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nd volume Remorseful! Abenaquis, a Mahican region, 00, tough Mohawk chiefs, 000, English language agree to not assist, 009, Abraham, or perhaps Schabash, a Mahican main, made chief by Mahicans 89, helper at Gnadenhutten, 89 Abrahamsen, Issac, protects an Of india boy, 000 Ackhough, vieillard of Weckquaesgeeks, 09 Adair, James, theory of, regarding origin of American Indians, 00 Adogbegnewalquo, a Mohawk primary, address of, 000 Aepjin, chief sachem of Mahicans, 08, party to treaty of 0000, 008, totemic personal unsecured of, 009, council flames at Schodac, 08, approved to treat to get Esopus Indians, 000 Agassiz, theory of, 00 Analysis of tribes and chieftaincies, 00 Andastes, war with all the Iroquois, 00 Andros, Chief excutive, offers countries to meandering Indians, 000, invites Pennacooks to settle in Schaticook, 00 Andriaensen, Maryn, in command word at massacre at Corlears Hook, 000 Ann Hoock, alias Wampage, a chief of Siwanoys, 80 Ann Hutchinson, killing of, 000, daughter of, returned coming from captivity, 008 Albany, Ft Nassau constructed at, 99, Fort Lemon erected for, 99, Nederlander make treaty with Mahicans and Iroquois at, 00, surrendered to the English, 008, English create council open fire at, 000 Algonquin language, 00 Algonquin nations, 00, 00 Allegewi, tradition regarding, 00 Forces, how created, 00 Cha?non, nature of, between the Dutch and the Iroquois, 000, of Dutch with Long Island chieftaincies, 000, of English with Iroquois and Mahicans, 008 Appamanskoch, vieillard of Raritans, 90 Aquackanonks, location of, 90 Armies, how consisting, 00 Ashhurst, Sir John, buys lands of Waoranecks, 90 Assiapam, sachem of Matinecocks, 00 Assinapink creek, 90 Atkarkarton, Kingston so called, 000 Interest in sickness, 00 Beeren, or Mahican island, 85 Biographical Draw of, Chambers, Captain Thomas, 008, Kryn, war-captain of Caghnawagas, 080 Bloom, Domine, description of Esopus bataille, 000 Bouwensen, Thomas, roasted and eaten by Mohawks, 000 Caghnawaga, Mohawk small town of, 00, 90, attacked by Mahicans, 90, ruined by The french language, 90, Nederlander embassadors visit, 000, transformed by Jesuits, 009 Nation, or Praying Indians, 009 Calmet, theory of, 00 Canada, settlement of, started, 00 Canassatiego, an Iroquois viceroy, speech of, 2009 Canopus, vieillard of Nochpeems, 80 Captains, war chiefs so called, 00 Captahem, vieillard of Aquackanonks, 90 Carnarsees, location of, 00 Cartwright, Col. George, makes treaty with Iroquois, 008 Castles, mode of constructing, 00 Catholic Priests, labors of, 000, 008, law regarding, 000 Cayugas, one of the Iroquois nations, 00, village of, 98 Rooms, Thomas, Copt. settles by Esopus, 000, biographical sketch of, 000 Champlain, finds out Lake Champlain, 00, helps the Hurons, 00, stimulates conversion of Indians, 500 Chastity of females, 00 Chesekock system, 80 Chegonoe, sachem of Rockaways, 00 Chekatabut, a Massachusetts Mahican chief, 00 Child birth, 00 Claverack, town of, 00, creek, term of, 00 Clinton, DeWitt, theory of, 00 Coginiquant, sachem of Nesaquakes, 00 Colden, Lieut. Gov., 00 Coleman, Ruben, killed by the Indians, on the lookout for Communipau, aboriginal name of, 90 Conarhanded, sachem of Weckquaesgeeks, 2009 Conflict with Indians, by Stony Stage, 00, by Shorackappock 00, 00 Corchaugs, location of, 00 Corlears Hook, massacre of Indians at, 000, 008 Couwenhoven, negotiates with Esopus Indians, 000, 500 Cralo, Fort, at Greenbush, 009 Croton, traditionary sachem of Kitchawongs, 09 Croton, river, aboriginal name of, 09 Dans-Kammer, devil worship at, 2009, 90, boundry line with the, 90, Couwenhoven at the, 000 Declarations of war, 00 Deeds, description of autographs to, 90 DeHart, Balthazar, purchases gets, 90 Denotas, or hand bags for computing corn, 00 DeVries, David Pietersen, plantation of, on Staten Area, destroyed, 000, locates among the Tappans, 90, endeavors to avoid massacre of fugitive Indians, 000, planting of, able to escape by Indians, 009, works out treaty of peace, 009, plantation damaged, 000 Dobbs Ferry, aboriginal name of, 08 Dongan, Gov., purchases lands within the Hudson, 90, 90, interests to defeat the procedures of the People from france, 009, gives medals for the Iroquois, 009, appeals to James II, to keep alliance with Iroquois, 009, asks for Catholic priests, 009 Dress, associated with an Indian belle, 00, Hudsons description of, 8, Verazzanos description of, 09 Homes and mode of construction, 00 Du Bois, Mrs. Louis, captured by the Esopus Indians, 1000, tradition concerning, 000 Dutch, neutrality of, in American indian wars, 00, treaty of, with Mahicans, etc . 00, send ambassadors to the Mohawks, 000, accountable for the New york wars, 009, responsible for the Esopus battles, 000, give up province for the English, 008 Eelkins, Jacob, imprisons primary of the Sequins, 000 English language capture of Fort Amsterdam, 008, treaty with the Iroquois, 00, 008, treaty with Mahicans, 008, 000, laws regulating love-making with the Indians, 000, treaty of Esopus, 000 Eskmoppas, sachem of Rockaways, 00 Esopus, derivation of term, 90, initial settlement for, 000, settlers at, get away from lands, 500, 000, initially war by, 000, Stuyvesant solicited to safeguard, 000, properties destroyed in, 000, fresh village proven at, 008, second battle of, 000, 000, torture of prisoners at, 1000, village saved in siege, 500, peace proven at, 1000, renewal of hostilities in, 000, fresh village, destroyed, 000, information of massacre at, 500, peace re-established at, 000, inscription upon rocks for, 000 Esopus Indians, chieftaincies of, 85, 90, help to make peace together with the Senecas, 08, first conflict with the Dutch, 000, sachems solicit tranquility, 008, Stuyvesant holds convention with, 009, Indians massacred at, 1000, renew hostilities, 000, treaty of peace with (0000), 000, Stuyvesant sends chiefs into slavery, 008, require renewal of treaty, 000, second war with, 500, treaty of peace with (0000), 000, treaty of, with the The english language, 000, friendly, remove to Ticonderoga, 85 Evert Pels, a Nederlander prisoner, goes out torture simply by aboption, 500 Festivals, 00, 000 Five Nations, discover Iroquois Fletcher, Gov., 1000, hastens towards the relief from the Mohawks, 1000 Food and mode of preparation, 00 Fort Amsterdam held in duress by the Indians, 000, 000, surrendered for the English, 008, Nassau, structure of, 99, Orange, building of, 99 French, utilize Catholic missionaries, 008, safeguarded treaty of neutrality, with Duke of York, 009, make prisoners of Iroquois chiefs by simply treachery, 1000, at warfare with the Senecas, 000, yield to the requirements of the Iroquois, 000, Of india war of 0089, 500 Frontenac, Count number de, texas chief of Canada, 000, plans expedition resistant to the English, 500, invades the Mohawk region and damages their castles, 000, invades the Onondaga country, 500 Gallatin, Hon. Albert, affirmation of, regarding subjugation of Mahicans, 00 Gardiner, Lion and David, 00 Gil, sachem of Seatalcats, 00 Geographical nombre, Kaunaumeek, Ma, 80, Mahicanituk, Hudsons river, 00, Shecomeco, Dutchess region, 80, Schodak, Columbia state, 08, Sunckhagag, Albany county, 80, Seepus, Esopus lake, 90, Tawalsontha, Normans kil, 99, Wawijchtanok, Columbia county, 80, 70, Wnahktakook, Westenhuck, 00, 80, Weckquaesgeek, Westchester county, ’08, Wysquaqua, Wickers creek, 08, Willehoosa, Port Jervis, Orange colored county, 90 Goethals, sachem of Wappingers, 80, solicits peace on behalf of Esopus Indians, 000 Goharius, sachem of Weckquaesgeeks, 2009 Gouwarrowe, vieillard of Matinecocks, 00, to safeguard Hackinsacks and Tappans, 500 Government and laws, 09 Greenbush, Mohicans ravage, 00 Haaskouaun, an Iroquois main, 000 Hackinsacks, location of, 90, Vehicle der Horst settles between, 000, a warrior of, robbed, 000, complaint of, regarding gives, 000, young men clamor for war, 1000, take part in war of 0000, 000, recommend an exchange of criminals, 000, negotiate on behalf of Esopus Indians, 009 Haverstraw, site of, 80 Hiawatha, the storyplot of, 00 Horikans, position of, 80 Housatonic water, neutral boundry line, 00 Hudson, Holly, 0, discord of, with Indians by Stony Stage, 00, turmoil of, with Indians by Shorackappock, 00, 00, understands the Mahicanituk, 0, intoxicates Indians at Castleton, 00, traditions improving his go to, 00, appointments Indians with the Narrows, almost 8, visits Indians at Castleton, 9 Hutchinson, Ann, murdered by Weckquaesgeeks, 000, Child of, delivered from captivity, 008 American indian Villages and locations, 00, 000, Albany county, 80, 80, 90, Columbia county, 80, 88, Dutchess county, 80, Greene county, 90, Long Island, 00, New Jersey, fifth 89, Orange county, 90, Putnam county, eighty, Rensselaer region, 80, Rockland county, 85, Staten Area, 90, Saratoga county, 09, Ulster Region, 90, Westchester county, 00 Iroquois confederacy, 00, area of, 00, tradition improving origin, 00, tribal categories, 00, 80, totemic emblems, 09, traditions respecting firm of confederacy, 00, referred to as the Five Nations, 00, 09, form of government, 09, organization of confederacy, 09, national authorities, 00, political supremacy, 00, wars with all the Hurons, 00, defeated by Champlain, 00, territory invaded by the The french language, 00, help to make treaty together with the Dutch, 00, treaties together with the English, 00, 00, 008, French determine to destroy, 000, chiefs made hostage by treason, 000, Mahicans in connections with, 000, 000, record Montreal, 500, threaten Quebec, 000, deficits sustained inside the war of 0089, 009, French priests convert, 009 Jesuits, labors of the French, 000, 008 Johnson, Sir William, 00 Joselyn, Ruben, 00 Juet, Hudsons companion, visits Indians at Castleton, 9 Kalebackers, Indians having guns, 500 Katskills, area of, 80, loving males of, on the lookout for, 90 Katsban, a community of the Katskills, 000 Katonah, sachem of Siwanoys, 80 Kayingehaga, Mohawks so called, 00 Kieft, movie director, attempts the gathering of tribute, 000, tendencies war actions, 000, proclaims a public fast, 009, solicits aid from England, 000, solicits mediation of Mohawks and Mahicans, 000 Full, Philip, wintertime quarters near Albany, 00 Kingston, first settlement in, 000, a village palisaded at, 008 Kinte-Kaying, an Indian dance, 08, 000 Kitchawongs, area of, 2009 Kitchawong, vieillard of Kitchawongs, 09 Kitzanacka, Indian clergyman, 00 Konapot, sachem of Mahicans, 89 Kregier, Matn, journal of second Esopus war, 00, commands journey against Esopus Indians, 009 Krieckbeck, commandant at Fortification Orange, ties war party of Mahicans, 000, killed by the Mohawks, 000 Kryn, chief in the Caghnawagas, 080 La Stipe, governor of Canada, 009 Language, Algonquin, origin of name, 00 Lawrence, Dr ., 00 Leisler, Jacob, usually takes possession of Fort James, 1000, executed intended for treason, 500 Lenni Lenapes, territory of, 00, signification of identity, 00, custom respecting origins, 00, traditionary war with all the Allegewi, 00, form of government, 00, tribe divisions, 00, totemic categories and emblems, 09, subjugation of, by Iroquois, 00, battles with the Senecas, 08, made tributary to the Senecas, 09, Lenapewihituk, brand of Delaware river, 00 Long Island, Prevent builds deliver on, 00, Dutch settlers on, 000, settlements crinkled, 000, territory of, divided between Dutch and English, 000, treaty with Indians of, 1000 Long Reach, Indians of, 000 Losses sustained by the Dutch in war of 0000, 008 Mahican confederacy, nine international locations composing, 00, 80, initial seat of, 00, subdue tribes within the sea-coast, 00 Mahicans, a nation in the Mahican confederacy, 00, 80, welcome Hudson at Castleton, 9, area of, 00, 80, sub-tribal divisions, 70, national authorities fire, 00, 00, 88, villages and castles of, 80, 70, tradition improving origin, 00, form of govt, 00, relation of, to the Mohegans 00, totemic sections and emblems, 00, and Wappingers constitute one particular nation, 00, make treaty of companionship with the Nederlander, 00, so-called subjugation of, 00, wars with the Mohawks, 00, ruin the east side of the Hudson, 00, officially identified by Massachusetts, 00, relations with all the government of New York, 00, sell countries to Truck Rensselaer, 70, sell countries to Robert Livingston, 85, 80, get hold of fire-arms from the Dutch, 00, attack the Manhattans, 1000, defeat the Mohawks, 00, 00, tough Dutch soldiers, 000, solicit peace for Esopus Indians, 000, included in peace of Esopus, 1000, at war with the Mohawks, 009, 1000, meet France Indians by Cohoes, 500, united in covenant with all the Iroquois, 000, instigated to hostilities up against the Dutch by the English, 1000, assist the Mohawks, 500, 000 Mahak Niminaw, vieillard of Katskills, 90 Mahican, Abraham, 88 Mahikanders, Mahicans, so called, 00 Mamekotings, area of, 80 Manhattans, the, subjugated simply by Wappingers, 00, enemies with the Sanhickans, 00, language of, 00, 00, the Nederlander settle amongst, 00, Adrien Block among the list of, 00, massacre of, simply by order of Kieft, 1000 Manhattan, explaination of term, 00, battles, 99, 1000 Manhassets, area of, 00 Manners and customs, 00, attention in sickness, 00, alliances, manner of forming, 00, chastity of females, 00, child-birth, 00, castles and mode of constructing, 00, dwellings and mode of constructing, 00, dress associated with an Indian belle, 00, disposition of criminals, 00, statement of conflict, 00, meals and setting of prep, 00, federal government and laws and regulations, 09, medications, 00, profession, 00, business of soldires, 00, plurality of wives, 00, punishment for killing, 00, faith based belief and worship, 00, rank and titles, 00, title to lands, 00, wampum, 00, war, planning for, 00, war treat, 00, warfare song of Lenapes, 00, weapons of war, 00, Van dieser Doncks description of appearance, 00, Verazzanos description of appearance, 09 Maquas, Mohawks so called, 00, castle in the Praying, 85 Maringoman, vieillard of Waoranecks, 90, fort of, 90 Marsapequas, precise location of the, 00, be a part of war of 0000, 00, aid the Dutch in Esopus battles, 00, 009, 000 Maramaking, sachem of Siwanoys, 85 Matinecocks, precise location of the, 00 Mattano, sachem of Raritans, 90 Mayane, a Wappinger key, 80, 500 Medicines, 00 Mechkentowoons, a Mahican chieftaincy, 00, 70, 90 Megriesken, sachem of Wappingers, eighty Merricks, precise location of the, 00 Mespath, village of, destroyed by simply Dutch, 1000 Metzewakes, sachem of Kikhawongs, 09 Miantonomo, sachem of Narragansetts, 000 Minnisinks, a chieftaincy of Minsis, site and towns of, 85, one of, incurred with murder at Esopus, 000, indulge in war of 0089, 008, visited by simply Arent Schuyler, 080, request Shawanoes to settle among, 080 Minsis, a tribal division of Lenapes, 00, 90, totem and chieftaincies of, 00, 90, in war while using Senecas, ’08, odtain fire-arms from the Swedes, 09, 000, Senecas aided by Mohawks against, ’08, 000, subjugated by Senecas, 08, 1000, a portion negotiate among the Ottawas, 000, decimated by small pox, 080, Shawanoes negotiate among, 080 Mitchill, Doctor theory of, 00 Mohawks, a tribe of the Five Nations, 00, territory of, 90, villages and castles of, 80, totems of, 09, method of declaring war, 00, conversion of, by Jesuits, 00, attain fire-arms, 00, 000, in war together with the Hurons, 00, first treaty with the Nederlander, 00, wars with the Mahicans, 00, 00, drive the Soquatucks from their land, 2009, weakened by the Mahicans, 00, solicit the gov. of Canada, intended for protection against the Mahicans, 2009, attacked by the Mahicans by Caghnawaga, 00, defeated by Mahicans at Kinaquariones, 00, obtain assistance from the Oneidas, Cayugas, and Senecas, 00, send embassadors to Fort Orange, 000, Dutch send embassadors to, 000, assurance not to help Esopus Indians, 000, send out embassy to Esopus to negotiate tranquility, 000, consider Esopus warfare as he was caused by the Dutch, 1000, included in peace of Esopus, 000, mention bad treatment, 000, castles destroyed by simply French, 500 Mohegan, which means of, 00 Mohegans, a Pequot tribe, 00 Monemius, castle, 70 Montaucks, site of, 00, chieftaincies of, 00, formerly a part of Mahican confederation, 00, originally designed Manhattan, 00, at war with Narragansetts, 00, small-pox among, 00, accept protection of English language, 00, divided between English and Nederlander, 00 Montague, Rachel, taken prisoner, 1000, pilots Nederlander forces against Shawangunk, 1000 Moody, Lady, house of, attacked, 500 Moravians, testimony of, 88 Morton, Thomas, theory of, 00 Attach Misery, tradionary battle for, 80 Muhhekaneew, original titles of Mahicans, 00, orthography of, 00, 00 Criminals kil, Indians of, 80 Murder, atonement for, 00 Murders determined by Indians, 000 Nanticokes, a portion of settled at Katskil, 85 National and tribal agencies, 00 Navisinks, location of the, fifth there’s 89, Hudsons intercourse with, being unfaithful, 89, destroy John Coleman, 9, fifth there’s 89 Nawaas, location of the, 80 Nesaquakes, location of the, 00 Nicolls, Rich, takes possession of Fort Amsterdam, 008, announced deputy governor, 008, makes treaty with Iroquois, 008, renews treaty with Esopus Indians, 000 Niessen, Collar, sent to Esopus, 009 Nimham, chief vieillard of Wappingers, 00, 80, 80 Nochpeems, location of, 80, treaty with, 000 Novisans by war with Iroquois, ’08, 009 Nowedonah, sachem of Shinecocks, 00 Onackatin, vieillard of Warranawonkongs, 90, part of treaty of 0000, 500, lands of, 000 Oneidas, a tribe division of Iroquois, 90 Onderis Hocque, a Minsi key, address of, 000 Onondagas, a tribal division of Iroquois, 00, produce treaty while using Dutch, 00, capital in the, 98, Spangenbergs account of confederacy of, 00, area of, invaded by The french language, 000 Onondaga, capital of Iroquois confederacy, 98, Jesuit missionaries at, 000 Firm of soldires, 00 Origin of the American Indians, 00 Oritany, vieillard of Hackinsacks, 90, treaty of, with the Dutch, 500, party to treaty of 0000, 008, solicits peace on behalf of Esopus Indians, 009 Ottawas, location of the, 500, a number of, die of tiny pox at Esopus, 000 Pacham, a chief from the Tankitekes, 85, advises bataille of the Nederlander, 000, give up of, an ailment of tranquility, 000 Papequanaehen, an Esopus chief, murdered, 000 Parnau, sachem of Rockaways, 00 Passachquon, sachem of Navisinks, 90 Patchoques, location of the, 00 Patthunck, vieillard of Siwanoys, 80 Pauw, Michael, arrangement of, 1000, 000 Pavonia, Jersey town so called, 000, Manhattan fugitives at, 1000, massacre in, 000, 008 Paxinos, a sachem of Minnisinks, 008 Peekskill, aboriginal name of, 09 Pemerawghin, chief vieillard of Warranawonkongs, 90 Penhawitz, sachem of Carnarsees, 00, sends delegates to make a deal peace, 009, conference with, at Rechquaakie, 000 Pennacooks, location of, 80, dispersion of, 00, a portion of, settle by Schaticook, 00 Pequots, beginning of the, 00, country of, 00, break down of, 00, jurisdiction west of the Connecticut, 00 Petroleum, use of, like a cure intended for small-pox, 080 Pierron, a Jesuit missionary, labors of, 90 Plurality of spouses, 00 Pocahontas, reference to, 1000 Ponus, vieillard of Toquams, 80, 85 Ponupahowhelbshelen, vieillard of Weckquaesgeeks, 09 Detrás, Captain, taken prisoner, 500, negotiates treaty of serenity, 000 Potick, a Mahican village, 00, fugitives from King Philips war for, 00 Poygratasuck, sachem of Manhassets, 00 Praying Indians, Jesuit converts so called, 009 Presents, usage of, in talks, 09, 00 Preummaker, a chief of Warranawonkongs, 85, killed by the Dutch, 008, land of, 008 Prisoners, ransom of, 000 Punganis, lands of, 000 Consequence for murder, 00 Quaquasno, sachem of Shinecocks, 00 Quebec, the Iroquois by, 000 List and games, 00 Raritans, a chieftancy of Lenapes, location of, 90, named Sanhikans or fire-workers, 85, remove to the Kittakeny mountains, 90, accused of plundering, 000, bombarded by the Nederlander, 000, ruin a family in Mespath, 000, remove to Oneida lake, 90, remove to Pond Michigan, 80 Rechtauck, Manhattan fugitives by, 000 Reckgawawancs, location of the, 00, attack Hudsons ship, 00, 00, included in treaty of 0000, 08 Red Hook, traditionary battle at, 00 Religious idea and praise, 00 Rockaways, location of the, 00 Rodolf, Sergeant, commands in massacre at Pavonia, 500 Ronduit, a small fort, constructed at the oral cavity of the Walkill, 000, 1000 Sachus, sachem of Kitchawongs, 09 Sackagkemeck, sachem of Haverstraws, 90 Sagers kil, Indian town on, damaged, 008 Sanders, Robert, chef at Schenectady, 000 Schabash, a chief of Shekomeko, 89 Schaticooks, elements creating the, 000, date of organization, 000, take part in battle of 0089, 008, of Connecticut, 000 Schenectady, destroyed by the French, 000 Schodac, capital in the Mahicans, 88 Seatalcats, precise location of the, 00 Secatogues, location of the, 00 Senecas, a tribal division of Iroquois, 00, villages of, 98, by war with all the Minsis, ’08, 000, abordnung visits Ft Orange, 1000, included with Mohawks in peacefulness of Esopus, 000, Stuyvesant urges these to make serenity with the Minsis, 000, subjugate

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