Multiculturalism In Canada: The benefits of a multicultural society Essay

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Canada is a very interesting country, mainly due to its variety. The weather canada can be both freezing and intensely hot.

Several land is usually rocky and mountainous, although other places are composed of level, rolling hillsides. And in Canada, you can find many different races, coming from Asian to Latin, Africa to Indian. Canada is considered the most multicultural nation in the world, and a lot of Canada’s expansion and achievement can be attributed to immigrants entering Canada (Samuda, 1984). However not all persons agree that multiculturalism has received only results on Canada. There are some drawbacks that are because of Canada’s procedures on immigration and multiculturalism.

However , by examining tips and details concerning multiculturalism in Canada, it really is evident that Canada’s procedures on multiculturalism have had generally positive effects on Canadian world. Canada was the very first region in the world to introduce a multicultural policy (Satzewich, 1992). In 69, the Regal Commission upon Bilingualism and Biculturalism noticed many ethnic spokespersons argue that Canada will need to adopt the thought of a cultural mosaic, where different nationalities would every contribute to Canada, making the nation unified through each culture’s uniqueness.

It was a different idea than the Us idea of a melting pot, where there will be many different nationalities, yet they would all have American values, which is the main element that united them as being a country. The Royal Percentage agreed with this recommended policy, and presented this to the Federal government of Canada. Two years after, the plan was approved while Calcul Elliot Trudeau was Prime Minister.

In 1982, the plan became law, which helped to settle any racial and ethnic complications (Satzewich, 1992). In 1997, the Division of Canadian Heritage remodeled the federal Multicultural Plan. The restored program worked well towards three main goals: identity fostering a society through which people of all backgrounds feel a sense of belonging and accessory to Canada; civic contribution growing citizens whom are positively involved in surrounding the future of all their various areas and their region; social rights building a nation that ensures reasonable and equitable treatment and this respects and accommodates people of all origins (Internet Site,

The Multicultural Policy canada states that all people are equivalent, and can participate as a member of society, irrespective of racial, ethnic, ethnic, or perhaps religious background. Multiculturalism strives to preserve people’s cultural id, while at the same time making certain common Canadian values are upheld (Reitz, 1980). Canada’s policy about immigration has changed over the years, reflecting societal opinions and inexpensive conditions. However no matter how much the coverage changed, the consequence of this coverage are very evident. Close to 10% of the mature population of Canada happen to be visible hispanics, and this quantity is supposed to double over the following twenty years (Satzewich, 1992).

Obvious minorities happen to be persons, apart from Aboriginal lenders, who are non-Caucasian in race or nonwhite in colour (Employment and Migration Canada, 1987). This means that the immigrants entering Canada are from Euro descent; alternatively, they are originating from other prude, such as Africa, South America, and Asia. Just before 1961, 90% of the foreign nationals coming into Canada were of European ancestry. Yet in 1981, Europeans only constituted for 25% of the immigrants coming into Canada (Satzewich, 1992). This means that 74% of foreign nationals coming into Canada in 81 were coming from Asia, South usa, etc . It is obvious that Canada’s coverage on multiculturalism has had a profound influence on Canada and its particular people.

Nevertheless , does this signify multiculturalism canada has had an optimistic effect on world? Many can argue that Canada would be better off without the lenient frame of mind towards migration and multiculturalism. There are several unfavorable factors that are attributed to Canada’s multicultural coverage. One of the main reasons how come people think that Canada’s multicultural policy truly does more harm than good happens because it creates racism. By putting many different races together, all of these have different cultural and worth differences, works of elegance and racism are guaranteed to occur.

As well, some migrants bring with them chronicles of issue in their residence countries to Canada, that leads to problems that may include physical violence, hatred, and discrimination (Bibby, 1990). Instead of unite Canadians, these elements would only divide Canadian society. Another main reason as to the reasons some people perspective multiculturalism in Canada negatively is really because it creates misunderstandings and disbelief.

Many individuals who come to Canada understand only their particular native tongue, and their personal countries rules and regulations. Being introduced to Canadian laws and regulations, language and customs can be quite the process. A third purpose as to why not everyone supports multiculturalism is due to the fear of eroding classic British heritage. Canada has close ties to their mother-nation The united kingdom, and many believe that by allowing immigrants of various ethnic backgrounds into the nation, the link among Canada and Britain only will weaken (Satzewich, 1992).

These are generally all types of downsides to Canadian multiculturalism, but there are many benefits that derive from multiculturalism too. The benefits of multiculturalism in Canada make up for the downsides. One of the downsides to multiculturalism was that it brings about racism.

Nevertheless , one of the results of Canada’s policy is that there is, over time, less racism. This is due to the fact that once numerous ethnic teams have been managing each other for some time, they begin to figure out each other more, and therefore feel closer plus more connected to one another (Samuda, 1984). This ends in less racism and misjudgment towards each other.

Another great effect is the fact since there are many cultures managing each other, people will profit because they may learn more about different races, and may develop a increased understanding of the cultures around them (Samuda, 1984). For example, a Hindu who just knows his own religious beliefs and lifestyle will see just how that different races live, and therefore his knowledge about different religions, countries, values, etc . will develop. This in turn permits the Indio to have more freedom, because he now recognizes other ways of living, and will choose nevertheless he would like to live.

This really is a very important part of Canadian culture: the ability to live freely, and choose whatever religion and way of life you want. An additional positive effect that multiculturalism has had about Canada is the fact Canada is now a country so diverse and thus rich in culture, that there are now vast amounts of ideas, thoughts, and lifestyles to explore. Devoid of multiculturalism, Canada would not end up being so abundant in art and cultural traditions (Samuda, 1984). All of the above benefits that multiculturalism has received on Canadian society are crucial, yet the key positive result that multiculturalism has had on Canada is the fact it has fundamentally shaped Canada into the country that we today know it since today.

Devoid of Canada’s modern policy, not so many foreign nationals would be coming to Canada. Minus immigrants, Canada’s population will be very small, and its particular economy weakened. Immigrants that come to Canada are beneficial to Canadian world because: they pay taxes, produce jobs, and so they add to Canada’s economy, among other things. Immigration in to Canada is the central reason as to why Canada has turned into a successful country (Reitz, 1980). Evidently, Canada has benefited from the multicultural plans, in particular their policies toward immigration.

Nevertheless , what is society’s attitude toward immigration? In the early 1900’s, foreigner’s were mostly viewed as inferior. These people were not remedied the same as white people were (Bibby, 1990).

And so the question that needs to be asked is why were numerous immigrants actually allowed in to Canada, in the event that they were not wanted presently there? They were permitted to come simply because Canada needed workers. A simple solution to the increasing needs for labourers in Canada was to allow foreign nationals to come into the country to work (Bibby, 1990). After having a few decades, these immigrants had offered a large amount of their time, job, and money to Canada, and their work were not remaining unrecognized. This was around the period when Canada’s Multicultural Policy was consisting, and later put in force6116.

Attitudes to multiculturalism and immigration in Canada changed significantly while Canada’s economy was expanding after World War II. Canada needed employees, and many flocked into Canada, only this time around, not all were labourers. Various were teachers and well-educated people, which were fleeing their home country, coming to Canada as refugees (Satzewich, 1992). Over the years to come, Canadian behaviour towards multiculturalism became even more welcoming, as the last ethnicity and cultural barriers to Canadian immigration had been removed.

With immigrants mainly moving into significant cities canada such as Barcelone, Vancouver and Montreal, cultural diversity was becoming increasingly apparent in these major urban areas (Satzewich, 1992). Many immigrants came into large urban centers because of two reasons: job was much easier to find, and also other people of the same ethnic history as them will be living there as well. Today, 90% of foreign-born Canadians live in one among Canada’s 20 largest downtown centers (Reitz, 1980).

Over the years, attitudes to multiculturalism and immigration have changed, with many people today recognizing the key benefits of a multicultural society. Folks are now looking towards the future, aiming to see what effects multiculturalism will have upon society over the following few decades. Naturally , Canada’s procedures towards migrants and multiculturalism will be afflicted with changes in social values as well as the economy above the next many years. Throughout record, it is apparent that migrants into Canada becomes even more open and welcome the moment there is a dependence on a larger work force (Bibby, 1990).

Whatever policy is usually put into effect, the one thing remains obvious: the more Canadian society becomes culturally and racially mixed, the greater the need for tolerance and acceptance for starters another while fellow Canadians. A modern policy that meets the requirements of the two long-time residents and the recently arrived is going to prove to be one of the most successful insurance plan (Samuda, 1984). After reviewing this information regarding multiculturalism canada, one can clearly see that multiculturalism is an important part of Canadian world, and culture has benefited greatly due to Canada’s policies toward immigration and multiculturalism.

During your stay on island will always be bad opinions to multiculturalism in Canada, the majority of Canadians recognize the value of Canada’s multicultural procedures, and support them in their entirety (Bibby, 1990). Because Canada’s populace is composed of so many different racial qualification, the future of Canada depends on the responsibilities of all their citizens to a strong and unified Canadian identity, while still keeping their own tradition and one of a kind way of life. Since it does thus presently as it has done so in the past, multiculturalism will continue to benefit Canadian society, making the quality of lifestyle better and even more fulfilling to all or any Canadians. Bibliography 1)Bibby, L. W. (1990).

Mosaic craziness: The lower income and potential of your life in Canada. Toronto: Stoddart. 2)Employment and Migration Canada (1987). Employment Equity Act, Restrictions and Plans. Ottawa.

3)Reitz, J. G. (1980). The survival of ethnic teams. Toronto: McGraw-Hill. 4)Samuda, Ronald J. (1984). Multiculturalism canada: Social and Educational Perspectives. Nj: Prentice Hall. 5)Satzewich, Vic (1992).

Deconstructing a Land: Immigration, Multiculturalism and Racism in ’90s Canada. Barcelone: Fernwood Catalogs.

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