men exactly what we dissertation

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Guys, what are we?

Men, is described as a mammal, a vertebrates. Bunny, cow, can also be mammals nevertheless they follow a guideline. They can be found with the environment in a exceptional balance, foodstuff web that is determined by producers to 1st purchase consumer, to 2nd. 1st orders being the herbivore like bunny. 2nd the predators, fox. Because of the meals web the population of a varieties are well well balanced. They now how and when to avoid, in regarding a populace. But men deny the term mammal. We all cry havoc into the world of order and destroy whatever gets in our way. We seek riches and large society. All of us burn forest after forest, crippling the land once rich, and full of life. Simply to produce daily news when it can be harvested applying hash. To work with the land for cows for several year because it could of lived until end of the world it do it yourself. What are we?

In the history of period there is the losers and the champions. There have been wars, hatred of different colors of skin. These kinds of behavior is noticed in the apes, they battle to keep their stasis, present cruelty in front of large audiences. But they by no means kill right now there own. They throw these people into relégation for a month and they may be reentered in the family. The ape (gorillas) is trying to survive and give the very best gene to the next line of junior. We also do that. But that doesnt explain the cruel patterns to unconventional people. We are developed mainly with like, from our households and we hate. We all went though once we were bugged, and battered. Yet, if the time comes and the desk has turned to another, we all join and have absolutely cruelty. You cannot find any animal that behaves just like us. Guys are trying to endure to, receive good job, and offer the beast for family. In nature more probable then less there is a born instinct, behavioral instinct to eat, run, and swim up the riv when the perfect time to lay ova, and behavioral instinct to eliminate. No matter what there is an individual whom lived in a fantastic family, great life, acquired all wished and more. Adoring family, and friends. Who also become criminals for fun, layer maybe. Yet most are identified as natural born killer. The fact of natural born monster is still deviated, wither the gene can hold a killer, to they can be good persons but the foster was poor.

Disease infests and destroys the cell, and uses the power to reproduce it home. Men can be seen as a computer virus evil business that sucks the life. We could be also seen as an parasite, parasite will live long, since there is a number. Some time we have a good marriage between the host and the vermine. We are the parasite as well as the world may be the host, or if you are faith based. It can be viewed as we are the parasites plus the host can be God.

Men, in todays contemporary society is the malignancy that surfercates the world. Until we as being a society change humanity is going to being the death worldwide.

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