strategic case study sony is definitely case study

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Case Formulation

Toshiba, Study Guide, Walt Disney, Business Level Approaches

Excerpt coming from Case Study:

Corporate and business Level Technique

Corporate level strategy is the decisions built at the corporate level that may affect the procedures of the entire company. Commonly, decisions associated with the selection of online businesses, mergers, organization environment and competition are corporate level strategies. These types of strategies will have a reach across the entire company. The aim is to enhance the overall profitability of the organization and faucet any feasible future niche besides dealing with competition. Building a competitive benefits is also an integral part of corporate level strategy.

The working and implementation have been explained by Watson and Wooldridge (2005; l. 1) as, Corporate level strategy “allows the Chief Professional Officer (CEO) and the “corporate office” setting corporate technique, while delegating more detailed matters to the managers of business-specific subunits. It may thus appear that, even though these business unit managers may be formulators of business strategy, they are implementers of corporate strategy. “

Fiat implemented an important corporate level strategy and that is to bring in blu-ray formatting in the popular PlayStation 3. This gave a big boost to the sales of blu-ray and it helped the company to win the blu-ray file format war. Similarly, Sony should certainly use corporate level technique to win the 3D TV war as well. It can come up with a strategy following taking into account the competition levels plus the impact from the new technology in the market. It can make an effort to introduce THREE DIMENSIONAL in its PlayStation games too to create understanding about 3D TV technology.

Optimal Company Culture and Structure

Company structure can make a big difference between your success and failure of any company and Sony is not much different rule. The current structure and its merits has been explained by Kobayashi (1970, l. 1) while, “any existing power composition was destroyed by eliminating titles that connoted superiority. In fact it has become possible, plus the practice initiated, for office managers and section managers to exchange duties without a change of respect. Next, involvement in decision-making was integrated and rules were removed. Job duties, especially managerial, were re-defined constantly by the position owners themselves. Renesis Likert’s group concept began and connection lines pertaining to reliable info were stored open. Above all else, methods and procedures had been voluntary. The net result is actually a living corporation supported by the responsible common sense and actions of its members. inches This existing structure helped Sony to have considerable growth and abundance within a short time of time.

This departmentalization worked during the last several decades for Sony. However , the changing environment requires a change inside the organizational structure as well. There has to be more relationships between the distinct departments. This is often achieved by making the departments more flexible rather than rigid self-employed units. The mindset has to be moved by an independent unit to a pair of inter-dependent models that work with each other to achieve one common goal.

The present structure is usually mechanistic and it must be relocated towards a more organic framework. “In backup theory, the word organic framework is used to spell out an organizational structure that is designed to promote flexibility so that workers can trigger change and adapt quickly to changing conditions” (George Jones, 2006, p. 508). On the other hand, mechanistic structure is definitely the exact opposite. “In contingency theory, the definition of mechanistic composition is used to explain an company structure that is designed to induce workers to behave in foreseeable, accountable ways” (George Roberts, 2005, s. 508). The business should move to a more open, dynamic and organic environment to handle competition and also to be successful in the ever-changing business environment.


In short, there are many factors which may have contributed to the success of Sony inside the blu-ray structure war. Although 3D TELEVISION SET format war is slightly different because of the attitude and readiness of the manufacturers and distributors, Volvo must have all likely steps to be a market innovator in this part. This can include an external and internal modify. The exterior change must be the difference in technology as well as good business level technique to popularize THREE DIMENSIONAL TV. Internally, the company and its organizational framework must go through a transformation. These types of changes can help Sony to hit your objectives in this market segment.


Kobayashi (November, 1970). The Creative Corporation – a Japanese Experiment. Personnel l: 8.

MarketWatch. (January 2009). Company Limelight: Sony Company. MarketWatch: Technology 8(1). l 36-44.

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Williams, Ian. (March 22nd 2010). Maybe right now there won’t be a 3D Formatting War. Recovered from: Sherer, Philip. D; Shelter, Kyungmook. (February 2002). Institutional Change in Large law Firms: A Resource Dependency and Institutional Point of view. Journal of Management. 45(1). pp 102-119.

Tushman, Eileen; Anderson, Philip. (September 1986). Technological Discontinuities and Organizational Environments. Management Science Quarterly. 31(3). pp439-465.

Watson, Toby; Wooldridge, Invoice. (Summer 2005). Business Product Manager Influence on Corporate-Level Strategy Formulation. Journal of Managerial Issues. 17(2). pp 147-161.

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