the osho vision

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Osho Vision: Osho philosophy asks to think of yourself as keen and think about everybody else also as divine. It is not a fiction, is it doesn’t reality. Except for god, each one is fictions, aside from god, the rest is a dream of the mind, only god is. Hence, if we follow the brain, we are by no means contented, because dreams cannot nourish. They may be beautiful while you are far away, when you come better, disappointment and so is in your hands.

Osho comes that Dreams are like rainbows in the sky: from far away thus beautiful, but if you arrive close and also you want to support the offers a in your hand, you will find nothing but the vapor. Which happens to everybody every day: the dreams, sooner or later, are located to be simply vapor.

Once this is certainly understood, that that brain creates, wants, dreams, the kind of mirage, then a turning point comes, the transforming point comes. Then one begins thinking the right way to transcend your brain, how to include a state wherever no thought is definitely, no desire is, not any desire is definitely? We have were living through dreams and wishes and found nothing at all, now we will try the other method round. Osho Talks about what meditation is definitely: looking into actuality without anything between you and fact. Just a pure look… and suddenly, all is exposed. That revelation makes you aware that everything, every particle of dust, is divine. Then simply to live in the same world is known as a totally different knowledge. Then you are in home, relaxed, then you cannot find any death, generally there cannot be virtually any death. After that there are zero limitations of time and space. Then you have got simply gone beyond every limitations. You have freedom, and freedom is definitely joy!

Then simply something should be experimented with. It is usually good to try something totally new. Who is aware of? something may happen out of it. Make an effort at least two groupings, and if you experience that they are designed for you, you can drop out, nevertheless try! Mm?

Osho says Experience that: Never close your doors before you have experimented with nearly anything ever, hardly ever. Otherwise lots of things remain unlived, unknown. These were available, therefore you would have gone through something fabulous, you would have been enriched simply by them. Often say certainly to the new. No needs to be used for the old. That which you have seen many times, decline it. It really is pointless, you could have seen it, now there is not a more in it. Although never decline the new. Set up effort seems

to be meaningless later on ‘later on it can be felt that this would have recently been better in the event you had not gone into it’ then as well I say, say yes towards the new. Even doing something right, successfully, if it is outdated, it is worthless. Doing a thing that may be an error, erroneous, if it is new, it is worth carrying out, because a single grows with the new. It is far from a question of right and wrong, fit between the outdated and the new. For me this is bad thing and the fresh is virtue.

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