attention, developing language at a slower pace than others, repeating words or phrases that they hear, and using words that are strange or out of place, that do not really make sense to people other than the child and those close to the child whom are familiar with the child’s communication style. The last important symptom seen in childrenwith ASD is repetitive and stereotyped behavior.

Many children with ASD tend to have odd, repetitive actions and behaviors that may be referred to as stereotyped behaviors. An example of a stereotyped behavior might be a simple gesture of the arm that is repeatedly done by the child. Children with autism often have one subject or interest that they tend to overly focus on. They tend to become obsessed with one particular subject, and will learn everything they can about the subject of interest. Because autistic children seem to display several repetitive behaviors and thoughts, a set routine is usually the best environment for a child with ASD (NIMH, 2011).

While there have been many theories and suggestions of what may cause autism spectrum disorders, there is not one particular known cause of these disorders. A great deal of research has been done to examine possible causes of and risk factors for this disorder. Recently, there has been research on the hypotheses that maternal early life factors associated with hormone levels may have some correlation with being at risk of having a child with ASD. Ascherio, Lyall, Pauls, Santangelo, and Spiegelman (2011) conducted a study to see if they could find any relationships between certain maternal early life factors associated with hormone levels and the risk of having a child with an ASD. This study focuses on maternal early life factors, and how some of these reproductive and hormonal factors of mothers could put them at risk of having a child with ASD (Ascherio, Lyall, Pauls, Santangelo, & Spiegelman, 2011). The methods of this study included a cohort study with 61,596 women.

Data was collected from these women, which included age of menarche (first menstrual cycle), characteristics of menstrual cycle during adolescence, use of birth control, specifically oral contraceptives, prior to have given birth, body shape, and body mass index (BMI). The results of this study showed relationships between higher BMI’s at age 18, early age at menarche, and longer use of oral contraceptives prior to first birth, and being at risk for having a child with ASD (Ascherio et al., 2011).

Other risk factors for having a child with an ASD that have been studied include prenatal, or the period of time before the child is born, perinatal, or the period of delivery and immediately before and after delivery, and parental, or characteristics of the parents, factors. In a study done byHertz-Piccottio et al. (2010), the authors examine possible parental, prenatal and perinatal factors associated with ASD. The methods of this study was a case-control study, using a cohort of children in China. Cases came from six special education schools and two Preschool Autistic Children Special Education Institutions in Tianjin, China (Hertz-Piccottio et al., 2010). The parental risk factors that were studied included parental ages at delivery, ethnicity, occupation, education, marriage of a close relative, exposure to toxins, personality, and family medical history of different illnesses (Hertz-Piccottio et al., 2010, p. 1313).

The prenatal risk factors that were examined in this study included maternal characteristics and behaviors during pregnancy, alcohol consumption, smoking and second hand smoke exposure, exposure to X-rays, attempt to terminate pregnancy, contact with toxins, emotional state, disease history, and medication history (Hertz-Piccottio et al., 2010, p. 1313). Some perinatal factors that were examined include infant gestational age at birth, fetal nuchal chord (umbilical chord wrapped around neck), cesarean delivery, and breech birth. Also included were newborn complications such as birth weight, delayed crying, and abnormal skin color due to an array of conditions such a hypoxia, apnoea, neonatal jaundice, and several other conditions (Hertz-Piccottio et al., 2010, p. 1313). The results of this study showed relationships between several of the factors examined and the risk of having a child with ASD. In relation to the prenatal risk factors studied, seven conditions during gestation were significantly associated with the risk of having a child with ASD, four of which showed the strongest relationship. The four prenatal risk factors that showed the strongest relationship included frequent maternal second-hand smoke exposure, chronic and acute medical conditions unrelated to pregnancy, maternal unhappy emotional state, and one or more gestational complications (Hertz-Piccottio et al., 2010, p. 1314).

For the perinatal risk factors that were studied, seven characteristics at the time of delivery were significantly associated with autism. These characteristics include abnormal gestational age, including preterm and post-term, nuchal chord, cesarean delivery, delayed crying, newborn complications, apnoea, and neonatal jaundice (Hertz-Piccottio et al., 2010, p. 1314). For the parental characteristics studied, results showed that gravidity >one particular and advanced paternal era at delivery weresignificantly associated with autism (Hertz-Piccottio et ing., 2010, p. 1314).

Additional studies have done research on likely perinatal, prenatal, and parent risk elements for autism. In a analyze done by Agerbo et approach. (2005), the authors create a study in Denmark of kids with ASD. This examine focused on possible perinatal risk factors pertaining to autism, and also the associations between parental psychiatric history and socioeconomic status plus the risk of possessing a child with autism. The following perinatal factors were researched in this analyze: birth excess weight, gestational when they are born, weight pertaining to gestational age group, birth excess weight, Apgar credit score at 5 mins, fetal demonstration, mode of delivery, being pregnant characteristics such as multiple gestation, and parent characteristics just like maternal cigarette smoking, maternal and paternal age range, maternal nationality, and range of previous pregnancy. Other factors deemed were parent psychiatric record, that is, if the parent was diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder prior to the date the child was diagnosed with autism, and socioeconomic factors, which include maternal education and parental wealth (Agerbo et approach., 2005).

Even as we begin to figure out more with what exactly autism spectrum disorders are, what may cause these types of disorders, and the way to diagnose children more accurately and sooner, the next measure in staying proactive with ASD is definitely studying several treatment methods and developing new methods of treatment which may be more effective. The greatest impairment for some children with ASD is definitely the social impairments caused by these disorders. Developing treatments that may help children with an HOSTING ARTICLES learn how to better interact in social scenarios could possibly be the most useful type of treatment for these kids.

Researchers have been working on several different treatment methods for children with autism, especially therapies to help develop and increase social abilities. In a research done by Koegel, Koegel, Hurley, and Frea (1992), the authors look for to find a treatment to improve interpersonal skills in children with an HOSTING ARTICLES. This examine assessed whether self-management could be used as a technique to increase extended responsiveness to verbal initiations coming from others, with no presence of your treatment service provider. The methods of the study included four children, all of who were diagnosed with autism. The results from the study demonstrated that children with autism who shown severe loss in sociable skills can learn to self-manage responsivity to others in multiple community adjustments (Koegel, Koegel, Hurley, & Frea, 1992). Another method of treatment that is staying explored is a use of cultural robots intended for the therapy of youngsters with HOSTING ARTICLES. In a examine done by Werry, Dautenhahn, Ogden, and Harwin (2001), the researchers developed a automatic agent that can help with therapy in children with autism. This study was named the ALBOREO project, which started in 98. The benefits so far have been quite appealing, and the social robot features proven to be a very useful tool for the children with autism. It gives them the opportunity to practice social interactions and is a interpersonal mediator (Werry, Dautenhan, Ogden, & Harwin, 2001).

Treating autism is definitely not a simple process. There is not any single therapy or method of treatment that can completely cure an individual with autism. However , you will discover an assortment of therapies and remedies that have proved to be effective in treating children with autism. Quite often, children with autism combine different treatment options and therapies to improve distinct skills. A few of the more common strategies at dealing with autism in children consist of behavioral methods, such as early on intervention and discrete trial trainings, talk therapy, diet approaches, and occupational remedy ( Watling, Deitz, Kanny, & McLaughlin, 1999).

Early intervention, a behavioral inductive treatment to get autism, is an intensive behavioral therapy that is started when a child is afflicted with autism, usually before age group 5. This kind of therapy is depending on the principles of operant conditioning. In this sort of treatment, experienced therapist simplify little one’s environment in order to maximize success and reduce failures. For instance , the therapist might break a behavior down into small units and teach each unit independently, eventually connecting all of the products together, which may also be called chaining. One more method of copie that a specialist may use is usually discrete trial format. Under the radar trial file format involves a single on one interaction with a specialist that is properly planned out, where the child gets short and clear instructions from the therapist, and is quickly reinforced to get everycorrect response.

Another type of treatment for children with autism that is becoming more popular can be occupational therapy. Occupational experienced therapist are competed in teaching daily skills to aid the individual being treated live as individually as possible. Having these skills can be very useful to children with an ASD. One of the most popular types of therapy occupational therapists use to help deal with autism is definitely sensory the usage therapy. Individuals who practice this sort of therapy hypothesize that the primary symptoms of autism are disorders in physical modulation. Therefore, children with autism have difficulties in social relating, communication, and language. Since children with autism possess these disturbances in managing sensory suggestions appropriately, that they suffer from a number of social and communication problems (Case-Smith & Bryan, 1999). The physical integration way attempts to stimulate and challenge the senses individuals being cared for (Cohn, 2001). A common symptom in people with autism has been either above stimulated under-stimulated by their environment. They often include trouble finding out how to combine and integrating their different senses.

These types of sensory issues may be a reason of communication problems and social conversation problems in children with autism. Because they have these kinds of difficulty regulating their physical systems, they tend to have difficulties socializing and interacting with other folks. Some individuals with autism practice certain o behaviors, such as lining up toys or going a toy back and forth over a table. This might be an attempt in an attempt to regulate their sensory devices. The physical integration way aims to support children with autism boost their sensory digesting and modulation. There are three elements commonly included in this procedure: helping father and mother better figure out their children’s behavior, aiding parents/teachers change the kid’s environment to be able to meet his or hers sensory demands, and helping children organize responses to sensory insight. However , each sensory incorporation therapy treatment is unique to the individual being treated. Occupational therapists must consider distinct individuals’ one of a kind needs and goals (Case-Smith & Bryan, 1999).

Sensory integration healing is the most used strategy in occupationaltherapy for the treatment of children with autism, with 95% of occupational counselors using this procedure at least some of the period. The reason for its popularity in the treatment of autism is because of their proven efficiency in helping improve social relationships and marketing and sales communications. In a study done by Case-Smith and Bryan (1999) the authors discovered that physical integration therapy can substantially increase mastery play, or perhaps the child’s relationships with the physical environment. Additionally they found that sensory incorporation therapy significantly decreases non-engaged behaviors, or perhaps behaviors in which the child can be not communicating or minimally interacting with all their environment. Types of these manners include unfocused staring or aimless wandering. In a analyze by Cohn (2001), the author is concerned with parents’ views of the sensory integration way used in treating their children. With this study, mcdougal found that sensory integration was successful in helping father and mother understand all their children’s challenges. While there is a wonderful deal of research which was done around the sensory incorporation approach like a treatment for the children with autism and the efficiency of this treatment in increasing certain social behaviors, there is not much literature on the effects of sensory the usage therapy about grades and school efficiency of children with autism. In consideration to prior study in relation to autism and the treatment methods, the current examine hypothesizes that sensory the usage therapy can significantly boosts grades and school functionality in children with autism.



Members of this study will include young children with autism or anything else of HOSTING ARTICLES, attending some sort of day care or school for children with disabilities. Participants will probably be in the age group of 3 years of age to a decade old. You will have about 10 to 15 total participants.


This study might be a single-subject style, where every single participant serves as his or perhaps hers personal control group. The study will probably be conducted soon after a break at school, such as winter season break or perhaps summer break. When the students return from your break in university, they will show up at school for three to four weeks without acquiring any remedy or treatment. At the end of the period, grades will be assessed as well as basic school overall performance such hasparticipation and habit. After the 3 week period of no remedy, intervention will be initiated and children can all receive sensory incorporation therapy. Children will receive this therapy in the school pertaining to six to eight several weeks. At the end on this intervention period, grades and school performance will be examined again.


The therapy periods will take place in the day care or school building. Observations of the participants will be made in the classroom, the two before the involvement period and through the input period. These types of observations is going to assess each child’s person school overall performance, including things like participation and class behaviors. Grades is likewise assessed both equally before the treatment and during the intervention period. Students will certainly return to school after their particular break and may not acquire any therapy for three weeks. After the initial three weeks, the involvement will be initiated and the children will every participate independently in a form of sensory integration therapy within the supervision of the trained occupational therapist. Every therapy session will be exceptional to the individual and his or hers one of a kind needs or perhaps goals. By the end of the input period, degrees will be assessed again. The grades and school performance of each child before the therapy was started out will be in contrast to the degrees and university performance evaluated during with the end of the therapy, using SPSS or any sort of statistical analysis plan, to determine if sensory the usage therapy considerably improves grades and school performance in children with autism.


Agerbo, E., Eaton, W. T., Larsson, H. J., Madsen, K. M., Mortensen, L. B., Oleson, A. Versus., ¦Vestergaard, Meters. (2005). Risk factors to get autism: Perinatal factors, parental psychiatric record, and socioeconomic status. American Journal of Epidemiology. 161(10), 916-925. doi: 10. 1093/aje/kwi123 Ascherio, A., Lyall, T., Pauls, M. L., Santangelo, S., & Spiegelman, Deb. (2011). Mother’s early lifestyle factors linked to hormone levels and the risk of using a child with an autism spectrum disorder in the rns health research II. Log of Autism and Developing Disorders, 41, 618-

627. doi: 12. 1007/s10803-010-1079-7

Case ” Smith, L., & Bryan, T. (1999). The effects of work-related therapy with sensory incorporation emphasis on preschool-age children with autism. American Journal of Occupational Remedy, 53, 489 ” 497. Cohn, Electronic. S. (2001). Parent perspectives of occupational therapy utilizing a sensory incorporation approach. American Journal of Occupational Remedy, 55, 285-294. Hertz- Picciotto, I., Lv, C. C., Miao, R. J., Chi, L., Tian, J., Xi, W., & Zhang, Back button. (2010) Prenatal and perinatal risk elements for autism in chinese suppliers. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40, 1311-1321. doi: 10. 1007/s10803-010-0992-0 Kamps, D. M., Leonard, B. R., Vernon, S., Dugan, E. L., Delquadri, J. C., Gershon, B., ¦Folk, L. (1992). Journal of Applied and Behavior Examination, 25 (2), 281-288. Keen, D. & Ward, T. (2004). Autistic spectrum disorder a child populace profile. The National Autistic Society, eight (1), 39-48. Koegel, D. K., Koegel, R. D., Hurley, C., & Frea, W. (1992). Improving interpersonal skills and disruptive tendencies in children with autism through self-management. Journal of Applied Tendencies Analysis, twenty-five, 341-353. Jones, Tristram. (1999). Outcome of early involvement for children with autism. Clinical Psychology: Research and Practice, 6, (1), 33-49. U. S. Division of Health insurance and Human Companies, National Institutes of Wellness, National Company of Mental Health. (2011). A parent’s guide to autism spectrum disorder (NIH Distribution No . 11-5511). Retrieved from Watling, R., Deitz, J., Kanny, E. M., & McLaughlin, J. N. (1999). Current practice of occupational therapy for children with autism. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 53, 498″505. Werry, My spouse and i., Dautenhahn, K., Ogden, N., & Harwin, W. (2001). Can social interaction abilities be trained by a social agent? The role of your robotic vermittler in autism therapy.


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